
Botched murder and a triple date

The next morning, as soon as Alastor entered the school building, the atmosphere around him was strangely tense. As soon as he crossed the threshold, he heard talk of the incident that had occurred during the night.

It appeared that there had been an attack on the school bus, and most of the students were convinced that it was the work of some wild beast. But Alastor knew better. This was clearly looking like an alpha's trail.

After overhearing Scott and Stiles, he heard Scott begin to suspect himself, believing that he might have been the one involved in the attack. Apparently the alpha had summoned him in some way, but his memories of it were only in the form of fragmented dreams.

When the police arrived to inspect the bus, Alastor's classroom was just across the street. Through the window he watched the officers carefully move the body of the assault victim.

Suddenly, as they pulled him, the man jumped up sharply and screamed, instantly scaring all the students who were watching. Shrieks erupted in the classroom and some recoiled from the window, but Alastor remained calm, watching intently.

After the body was taken away, Alastor decided to take a closer look at the scene. As he approached the bus, he picked up two different smells, one belonging to Scott and the other to the alpha.

The alpha's scent was wild and distorted, with an animal tinge, but, even so, Alastor could pick up a faint hint of the Hale family scent. It could mean that the alpha might be of their lineage.

The question was whether Scott was fighting alongside the alpha or trying to stop him. The lack of information prevented Alastor from drawing any definitive conclusions.

Later, in the dining room, Alastor and Malia joined the communal table where Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Jackson, Danny and Allison were already seated. The conversation, predictably, immediately turned to the attack on the bus.

- 'I heard it was a cougar,' Denny said, taking a sip from his bottle.

Jackson snorted and leaned back in his chair.

- 'I heard it was a mountain lion.'

Lydia rolled her eyes and fixed her hair.

- 'A cougar is a mountain lion, it's the same thing.'

Jackson raised an eyebrow in bewilderment, his gaze expressing doubt.

- 'Isn't it?' - Lydia added with a slight chuckle, savouring the moment.

Alastor decided to inject his own note of humour:

- 'Or maybe it was a werewolf?'

Everyone but Scott and Stiles laughed. Their faces tensed, but they tried to hide their excitement behind the joke. Stiles, not looking away from his phone screen, showed everyone the video report.

- 'His name is Harrison Meyers,' he said, pausing. - 'And he survived.'

Scott tensed.

- 'I know him. He was the driver of the bus I used to ride.'

Malia, Lydia, and Allison, meanwhile, began discussing the idea of a triple date. Alastor's face remained unperturbed, though inwardly he wasn't thrilled with the idea. Even more so, he noticed that Scott didn't like it either.

- 'Let's go bowling,' Lydia suggested with a cheerful smile.

- 'I don't like playing with amateurs,' Jackson replied glumly, flashing his white teeth with confidence.

Alastor grinned.

- 'Whichever team loses closes the score.'

The suggestion elicited approving nods from everyone present.

After breakfast, Scott, Stiles and Alastor were walking down the corridor. Scott, frowning, complained that he was completely inept at bowling. Alastor shrugged and advised him to just use his supernatural reflexes, 'That way Jackson won't stand a chance.'

Scott was too absorbed in his own thoughts, however, thinking about the events of the last few days, and began to tell Stiles about his problems. Stiles on the other hand, completely distracted from the subject, was wondering aloud if Danny, who everyone knew was gay, might like him.

- 'Wait Scott, can a gay man like me?'

Scott walked away without answering the strange question, leaving Stiles alone with Alastor. Alastor, sensing the moment for a prank, gently turned Stiles' face towards him and ran his thumb over his lips, looking at him with theatrical lust. Stiles slapped his hand in horror and exclaimed:

- 'Dude, what the hell!?'

Alastor couldn't stand it any longer and started laughing like he hadn't laughed in a century. Stiles, unable to stand it, laughed too. The students passing by looked at them in surprise, as if they were two madmen, but Alastor didn't even notice, enjoying the rare moment of amusement.

School was over, and Scott, full of anxiety and doubt, headed towards one of the darkest places in the city - the Hale house, destroyed after the fire. The streets were deserted, the evening shadows beginning to engulf the town in silence, but Scott felt no fear. The only question on his mind was, 'Who attacked the bus driver?'

As he approached the house, he spotted a silhouette in the shadows of the ruined walls. Derek stood at the entrance as if knowing Scott was coming. His predatory posture and gaze were reminiscent of a wolf ready to pounce. The werewolf was grim, his eyes piercing the space as if trying to look into Scott's very soul.

Scott, apologising for being arrested, got straight to the point:

- 'I think I did something, I had a dream, but it turns out someone else got hurt, and not in the dream at all.'

Derek slowly turned to him, his face remained impenetrable.

- 'you think you were the one who attacked the bus driver?'

Scott hesitated, remembering that dream, vague images and smells memorised in his subconscious.

- 'Possibly, but it could also have been the alpha.'

Those words caught Derek off guard. Not expecting that answer, he glanced at Scott, his eyes narrowed.

- 'How do you know about the alpha?' - The tension was growing in his voice.

Scott sensed it and decided not to hide anything. He sighed and spoke up:

- 'Alastor told me about it.'

Derek frowned, his tone becoming even more wary.

- 'Is he one of Alpha's converts too?'

Scott shook his head, clearly remembering Alastor's words and actions.

