

A boy wakes up in the middle of the woods with no idea of who or where he was. Read how he thrives to live and gain a purpose amidst the never ending chaos in the supernatural community of Beacon Hills. .... ... Disclaimer: None of the characters, except the MC, are mine. As always, my story will be cross-posted on Scribblehub and Fanfiction.net

Draul_TheOminous · Televisi
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220 Chs


Malia walked into Boyd who was leaning on his locker and eyed him in contemplation before throwing away whatever she had thought in her head to the side, and traced Boyd's line of sight and found Erica laughing coquettishly while surrounded by three boys who she had wrapped around her fingers without any of the losers knowing.

"Is that what you're into?" She asked just to be sure. 

"Kinda." Boyd replied absentmindedly but then jolted to standing straight before turning around to find Malia with a honest smirk on her face. "You could have let me know you were behind me the whole time, you know."

"And interrupt you gawking at your crush? Hell no." She wasn't being mean or sarcastic. These were her honest thoughts. "Are you going to shoot your shot?" She asked, referring to Erica. 

"Probably not. I know when my will get wrecked and I'm not about to go through that." He said and then proceeded to pick a few books for next classes. "You don't really think I'll get a chance with her, do you?"

Malia shrugged. "You might or might not, who knows? Anyway, catch you later." She said and left him there before he sighed and got on with his day. 

Malia was in a good mood today because the results from a few of their assessments came in and she was giddy as all her hard work in studying finally paid off. 

Of the four subjects that have revealed the students' scores, she got a B, two Cs, and a D. It was a far cry from the numerous Ds and constant Es she got with cherry pickings of Fs. 

She still hadn't seen Tristan's scores but she was sure it was better or the same as hers since he was the one who most times dragged her to study. 

She was still in her thoughts when someone crashed into her and tried walking off after a few shouts of sorry. 

Upon seeing who crashed into her, she frowned and used one of the books in her hands to throw at them. 

"Ouch! The hell- Malia?" Allison, who had been broken out of her thoughts, looked at the person who threw a book at her head. "Sorry, I didn't see you there." She apologized, knowing why her best friend had hit her on the head, even though it hurt a lot. 

"Obviously. What's gotten into you lately? You've been spacing out quite a lot for the past few days." Malia said, concern showing on her face. 

Allison looked shocked, inwardly berating herself for forgetting to pay attention to how she looked outside, especially knowing fully well how observant all her friends were, even Boyd. 

"It's… complicated."

"Family problems. Gotcha." Malia nodded in understanding. 

Given who the other party was, it was pretty easy to tell what was going on with her once you factor in her family. 

Allison smiled wryly at Malia's astute observation but unfortunately she couldn't stay for long. 

"You going somewhere?" Allison nodded. "I'm spending the afternoon with my grandfather." She mentally applauded herself for not cringing as she said that, never knowing whether to call him grandfather or principal when in school. 

"Oh, then no problem. But before you go, have you seen Trist?"

"Haven't seen him since morning." Allison shook her head before going along on her way. 

Unfortunately for Malia, the morning was just not in her favor as Lydia Martin stood in front of her just seconds after Allison left. 

"Just who I wanted to see."

She cocked a brow at Lydia's words but Lydia didn't care or did not notice as she just carried on. 

"Have you seen Tristan? I've been looking for him everywhere." 

"Why are you looking for Tristan?" 

Lydia shrugged her shoulders and stated her reason. "What? I just wanted to spend some time with him. You and Allison do it all the time, why can't I?" She said with a straight face, not minding how much her words could be misinterpreted, which Malia had a suspicion she did on purpose. 

"And I'm not supposed to ask why you want to 'spend some time' with Tristan?" It was as if this girl made it her sole goal of frustrating her with her insane words. 

"It's not as if you ask everybody why they want to spend some time with him." 

"Are you okay?" This time she asked in concern because this wasn't what she expected from Lydia. 

