Nicholas Walker, a sophomore in highschool, gets turned into a werewolf. A normal teenage kid thrown into supernatural. How will he survive? Will he become a monster? or Can he carve out a different path?
Nick's POV
By the time I woke up, it was already noon. I opened my eyes, staring at the ceiling, thinking about the mess and chaos brought into my life. I wanted all this to be dream. Even though I am stronger, have better senses than most humans, I craved for the normal days I had before all this. Sighing about the situation I am in and my future, I got up from the bed and freshened up as my stomach was growling from hunger.
After getting ready, I went downstairs. As I passed my brother's room, I peeked into it hoping to talk to him but was disappointed to see him not there. When I reached the hall downstairs, I saw my mother, father and brother sitting around the table eating food.
When I saw how happy they were, I didn't want to disturb them. I saw Zach noticing me and for a second, I saw fear flash in his eyes as he became timid and drooped his head down to eat. Seeing him like this my heart ached. Mom and dad also noticed me and hall became silent and awkward.
"Good Afternoon Mom, Dad, Zach. Why didn't you wake me up?"
"Oh son, we thought you should have enough rest after last day." Mom said and I could feel genuine care in her words
I heard as Zach dropped the spoon and said
"Mom, I have some homework to finish so I am going to my room." And dashed upstairs without even looking at me
"Okay" she replied
I sat in my chair slumped as my mom put my plates on the table.
General POV
Nick, Jon and Katherine were sitting around the table and eating the lunch in silence. Feel suffocating and awkward, Nick said
"I want to take a break from school."
"What? Why?" Katherine asked startled
"Because I want to learn to control my transformation and bloodlust. I don't want to feel out of control or despair like last time." Nick said with sadness etched on his face. If we look closely, we could even see tears welling up in the corner of his eyes.
Katherine got up from her seat and sat by his side and comforted him silently. Nick continued in hoarse voice
"Do you know, yesterday when moon came up, I really wanted to kill you, except the increasing bloodlust, my mind didn't process anything. It was like my body was under the control of moon and I was watching you getting maimed through my eyes. I really feared you would die by my hands." Nick sobbed and poured out all his feelings.
"It's okay, son. We know you didn't mean to do it and on top of it you didn't do anything." Katherine comforted nick.
A few moments later
"Mom, Dad, I have noticed that you are awfully calm about all this. Yesterday, even though you were scared, it didn't look you were scared because of the unknown, it was like you knew what happened to me and was scared about it." Nick said looking at them for a few seconds
Jon and Kat looked at each other with a smile on their faces. "Oh, you noticed. I thought we hid it well and didn't leave any clues for you to notice."
"Well, I have super senses and I could feel a subtle difference. Nick replied with a knowing smile
"Oh, son we didn't know that you were a werewolf until we saw you but we know about the existence of werewolves and supernatural." Jon said
"Oh" Nick replied
"Do you now what the history of werewolves in Greek history?" Jon asked
"No" Nick answered
"Lycaon and his sons angered the Greek god Zeus and Zeus in anger in turn cursed them to be werewolves." "Lycaon and his sons who turned into werewolves and lost their humanity went to druids for help." Jon said
"Why druids?" Nick asked
"It is believed that ancient druids could shapeshift. So, Lycaon approached them to turn them back to human but they couldn't help them back into human being but they taught how to shapeshift between a human and a werewolf. Like that druids became the emissaries of werewolves." Jon replied
"Okay but what does this have to do anything with us?" Nick asked confused
"Your great-grandfather was a druid and he passed on his skills to me." Jon said
"Okay, that how it is. So, you also told mom about it." Nick nodded his understanding the connection and said
"No, son. Even though I know how to be a druid but I didn't delve into the supernatural world. So, how could I have said to your mother about this" Jon said evidently confused why he asked about it.
I became confused dad didn't tell mom but they both didn't seem like this the first they have heard it.
"Son, are you thinking that how I know?" Katherine asked with mischievous smile on her face
"It's simple I am a descendant of a hunter family." Katherine said cheerfully without waiting for Nick to answer
"What do you by hunter?" Nick asked cautiously
"It exactly what you think, hunters hunt werewolves and protect the humans." Katherine said with an evil grin on her face.
