
Teen Wolf: Night Shift Hunter

California is infested with vampires but in a town called Beacon Hills exists another apex predator. The Werewolves. Vampires fear Werewolves because of their venomous teeth and superior strength. Lucien is part of a hunters family dating back to the 1500s that gained their fame by killing the infamous Dracula and another monster called The Beast of Gevaudan who reign supreme back then, There exist multiple companies that buy Vampire teeth due to their medical breakthrough on healing properties and thus these companies buy Vampire fangs as well as werewolves and any other creature for the development of humans, of course, this goes all under the public's eyes. Lucien was turned at a young age and will have to deal with his change. He will become a Hunter an Alpha Hunter. ..... Reas Auxiliar Chapter Before diving into this kinky book .... By the Way, there will be Sex, a LOT of it. a LOT of unconditional sex friends would do anything for Lucien, even kill themselves. The plot? The plot is trash, I'm going with the wave, I planned this after watching Day Shift. I have to say. Teen Wolf world doesn't have Vampires but since it doesn't have Vampires then that gives me more world background in the future as I introduced these Day Shift vampires in the world. Harem Yes, this is Harem so if you don't like that don't read it, I don't wanna see low reviews there just because it's a harem, I'll delete those mfs so be warned. You can review my trashy fic but not just because it's a harem, besides Harem, there will be cheating and netori . No women will cheat on MC of course. You know me I don't do da shet. Again, I only own my MC everything else belongs to their respective authors or directors. Names here that are alike in the real world is just coincidence and don't relate to the real world. OUR world. All of these characters are fictional characters. Also, I downloaded the pic from google but can't find the original author, I however only changed the eye color to red. I do not profit from this, I do this for free since this isn't my original world but I sure hope you vote with stones though if you like, and leave a review. Anyways, that's all, and have a great day, humans!

TheLonelyGod · TV
Peringkat tidak cukup
62 Chs

Punishment** #43

"Would you like some water?" asked Lucien at Kate, Kate had her hands tied up over her head as the rest of her body hang.

He offered water because he wasn't so heartless and saw the dried lips of hers.

Kate nodded and a cup if water was brought to her lips, she drank it and looked up at Lucien.

Hope was evident on her eyes at the beginning whe she saw Lucien but... now, punishment?

Her body heated up and her heart pounded as fast as Lucien pounding Natalie poor milfy pussy. She sae them once and since then, him is the only thing in her mind, she dreamt of him doing her rougher.

and now

Her cave started twitching and drip for whatever punishment he had in mind for her.

She widened her eyes when she saw him walking towards the jumper cables and battery charger, her body felt this indescribible heat rising up, expectation and a little fear.


Lucien touched both cables' ends together making sparks, he put the setting to low and glanced at her, she had clothes on so he pouted.

He gently caress her body as he removed her clothes making Kate shudder "Do you like that?" he asked.

"Hnm" Kate bit her lower lips and let out a soft moan, soon all her clothes were gone and she was fully naked, her nipples were hard and juice was leaking from between her knees.

Lucien smirked and rubbed his finger between her fold making a squishy sound.

"Ahnn" Kate arched her back, her knees trembled and stood on her toes as she felt herself cumming hard on his hand.

"Hmm" Lucien brought his fingers up and showed them to her, they were wet "Open up" said Lucien and Kate opened her mouth and tasted her own fluids.


She moaned and closed her eyes and started sucking his fingers off, Lucien pulled them out making a pop sound as she didn't wanna let go.

"You have been a bad girl, Kate"

Kate pursed her quivering lips and nodded, she knew she has been, all her life and now, now it was time to pay the prize, however, she didn't know if in the end she will end up being sane or broken, either way, she was looking forward to her punishment.

"Good, it's good you admit it... don't you often like to electrecute people?" he asked knowing the answer.

Kate shuddered yet again glancing at the jumper cables, she nodded again.