- 'No. He's an Alpha too.'

Derek froze, his eyes rounded in surprise. This hadn't been part of his plans. He hadn't expected to meet another alpha, and Scott's words seemed too unrealistic. Still, he asked:

- 'What do you mean "too"? How do you know he's an alpha?'

- 'His eyes glowed red, and he was much stronger than me.'

Derek froze for a moment, his mind going over his options. If Alastor was an alpha, as Scott claimed, that could complicate things.

- 'How do you know he's not the alpha that bit you?' - Derek looked directly at Scott, his eyes glowing with suspicion.

Scott shook his head, dismissing that possibility:

- 'He saved Stiles' life when I almost killed him, and besides, he doesn't seem like a psychotic maniac. He lives a normal life, he has a girlfriend.'

Those words made Derek think for a moment. He still wasn't completely convinced, but something in Scott's voice seemed sincere. However, the thought that this mysterious alpha might have been involved in his sister's murder kept him on his toes. If it was really him - Derek had to find him. But if Scott was right, and Alastor wasn't the enemy, that opened up a new possibility.

Derek was silent for a moment, pondering. If this Alastor really is the alpha, then perhaps a temporary alliance with him would give him a chance to gain the strength to fight the one who killed his sister.

Finally, the werewolf exhaled and said:

- 'Go back to the bus. Your new abilities may help you remember what really happened. You'll find answers there.'

Scott nodded, though the anxiety still wouldn't let him go. He turned to leave, but before he left the Hale house, he looked back. Derek stood frozen in the shadow of the ruined walls, his thoughts hovering somewhere far away. Whatever he was thinking, it didn't bode well.

The evening was calm and serene as Scott, Alastor, Jackson, Lydia, Alison and Malia drove up to the bowling centre. There was an atmosphere of fun and carefree in the air, everyone was going to have a good time. But Scott, sensing a growing unease, decided that he needed to speak to Alastor alone before the game. He took him aside, away from everyone.

- 'Alastor, we need to talk,' he began, looking round to make sure no one was eavesdropping.

- 'What's wrong?' - Alastor looked at Scott intently, seeing that something was bothering him.

- 'I was with Stiles by the bus...and I remembered what happened that night.'

Alastor frowned, waiting for him to continue.

- 'It was the alpha. I knew it from the glowing red eyes. I tried to protect the bus driver, but...' - Scott fell silent, as if he couldn't find the words to describe what he'd seen.

Alastor nodded, listening to Scott with attention. It confirmed his own suspicions.

- 'So the alpha...' - Alastor stretched out. - 'How did it occur to you to get back on the bus?'

Scott looked at Alastor a little uncertainly.

- 'It was Derek's idea. He said my new powers would help me remember what happened.'

Alastor nodded, smiling.

- 'Well, it seems Derek was right. But for now, we need to take our minds off of it. Shall we go bowling?'

They returned to the others and the game began. Jackson took the first ball and struck out with ease. He smiled smugly and it was obvious he was savouring his moment of triumph.

- 'Your turn, Scott,' Jackson said, handing the ball over.

Scott, trying not to show his nervousness, took the ball and prepared to throw. But his movement was awkward and the ball flew the wrong way, banging against the track with a loud thud before tumbling into the side chute.

Malia, Jackson and Alastor immediately burst into laughter.

- 'It's nothing Scott, you just need to warm up,' Alison encouraged him, giving him a supportive smile.

But Jackson couldn't help himself:

- 'Yeah, he needs bowling nappies,' he teased.

Lydia couldn't hold back a smile either, and Alastor and Malia were already laughing heartily, clearly enjoying the moment.

- 'Try aiming for the centre,' Alison suggested, continuing to smile at Scott.

Scott took the second ball, centred himself and threw again. This time the ball rolled a little further, but went sideways again at the end.

- 'If you were as good at lacrosse as you are at bowling, Jackson and I would have been kicked off the team a long time ago,' Alastor said, his voice full of mockery.

Jackson and Alastor broke into even louder laughter, and Jackson held out his hand for Alastor to high-five him.

- 'What else are friends for if not to make jokes at you at awkward moments?' - Alastor said when their fun had died down a little.

Scott smiled nervously, realising there was nothing he could do about it. But Alison, trying to help him relax, suddenly jumped up from her seat and said with a sly smile:

- 'Just relax, think of me, naked.'

The words came out of surprise and Scott froze, his face reddening, followed by a silly grin on his face. Alastor and Malia smirked upon hearing this, throwing joking glances at each other.

- 'Well Scott, apparently you have a new tactic now,' Alastor teased him, continuing to chuckle along with Malia.

The game continued, and this time Alastor and Malia had an incredible performance. They struck out strike after strike, each of their throws seemed perfect. Jackson, used to being the centre of attention, was clearly nervous. He couldn't believe he was losing.

By the end of the game, it was clear that Alastor and Malia had won, with Scott and Alison in second place. Jackson and Lydia, watching their triumph with disappointment, had to admit defeat. Jackson, hiding his displeasure, pulled out his wallet to pay the bill, after all, losers always pay.

- 'I have to hand it to both of you. I didn't realise you were such bowling professionals,' Jackson said with feigned indifference as he handed over the money.

- 'Well, some talents come unexpectedly,' Alastor replied with a smirk.