
Teen Wolf: Night Shift Hunter

California is infested with vampires but in a town called Beacon Hills exists another apex predator. The Werewolves. Vampires fear Werewolves because of their venomous teeth and superior strength. Lucien is part of a hunters family dating back to the 1500s that gained their fame by killing the infamous Dracula and another monster called The Beast of Gevaudan who reign supreme back then, There exist multiple companies that buy Vampire teeth due to their medical breakthrough on healing properties and thus these companies buy Vampire fangs as well as werewolves and any other creature for the development of humans, of course, this goes all under the public's eyes. Lucien was turned at a young age and will have to deal with his change. He will become a Hunter an Alpha Hunter. ..... Reas Auxiliar Chapter Before diving into this kinky book .... By the Way, there will be Sex, a LOT of it. a LOT of unconditional sex friends would do anything for Lucien, even kill themselves. The plot? The plot is trash, I'm going with the wave, I planned this after watching Day Shift. I have to say. Teen Wolf world doesn't have Vampires but since it doesn't have Vampires then that gives me more world background in the future as I introduced these Day Shift vampires in the world. Harem Yes, this is Harem so if you don't like that don't read it, I don't wanna see low reviews there just because it's a harem, I'll delete those mfs so be warned. You can review my trashy fic but not just because it's a harem, besides Harem, there will be cheating and netori . No women will cheat on MC of course. You know me I don't do da shet. Again, I only own my MC everything else belongs to their respective authors or directors. Names here that are alike in the real world is just coincidence and don't relate to the real world. OUR world. All of these characters are fictional characters. Also, I downloaded the pic from google but can't find the original author, I however only changed the eye color to red. I do not profit from this, I do this for free since this isn't my original world but I sure hope you vote with stones though if you like, and leave a review. Anyways, that's all, and have a great day, humans!

TheLonelyGod · TV
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62 Chs

New Betas and Trouble #45

(A/n: sorry about the delay, I am replacing my phonr and I had to tranfer all the data so it took some time, here you go, 2k words for you my dude!)

When Lucien and the girls went back to school the next day, he came accross some new scents.

A boy named Issac, a black kid named Boyd and a nee hot blonde girl, who he remembers waving everytime he sees her, Erica.

She walked towards him in a sensual and inviting way, once in front of him. Allison and Lydia rose their eyebrow at her bold move, then they widened their eyes seeing Erica basically pushing her tongue into Lucien's mouth, a failing at conquering his godly tongue, only for her to release a cute little whimper.

When she pulled back, she was blushing and to keep herself calm and acting high and mighty. she left not looking back, she didn't dare because if she did, she was definetly sure she'll go back and strip right there and then and let him have his way wkth her.

Her teenage hormones were raised to the max, she was already wet between her legs just from that kiss, she dreamt of this for so long. Ever since she saw him. she thought him dreamy and now that she is dreamy and desirable based on the male AND female stares, she went for the kiss. She knew about Allison and Lydia being his girlfriends but just then she also felt threatened by Allison, Allison smelt weird in some way for her, same as Lydia.

She was about to lowet her head to her but because of her new pride, she would have wanted to humiliate herself in front of her dream boyfriend. That kiss was a marking kiss, a mark that she will forver be with her. a mark saying, I am his and ONLY his, because she was sure no one would kiss like him. so demanding and throat fucking her with his tongue.

Boyd and Isaac were more tamed, Boyd wanted to keep his powers in line because this was all new to him. He doesn't even know why he accepted the bite, all he knows is that with this bite, he could have better oportunities out there, better jobs and all that.

Isaac for once wanted to feel in power, stronger than his dad who always beat him. Once he got these powers he was going to deal with his dad but he wasn't home when he left to school so he couldn't put him in his place.

The one scent Lucien thought smelled like a wet lizard and werewolf all together was Jackson, he looked at smug to him "I got the bit" he said cokily.

'Should I tell him?' asked Lucien to himself as he had come across a scent like this. Lucien shrugged hia shoulders and let him be, right now he needed to calm down an angry alpha by his side, Allison was staring daggers at Erica's back.

"How dare that slut take what's mi- hiiigh" she was interrupted by a slap on het bum.

"Jeleous, baby?" asked Lucien gabbring her chin and kissing her.

After a tongue battle, Allison felt better "Nope" she answered.

Lydia seeing this grabbed his collar and pulled him down to kiss him herself, she inserted tongue as well and grabbed his crotch massaging his cock making it grow.

She gave him a little smirk and walked away with Allison, both girls giggling as they left a Lucien with an erection that traveled down his knees. Girls were biting their lower lips, even some of the female teachers widened their eyes at him and gave him winks.

Lucien took a deep breath and calmed himself, his erection going back to normal, but when taking in the air, he came upon a troiblesome scent, he looked back and saw a burnette sexy girl with a short blouse that showed her belku buttom and a really really mini school skirt.

She stood there wide eye as her eyes goble him up from top to bottom, once she recognized the man in front of her she ran and threw herself at him.

Lucien sidestepped and let her fall on the ground, her G-string showing as her ass was up in the air.

"Owie" she faked pain. she pouted and then smirked "M-a-s-t-e-r... your little slut is back~" cooed the girl.

Lucien rubbed his temples "Jennifer, how did you find me?"

"it's been a long time since this pet hasn't gotten her treat... I am going crazy... so please... please... fuck me" she knelt in front of him, running her hands up his knees.

The students around gasps and murmurs started spreading.

"He is a beast!"

"God, I woukd grovel like that and worship him myself"

"Lucky bitch!"

"I am a man, I am a man" said a guy.

"I am not" said the other guy beside him.