"Have you ever been tortured before?" he asked.

She shook her head.

"Good" said Lucien as he grabbed both cables and smiled at her.

"I will break you"

Kate saw the cables coming to her flat, toned belly and her eyes rolled back as electricity ran over her body "Ahhhhhnnn"

She screamed for however long Lucien had the cables on her, when he took them off her, she was breathing heavy, tears ran down her cheeks as she glanced at him with a daze, her body twitched from time to time still feeling the after shocks.

"I have felt the electricity before" said Lucien as he connected the cables to himself and turned the power to high, the sparkles ran over the cable onto his body and he didn't feel much but a sting.

"You see, I trained my body everyday and maybe doing this was a bit masochist on my part but I never enjoyed it, all this was for the sole purpose of strengthening my body" he commented

Kate widened her eyes seeing him unfazed by the electricity running around his body.

Being an earth manipulator also helped in his training, after all ground nullifies electricity.

"Now then" said Lucien as he disconnected the cables from him and saw her nipples twitching for attention.

Kate eyes bulged out seeing Lucien go for her nipples but still kept quiet and didn't dare say anything, if anything she was dripping down there faster.


Kate gritted her teeth "Hiiiiighhh" saliva drooled down her lips as her eyes crossed to the back of her head again.

This time her body went limp after a while, her body sweating, her chest heaving as she felt exhausted and took deep breaths.

"You burned the Hales, and who knows how many more you tortured before" said Lucien.

Kate's mind was spinning but still heard what Lucien said, Kate shed a tear "I-I'm sor-ry" croaked, her voice breaking down as she started crying.

"Well, I am not the one who has to forgive, but I doubt those people are alive so you have a lot to atone for you know"

Kate whimpered and nodded

"Of course, this doesn't mean I'm stopping your punishment for threatening ny dear Allison before" smirked Lucien.

Kate smiled weakly and nodded accepting her punishment.

For a full hour Lucien abused her body, in the end she ended up the same way Lysa had ended when he was a kid, a broken doll, Kate's eyes were dull and had no light but upon seeing her beloved master, her eyes gained the light back in the shape of hearts.

Lucien didn't have his anal beads so he used his cock spreading her now gaping hole "How do you feel?" asked Lucien smiling at her.

Kate blushed "I feel fantastic, sir" she answered as if she hadn't been punished.

"Did you like being my anal fuck toy?" he mused.

"I loved it!" answered Kate happily, her body was still hanging from her hands.

"Have you notice something yet?" asked Lucien intrigued.

Kate tilted her head and looked down and now that her eyes gained clarity from her punishment, she noticed her body had no wounds or slashes or bruises even.

She looked up at him expecting some answers, Lucien laughed "Did Peter bite you?"

She shook her head.

"Did he slashed you with his claw?"

Kate widened her eyes, Peter had indeed stabbed her with his claws.

"You have turned completely now" elaborated Lucien.

"But I am very curious because I don't feel a werewolf inside you but something else" Lucien eyes turned red "Turn" he commanded in deep guttural voice.

She arched her back and released her self from her hold and fell on the ground, she thrashed on the ground for a minute before she got on all fours and a tail came out from her back, some parts of her body had turned into yellow fur wit black spots, her eyes were green.

"Congratulations, you are a werejaguar" said Lucien as he crouched down and caressed her face, she purred and rubbed her body on his legs, her tail swirling around his cock before she started sucking it.

"Uff" Lucien groaned as he felt his whole cock down her throat, this was so wrong but yet it felt so good, her little fangs scratiching his cock as she bobbed her head.


She gagged and slurped his precum, after a while he felt himself cumming and he kept her head steady, her stretched lips wrapped tightly around the base.



She drank glob after glob, his seed was traveling visible through her throat as she drank with gusto while purring.

When Lucien stopped, Kate's belly was full with a small bump, Lucien was about to have sex with three girls earlier so his pent up fustration was visible on Kate's bloated stomach.

