
Teen Wolf: The head of the Spider

The Phantom Troupe has entered an ancient ruin in The Dark Continent. Just as they begin to move deeper, violent whispers violate Chrollo's mind and he falls unconscious. After he wakes up, he finds himself in the middle of a forest. Where is he? Where are his friends? What will he do? ..... I am doing something like this for the first time, so go easy on me. English is my second language and if i make grammar mistakes, please correct me. The cover is NOT mine and if the owner recognizes it, contact me. Happy reading!!! No romance and no harem. If you want to support the novel, follow me on p.a.t.r.e.o.n: patreon.com/SENYSONAMEN

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Chapter 8

The day was slowly transforming into night. In front of the Hale house, Derek, wearing a leather jacket, white shirt and black jeans, waited for Chrollo to come. 

A few minutes later, Derek, who was leaning on his car, noticed something and turned his head to his right.

''Your senses are getting better.'' Chrollo greeted Derek.

''No, I'm pretty sure you purposely made yourself recognizable.'' Derek was uncomfortable that If he really wanted, Chrollo could sneak up on him.

Chrollo wasn't wearing a shirt, leaving his body only covered with a dark purple shearling jacket, reaching to his thighs, he had ripped black jeans with white belt and black shoes.

''You really are from the Caddel family, aren't you?'' Derek concluded after finding out that Chrollo wasn't in school for a week.

''Yes, I am.'' The answer caught Derek off guard, expecting him to deny it.

''There is no need to be surprised, Derek. Eventually, you would have found out.''

''What do you plan on doing now? I know your family is strictly professional, but what about you?'' Derek was feeling uneasy. If there was someone, who could silently sneak up on him and is from a hunter family, which taught him how to hunt, then, of course, Derek has to know his stance.

Chrollo smiled ''I plan on hunting that Alpha. Knowing this, are you going to kill me? After all, the Alpha and his betas are, usually, closer than family.''

Despite Chrollo looking defenseless right now, he is anything but that. With daggers, hidden under his jeans, bound to his shin, and him, getting used to his new body, thanks to the sparrings with the other family members, Chrollo is ready to kill Derek, here and now.

''... I, too, want to kill the Alpha.'' Chrollo didn't expect that. However, it isn't enough to shock him.

''I see, then, what is your relationship with the Alpha.'' Asked Chrollo.

''Don't misunderstand, I was born a werewolf, he didn't make me one. And I want to kill him, because that bast**d killed my sister.''

''To accomplish that, I need Scott.'' Derek said his story.

Chrollo thought, whether to help Derek or kill him now to eliminate a potential enemy. 'I need to kill the Alpha to become strong quickly, by doing that, I can research more dangerous things, which will help me find a way back home. The bad news is, I don't know how long is this going to take. And I don't have even a clue.'

''Why are you staying silent?'' Derek frowned.

''I am thinking, wait a bit.'' Chrollo didn't look at him.

'On the other hand, I can help Derek become an Alpha. I can grow stronger by drinking the blood of the corpse, which Dylan told me isn't a problem, as long as the Alpha had died within an hour. It will take longer, but having an Alpha as an ally can be useful. I am bound to get stronger, so in the long run, it's better to help Derek.''

''Derek, I will help you to kill the Alpha.'' Chrollo said. 

''How can you benefit from this?'' Derek didn't trust Chrollo at all.

''Well, we will eliminate a common enemy, so that makes us allies. And it is always good to have strong allies, don't you think so?'' Chrollo explained to Derek.

Derek couldn't understand what Chrollo is thinking. 'He is right about one thing, though. I need strong allies, and Scott doesn't understand the importance of it, yet.'

''I understand. When will we begin?'' Derek was talking about the sparring.

''Now.'' The word barely left Chrollo's mouth before he lunged at Derek, with the daggers in hands.

Derek didn't expect the attack, thanks to that, Chrollo managed to make a small cut on Derek's face.

''Are you crazy?! You could've killed me!'' Derek, now transformed in his werewolf form, screamed at Chrollo.

''You dodged, right?'' Chrollo used his right hand to attack the Derek's heart, but the werewolf sidestepped, and now the human was wide open. Derek grasped the opening and closed the distance with his right claws aimed at Chrollo's chest. 

Chrollo blocked with his left hand and right after that, slashed with his free arm from above with a dagger, being held in reverse grip.

Derek used both his hand in 'X' shape to stop Chrollo. Expecting that, Chrollo used his knee, hitting Derek in the stomach. 


Derek stepped back a few steps and what greeted him was a kick dangerously close to his face.

He barely dodged by moving his head back, seeing Chrollo with one leg in the air, Derek went to the right, appearing next to Chrollo.

Chrollo didn't let him do anything and aimed for Derek's throat in a straight line, using his left hand.

That was a trap, set up by Derek, and he grabbed Chrollo's hand with his own left one and with nothing guarding Chrollo's lower body area, Derek left 5 deep lines on the boy's waist.

Unfortunately for Derek, Chrollo barely felt the pain. Chrollo twisted his body, so that he can attack Derek with his right leg.

Derek thought that he had won, so clearly the kick moving toward him surprised him. Sadly, that wasn't enough for Chrollo to deal a fatal blow. Derek's left hand was still holding Chroll's, because of that, the werewolf blocked with his free hand.

Chrollo still managed to push him a few meters, making Derek collide with a tree. Just as the half-wolf was ready for an attack, the only thing he saw was a small projectile aiming at his head.

The dagger was too fast for Derek to react in this close distance. He could only watch at the dagger, which was about to take his life.

However, what he awaited didn't come. The dagger was stucked only a few centimeters away from his head.

''Looks like I win this round.'' Chrollo announced.

The almost traumatized Derek sighed ''This wasn't a spar.''

''If it was a battle, you would be dead.'' Chrollo smiled.

After that, they continued to spar for an hour. By the end of it, both has sustained many injuries, with only a few fatal.