"Shut up, Danny" he said making the other chuckled.

Lucien heard them all, the teachers were angry right now, but not for the display in school but their jeleousy is oozing out of them.

Lucien grabbef Jennife from her hand roughly making her moan in front of everyone, she moaned loud so they could hear, she liked drama and chaos after all. Lucien pulled her away and threw her hard outside the school into a storage loft.

He grabbed her throat and she started moaning at the rough treatment "Y-yes, ch-choke me master~" she cooed.

Lucien slapped her on her face "Aghnnn yess moore~" she moaning, she had literal hearts in her glazy eyes.

"I dumped your ass back then, don't you learned?" said Lucien harshly.

"I learned my lesson, master" she replied obediently "But I couldn't forget about you, no man is your equal and now I want nothing more than to be with you... I... I love... you" she said confused in the end "I loved the way you hurt me, if another man even tries to grab me like that, he'll be found under a bridge... but you? God, you are my GOD" she said fanatically "I love you, love you, I love you... I won't stop until you say you'll take me back" she pleaded.

Lucien really wanted to kill Jennifer right now, Lucien smiled at her and punched her gut, his hand came trough her back bloody and gutsy.

Jennifer's eyes widened and coughed up blood, he pulled his hand out and she fell limply on the ground, he crounched down, grabbed her hair and pulled her up to his eye level, Jennifer had blood tears running down as even now, she kept moaning "you'll be my second pet, won't you?" he asked.

Jennifer nodded with a crazy smile "Y-yes!!" she said excitedly. Her hole in her stomach was healing already. Lucien pat her cheeks "That was your punishment for ruining my day" he said.

Jennifer whimpered a nod and once her wound was healed, she knelt "Master, what do you want me to do"

"For starters, you will not harm anyone at this school, I don't care if you are thristy, you control yourself around me or next time my hand goes through your heart and kill you"

Jennifer shuddered and nodded, Lucien scoffed because she squirted on the ground as soon as she punched her guts out, she felt pleasure and not pain.

"Good, you'll meet my girls and you will treat them om the same level of respect as me otherwise I'll cut off your head and put it away from your body to prevent you from healing" he warned. Though he didn't know this would please her instead, she was an Uber vampire so decapitating her wasn't gonna work.

He once did punish her like that, he cut off her head and fucked her face, it was the most depraved thing he felt he had done before but he could let the chance to fuck a head like that.

"Let's go, then. I will present you to my two future wives, but first get change"

Jennifer did get change from spare clothes she had brought with her and when she camd back he was waiting for her in the same spot, she glanced at him "Will I be your wife?"

"No, you are my little pet... my second little pet" he said smiling.

Jennifer pouted but she didn't argue simply because she wanted to be his pet, it would be great to be his wife, but maybe in the future? she wondered, for now, she was a pet, a cute little pet.


"And so she will be staying with us, just like Kate, they are both going to take care of everything around the house, I no longer have to call maids to clean the villa, instead Jennifer here is really good at cleaning" he said to Allison and Lydia as he presented the slutty school girl behind him.

Jennifer smiled and waved at them "a pleasure" she said.

Lydia and Allison looked at Lucien funnily "How many more will you have?" they asked curious.

"Well, there is Jocelyn, Mariko, Sussanah and her pack, Corinne. These are the girls I promised to be my grils in the fiture, and maybe even Scott's mother?" answered Lucien truthfully.

Both girls laughed "You are such a beast, babe" said Lydia.

Allison glared at Jennifer "what is she?" she asked angry, her werewolf telling her to rip her throat off.

"She is a vampire with the ability to walk under the sun" said Lucien.

Lucien seeing Allison struggle against herself trying to kill Jennifer, he brought her to his embrace and her murdery gaze and intent melted away she looked up "I'm sorry, I almost lost control" she said scared.

Lucien smiled warmly at her and rubbed her cheeks "You don't have to worry, I will teach you. it's my faukt to bring you at school right after transforming, we will take the day off tomorrow and teach you to control it, okay?" he said.

"I won't come to shool too" commented Lydia "I also want to help and train" she pouted.

Lucien chuckled "Of course" this made Lydia smiled.

As they were talking, Scott walked by with a short girl who upon seeing Lucien she widened her eyes and trembled.

"Hey, are you okay?" asked Scott worried.

"Y-yeah" she answered. She glanced at Lucien, a memory came back to her.


It was known as an earthquake, but she knew better, it was a battle of monsters in her town, houses were destroyed and many people died, until another fearsome monster arrived, it was bigger than the rest and his growl made the souls of those around shake with fear. Even the earth responded to his growl and the earth opened up swallowing every single wolf like creatures that wete terrorizing her small town, no ome survived but her, she was the sole survivor of the whole situation.

Her family died and she would have died if itnwasn't for him, she didn't recognize him by face because at that timr it was dark and she could barely see since her glasses were lost, bit his voice, his voice was the same.

Oddly enough that earthquake did not take any humans with it but only the monsters, she felt lucky yet cursed for being the only survivor of this massacre, it was later broadcasted as a sudden earthquake that killed everyone but one girl, but she knew better.

Memlry End-

She closed her eyes and let her new boyfriend confort her, she felt lucky, she found Scott. He was sweet and they were going to meet his mother today.

(A/n: I won't bother to give you details but this scene wasn't to prepare Scott for NTR but it was to show what Lhcien is capable of)

Lucien didn't pay attention to her or Scott, he with his girls soon left and right after they left school, a black car stopped at the school, out came an old man in a business suit amd walked into the office.

"I understand there is a director position open for the school?" asked the old man smirking. 'I think it's time to be here for my grandkids' he thought evilly.