She laid there licking his toes waiting for his command.

Lucien felt weird, usually when he lost control in his earlier years, it was him being the furry but now? is this considered beastiality or furry? is it the same?

Lucien shrugged his shoulders, it wasn't like Kate was a total jaguar right row, she looks more like Cheetah from DC, her body looked hot even with the amount of fur around her body.

He patted her head and dressed back "Let's go back, I think it's time for you to be the pet of the house"

Kate stood up and followed him, naked. Lucien looked back at her and commanded her to go back to human, her body obeyed the command but she soon passed out.

Lucien sighed, he was tempted to drag her but in the end he decided to picke her up princes carry, when he arrived to his house, Allison, Lydia and Natalie came rushing down.

"Luci, are you okay?" asked Allison and Lydia.

Natalie just smiled at him and nodded, despite being worry sick she couldn't act the same as her daughter, she was grown up, of course acting grown up did not applied while he fucks her brains out, Natalie hugged him still "I'm glad to see you okay" said Natalie after both teenager girls kissed their boyfriend all over.

"Lucien, why are you naked and why do you have your aunt?" asked Lydia, Allison nodded wondering the same.

"Well, long story short I killed my hunters, peter died, tor- punished Kate a little and in the end, she was transformed into werejaguar" simplified Lucien.

All of them glanced at Kate who was sleeping soundly in his embrace, Allison saw this and asked "Does that mean she is forgiven?" she asked.

"Forgiven? I don't know. She will make up for all the bad things she is done... hopefully, otherwise, punishment for her... not that she would mind that" said Lucien murmuring the last to himself.

Allison smiled and hugged Lucien, truth be told, Kate was family, despite being a bitch, so this development made Allison happy because, her dad won't be sad if Lucien had decided to kill her, also there is that thing that Kate was closest to her aunty Maribel.

"I will take her to one of the guest rooms, from now on she will be the maid/bodyguard due to her being a werejaguar, she can control her transformation better than werewolves AND she is stronger than your average beta, the level of her physical prowers near that of an alpha"

"Woah" said Lydia.

Allison nodded while Natalie was confused which made Lucien laughed and pecked her lips on the way to the guest rooms.



"Kate is fine, it turns out she was actualky captured and turned into a werejaguar but Lucien will tahe care of her" said Chris sounding tired.

Victoria sighed too, Kate had gone earlier to hunt but hadn't return and while they were dead worried about her, they were still restless.

Victoria stood up and walked towards her room, Chris gave her a little smirk and wiggle his eyebrow "Wanna have fun tonight?" he asked.

"So that you can be done in five minutes and I have to finish my self? no thanks" she glared at him.

Chris felt an arrow to his heart, he also noticed his sexual intesity with Victoria died years ago, he didn't know how to deal with this "Maybe, Lucien may know since he is experienced in this stuff?" he asked himself.


*Beacon Hills Police Department*

[All units available near mile 69 east, a 187 has been found]

The radio cut and the Sheriff grabbed his hat and left, when he arrived, he saw blood and chunks of flesh around as well as a corpse and a van that is upside down "What in the hell?" he said.

This was just a mile away from the entrance of Lucien's Villa so he decided to go and ask if he's seen something.


Lucien was relaxing outside with Natalie as both Lydia and Allison were exhausted after their little spar, Natalie was leaned her back on his chest as she tried Lucien's cigarette and coughed as she has never done this before.

In front of Lucien was a fire and inside the fire were the ashes of his shreds of clothes that had exploded along with Mike, he couldn't leave his clothes as evidence aftet all.

"Never smoke before?" asked Lucien and Natalie timidly shoon her head.

Before the smell of cigar would totally disgust her but now, coming from her lover's mouth made it appetizing for her.

"Do you want to be a werewolf?" asked Lucien to Natalie.

Natalie felt excited "Thought you'd never asked" she said and started kissing him passionately.