"Oh, wonderful life, my father is a druid and my mother, a hunter." Nick said with all his life drained from his body and slumped on the chair.
"But then why don't you hunt?" Nick asked confused
"Well, son our family was one of the best and first hunter family formed and started hunting the supernatural. Our family name is Sidero, do you know what Sidero means in Greek?"
"Iron" Nick replied
"Yes, iron, our family used iron and another element combining together to form swords. We use this sword to cut supernatural into two halves, so they don't heal. That's where our name comes from."
I was horrified when I heard that. I looked at mom for a few seconds and then I calmed down and asked
"So, will they come after me too." Nick asked horrified
"No because they don't exist anymore but other hunters will." Katherine replied seriously
"Don't exist?" Nick asked doubtfully
"Well, during late 14th and early 15th century, our family had two factions' ones who indiscriminately kill werewolves/supernatural and others show empathy and only kill when they indiscriminately kill innocents. They often fought about ideals. But one day, one of members of the family was bitten by a werewolf. It was the daughter of the head of the empathetic faction. When the other faction heard about it, they clamored to force them to kill her. But it didn't happen. But it all changed one day, when the werewolf was killed. The two factions fought a bloody battle that day and seeing the opportunity all their enemies also started sniping them. For the survival, the two family members called a truce and went their own way. It is said that only a handful of our family escaped that day." Katherine said solemnly
"Wow, our family has rich history" Nick said
"Yes, that do we have" Katherine said smiling
As we were talking, we also finished our lunch. While I was about to go up to my room Jon asked
"What are your plans?"
"I want to take a break and I want to learn to control these powers."
Nick replied
"Okay". Jon said
"Dad mom, I know the moment I survived the bite my life has changed, with these enhanced capabilities, there will be many dangers that will follow me. So, if possible, I want you to take what both of you put in past back again. To protect yourselves well from others and as well as from me."
They looked at Nick and was about to say something but swallowed it back seeing his stubborn look. "Okay" they murmured and Nick smiled at them satisfied with the answer.
Nick's POV
After speaking with mom and dad, I went upstairs to talk with Zach and saw my brother's room locked. I stood a there for a second and then knocked on the door.
A few moments later…
Zach didn't open the door which made me sad. So, I sat by his door and said
"Buddy, I know what I did yesterday must have sacred you. I am sorry. Even though it was not my intention, but my action yesterday was bad, really bad. I know with what happened yesterday, our lives will not be normal again. I broke your trust and the love you have me for yesterday. I am sorry. But I hope you give me another chance. This time I won't break your trust. You should always remember this, I am your brother first, then werewolf and don't feel pressured to speak out. I will always love you whatever decision make or whatever you have to say."
I waited for a few minutes for a reply but didn't get anything. So, I got up from the floor and walked to my room. As I got up, I heard Zach murmuring
'I love you too.'
I smiled at that and was relieved to hear that as I entered my room.
I sat at my table and opened the computer to make my future plans. After sorting out my thoughts, I looked into all the major events and news and compared it to my past life. Everything was almost the same except for some events which were to happen earlier has not yet happened. I started to search for big names in all walks of life politicians, entrepreneurs, businessman, capitalists, writers, actors etc. Some of the major business have been slowed or not developed. For eg; some books have not yet been published, some movies have not been made and some business or technology advancements have not yet happened.
This situation made me hopeful. So, I started to think about how to make more money. To start a business or to make movies I need capital so my only option was to write novels. But since major bestsellers like Harry Potter, Lord of The Rings and Twilight are already written I can't do it. So, I start to rummage through my vast library of books that I have read in my last life. I saw that book on games of thrones have not been written. So, I searched George R R Martin but I couldn't see any information on him. So, I logged into the copyright website and searched for the book but still couldn't see it.
Since such a novel was not present in this world, I thought to cease the chance. I opened the word document and started typing.