"Why wouldn't I be? Just on a few medications that's all." 

"Ah." Malia finally understood why the girl was acting out of character and a little unhinged. "Are you sure you should be in school when you are on such heavy medications?"

Lydia for the first time showed genuine surprise and also confusion. "Is that worry I hear in your voice?"

Malia just stared at her as if asking 'are you dumb?' which made Lydia nod. 

Yup, this was the Malia she knew. 

"I'm only pointing out the fact that with how inebriated you are, you can be easily influenced and get fucked. But then again, maybe you might not care too much about that."

Malia gave Lydia a look over and made note of how the dress she wore was scandalously small and tight. Apart from her shoes, every piece of clothing she wore was two sizes too small. 

The tube top just covered her rather generous chest, ending just under it, while the skirt she wore, if it could be called that, was just below her ass, tightly packing it up and putting it out. The only thing she wore that was considerate was the jacket. 

Lydia frowned at Malia's words, even more by the look Malia gave her and snorted loudly for her to hear. "I'm not some two-bit whore."

Malia didn't have a single change in her expression as she replied in an even tone that was dripping with sarcasm. "You could have fooled me. You didn't say anything about being a three-bit whore, you know?"

Seeing as how the conversation was going nowhere, Lydia stomped out but not before leaving her last words. 

"As if anyone even cares what's happening to Lydia Martin." She said in a low voice.

"And why is that? It's not as if you showed another Lydia Martin other than the borderline slutty bitch queen with a lot of self-importance." Malia retorted, which caused Lydia to pause a bit before continuing walking away. 

"What the hell was that even about?" Malia wondered. 

Looking at Lydia walking away she couldn't help but think of how stupid the girl really was. Why hide your true self when you are only living your life for yourself? 

The personified mask Lydia put on every day was even thicker than her mascara. She knew Lydia was smart but she just couldn't for the life of her figure out why she decided to be like this. Apart from the boys ogling her at every turn and the worship of the student body, she didn't get anything else of worth. 

"Forget it. Some people just decide to be weird for the sake of it." 

She did not look for Tristan anymore and just found a tree and sat under the shade and pulled out her books for revision. 

It didn't take long before she felt a pair of hands circling around her waist before lifting her up for a second and sitting her on his lap.

"I've been looking for you for some time now. Where did you disappear to?" She asked without taking her eyes off her book. 

"I was just checking something out." Tristan said and covered his eyes as she rested her head against his chest. 

"Mm. Lydia was looking for you."

"Hmm? Why?" 

"How would I know? Maybe she's lonely since her former boyfriend isn't paying her any attention and now she wants a new hotter one from the lacrosse team." She said in amusement. 

Tristan kissed her head and she pressed her body into his even more, prompting Tristan to tighten his hold around her waist. 

"Even Allison is acting distant."

"She's being indoctrinated. She's been hanging out with Gerard for quite some time now. Probably teaching her more about their family. She's getting more confused as the day goes by."

Unfortunately this was where they had no business in interfering. While they've all been dancing around the faint lines and acting oblivious, it now looked like they were going to have that particular conversation in the coming days. 

"You didn't say where you were?" 

"Right. McCall and Stilinski kidnapped Jackson and hid him away so that Derek wouldn't get to him. A little hilarious if you ask me, considering what they kidnapped is no different from a ticking time bomb given how he can be easily controlled."

Malia snorted with a short laugh, fully agreeing with what Tristan said. Unless they can restrain him very well with strong enough binds, the boy of them might just end up being his next victim. 

Tristan's nose caught a whiff of a particular tantalizing smell causing him to look at Malia. "Seriously? We're still in school."

"I blame it on Lydia." She whispered while stealthily drawing one of his hands upwards to cup a full fill of her breasts while using her book to block any curious stare. 

"Well, I don't mind." He said as he grabbed the soft flesh, settling for teasing her a bit to stave off her desires until they got home. 





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