
Teen Wolf: Void Stiles

A single choice changes the whole story. Stiles moved away from the flashlights and cadaver dogs as he wasn't necessarily excited to get caught by his father. He had gone the exact opposite direction of the barking and beams of light and now he was lost somewhere in the woods with Scott, his asthmatic best friend beside him. who was taking a puff from his inhaler for every third step and it was irritating to say the least. It felt like they had been wandering around for a long time, when they came across a gigantic wolf. It could have been the sighting of a Wolf in California for the first time in 60 years. He could have taken a pic to prove it but the wolf seemed to hate the idea. So they ran. They ran while bleeding from it's bites. They didn't know but a new chapter has been opened in their boring life. #Universes combined till now: -Teen Wolf -Twilight -Scream [Movies] • Stiles won't be a werewolf. • It will be Harem but might not be the kind you expect it to be. • No yaoi [Don't even think about it] • It is an AU. So Canon might be different. ----- Disclaimer: I don't own any characters of Teen Wolf or the Cover pic. Support me on patreon, if you wish. Link: patreon.com/Darkwolfest 1. You will get 20+ additional chapters in total. 2. Exclusive voting power and special shout outs. 3. Sponsorship for my latest chapters. 4. Exclusive content, exclusive access to upcoming stories and much more.

Dark_Asmodeus · Televisi
Peringkat tidak cukup
45 Chs

1: Q&A [1]

Hello dear readers.

I hear ye, I hear ye and I'm here ye.

A little Warning before we begin this Q&A.

A few readers have asked questions, whose answers maybe spoilers for others. So I would draw a line ------- like this. Which means the questions after this would have spoilers, so please skip it.

*Let's Begin*

1) Why is the chapter updates not scheduled properly?

I will be honest with you and accept the fault that it is my doing. I have too much of things going on personally, socially and educationally to properly write the next chapters.

Also I have make sure I write the chapters perfectly to avoid derailing the characters true nature because I have a skeleton plot points of this story from start to end, so yeah, I need a ton of time to think the chapter through.

2) What does Harem but not exactly Harem means? Is that a tagbait?

No. It is not.

It is Harem but not exactly the way you think it will be. This can be considered a minor spoiler so skip the next line if you want.

---I'm thinking about the ORV route----

---------Spoilers Q&A-----

Read at your own risk.

3) Why hasn't Stiles found what he is yet?

The knowledge Stiles need has been made forbidden and you are right, Stiles won't stop looking into it, no matter what.

4) What is Stiles?

I'm pretty sure the Title of the story say's it all.

5) What are his powers and when will he learn to control them?

The black flames are one of them much like Foxfire, most of Stiles' abilities are yet to appear.

Right now, the story is at a mid part of season 1 volume, he will understand and take full control of his powers by Season 2 volume end.


[A/N: That's all for this Q&A. If you have anymore question.

Leave them here and I will answer them on the next one.]

Drop your powerstones and your pants.

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