A few hours later…
"Brother, Mom asked to come to have dinner" Zach said
I was shocked as I looked at the time and saw how much time has passed. I saved the document which was quarter completed, closed the computer and went down to the hall. When I reached the hall I sat beside Zach, he flinched when I sat beside me and then sat with his head down. Mom brought the food, and we distributed the plates ourselves and served the food ourselves. We all sat down together and said our prayers and ate.
While eating, dad asked
"Son, what are you going to do this year while taking the break?"
"Well, I want to learn fighting and I will plan to pick some new hobbies to calm myself down." I replied
"Okay, that's good. While doing that what do you think about homeschooling." Mom asked
"No, I don't want to. Mom, Dad, I want to put my full focus on how to be a better human. Till today, I was human so it all came natural to me but now I am only half- human so I need to think ways how to better integrate and flawlessly control myself." I replied with food in my mouth
"Okay." Mom said despondent
Then a silence hung over the table when I decided to put the final bomb.
"Well, Dad, Mom, there is one more thing." I said
"What?" mom asked with her brows raised
"I want to change schools." I said in one breath
"Where to? New Jersey? Newark? New haven?" Dad asked hurriedly
"No dad, different state? Like California" I replied nervously
I heard the sound of forks and spoons dropping. I looked to my side and saw Zach looking at me angrily and solemnly. I looked at him and was about to explain but he got up from the chair and ran upstairs crying. I put my forks down and went after him.
"Mr. Nick, our talk is not finished" Mom yelled at me angrily.
"Yeah, Mom I will come down after I talk to him." I asked in pleading face as she shooed me away angrily.
I went to his room which was closed again. I knocked and he yelled
"Go away"
"Zach, open the door buddy."
"Since you are going away, then why should I talk to you. I admit I was terrified that night, I thought I almost died that night. But I didn't and I was relieved my brother didn't kill me. I was angry that you tried to kill me. But today you said you loved me and wanted to earn my trust back. Now for what? After earning my trust, you want run away to another state and if it is like that then its better off you go away now."
I listened to him lashing out and sat outside the door and said to him calmly and comfortingly
"Buddy, I didn't say I want to go alone. I just want to leave New York and go into some countryside because this place have too many bad memories for me and being me it will be tough for me to integrate into this fast-paced society. It will be better for me to move out from here. And of course, I want you all to come with me but you know our mom and dad has their friends and colleagues here and you have also your friends. I don't want you all leave behind everything you have here and follow me. That's why I said 'I want to move away' "
After waiting for a few minutes, the door opened and I saw Zach sitting on the bed angrily and I went to him knelt down and said
"I am sorry for springing up on this way. I would like if you came with me to different state but I also understand if you don't want. Okay?" I said as I hugged him and patted his back
"Let me think about it." Zach said
"Take your time to think about it but come down to finish your dinner" I said
"No, you go. I am full." Zach replied adamantly
"Okay then, if you feel hungry come down to eat." I said as I walked out
When I reached the hall, I saw mom and dad speaking in low voices. I sat at the table and was about to speak but mom also spoke simultaneously
"Mom, you go first." I said
"Son, okay we accept. We will go to different state." Mom said
"Are you sure, mom? What about your career? You said you have a shot at being chief attending and you also, dad, I heard there is an inspector/commander's position opened up."
"It is okay, son. For us you are important, our career will be good even if go to small places." Dad replied with a smile
"What about your friends?" I asked with concern
"It is not like we are going to some place that have no signal. We will keep in touch." Mom replied offhandedly
"But…" I said
"No buts we have decided, we will follow were you go and maybe we will settle their also after you go to college." Mom said sternly as it is the final verdict
"Well, your mom has put the hammer down and verdict has been passed." Dad said jokingly
"Okay, thank you dad, mom" I said gratefully
"You are welcome, son." Mom said
"So, where are we going?" Dad asked
"Well I have not decided yet. I will decide it next year." I replied
"Well, let's call it a night then" Dad said
"Okay, Good Night Mom Dad" I said as I washed my plate and went upstairs.
"Zach, Good Night" I said when I passed by his room
"Good Night" He replied