

A boy wakes up in the middle of the woods with no idea of who or where he was. Read how he thrives to live and gain a purpose amidst the never ending chaos in the supernatural community of Beacon Hills. .... ... Disclaimer: None of the characters, except the MC, are mine. As always, my story will be cross-posted on Scribblehub and Fanfiction.net

Draul_TheOminous · Televisi
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220 Chs


Before Gerard could say another word, Derek threw the door at Gerard's old body and while the man had tried bracing himself so as not to step outside the circle, he gravely underestimated the strength at which Derek threw the door at him.

He effortlessly sailed through the air and out of the circle as the door impacted him.

He crashed into the ground, bleeding from his head and lips and also suffering from the pain from his hurt knee, he however proved the strength of his mental fortitude and only let out a groan as he impacted the ground knee first.

He felt himself being yanked by the neck before his eyes could even stabilize and without saying anything extra, Derek broke both of his shoulders making the old man let out groans of pain.

"Look at me!" His face morphed as he shape-shifted just a few centimeters away from Gerard's face.

The rage-filled howl that escaped his lungs soon after traveled through every room and crevice inside the tunnel they were in.

The howl also alerted the group that were hastily making their way towards Gerard's location, and among that group was Chris Argent who got informed as soon as he heard that some of Gerard's men were moving towards this tunnel.

If one were to ask why he was here then he'd say he had absolutely no idea. Did he care for Gerard? No, not after he held a gun to his granddaughter's head.

Did he want Gerard dead? Now that was a little bit complicated.

On the other side of the tunnel, Derek growled at Gerard with his face looking more animalistic than it normally was whenever he shape-shifted.

He dug his hands into Gerard's pockets and brought out the emitter before crushing it and returning serenity back to his wounded ears.

Despite death looming over him in the form of a twisted Alpha, Gerard scowled at him before spitting on his face. "This power was supposed to be mine. If I had known this was how it would have turned out then I would have killed those two rabid dogs of yours when I first had the chance."

He gritted his teeth, refusing to let out a whimper of pain as Derek's claws dug into his shoulder blades.

"Don't worry, you won't get the chance again." Derek sneered. His voice was just as twisted as his face and combined with how scary he currently looked, he perfectly fitted the image of a horror monster.

He tried listening to his betas and capture Gerard to let them have a chance at the bastard but when he had the man in his hands, fingers wrapped around his neck, the only thing that went through his mind was to make sure he died as painfully as possible.

He looked around the room and found a locked rusted chain and broke off the lock and tied Gerard's hands with it and hooked him up to a protrusion in the wall.

The image in front of him was a crudely made replica of the state Isaac and Erica were in. All he was missing was the injuries.

He knew the Hunters were rushing their way here but he couldn't be bothered about that right now.

Digging his claws into Gerard's tied up wrist, he held the bundled up skin and drew it down as if he was peeling a banana. Unfortunately for Gerard, the banana peel ended up cutting halfway so Derek had to do another peel.

Gerard was breathing heavily at this point as the pain was very overwhelming and looking at Derek's face, he saw in the Alpha's eyes that he was not enjoying the torture and looked as if he was doing it because he had to. A necessity rather than a choice of will.

Digging his claws into Gerard's knees, he forcefully brought out the two kneecaps and that finally made Gerard scream in untold pain.

"You're not a good person, Gerard. You're not." Derek's body moved as if it had a mind of its own, finding the most optimal slashing and tearing of skin that will bring him the most pain.

The more he did this, the more bestial his face became and his eyes shone brighter. His claws grew a bit longer and thicker, as well as turning another shade darker.

Being tortured while also being forced to watch and listen to his betas being tortured broke something in Derek that was slowly starting to emerge. His scarlet eyes turned a darker shade while also increasing its intensity.

Even now he could hear the heavy footsteps and sounds of doors being kicked down as the Hunters hurriedly searched for Gerard but he still continued what he was doing.

Memories of his past as a young naïve beta flashed in his mind and a single tear fell off his left eye as he wondered what his mother would say to the current him.

In essence, he was no different from Peter whom he had killed and took the Alpha spark from.

Finally he stopped and took a step back and looked at Gerard.

The almost 60 year old grandfather had blood painted on every part of his body except his head which only had a small wound and busted lips.

The rest of his body however had patches of skin cut out and all of his joints to his toes were either shattered or plucked out.

And there Derek stood.

7 seconds… 5 seconds… 4 seconds… 3 seconds… 2 seconds…

He listened as Gerard's heart finally gave out after what felt like an eternity of torture to him.

Derek looked at his hands and felt them slightly trembling and took a deep breath and held it for a few breaths before releasing it. He looked at his hands again and they were steady.


He didn't look at Gerard again, completely forgetting man as he was no longer of any relevance now and in the future.

He walked out of the room with slow and steady steps, a calm poise as if he didn't just torture a man to death in the most brutal way he could.

"Over here! I register some movements!" Someone shouted and soon enough flashlights started on Derek's who was currently strolling towards them.

"Derek, your hands where I can see them. You are surrounded, there's nowhere for you to escape from." Chris said as he and everyone with him leveled their guns at Derek.

One by one, they started noticing Derek's state and what they all saw was blood fully covering his hands from his fingers to his elbows as if he dipped them in red paint.

Blood was splattered across his face and all over his clothes.

They immediately understood given that they had heard Gerard's screams for a little while before it died.

"Where's Gerard, Derek?" Chris asked, still feeling complicated about the whole thing.

"He's back there. He's not in a good shape though." Derek replied with no emotion in his voice and took another step but that resulted in weapons held dangerously against him as if daring him to take another step.

"Do you really want to do this, Chris?" The Alpha's red eyes shone as he stared at the Argent patriarch.

"You might be able to kill me here, but I can assure you that I will kill more than half the people here before you can get that chance. If you still want to fight me then I'm more than ready." Derek's deep voice bellowed out and his fangs and claws shot out, showing just how ready he was.

Chris, still conflicted, looked at Derek and noted a few visible differences from his present werewolf form that was not present the last time they fought.

'He's mutating.' He concluded.

Weighing his choices, he lowered his gun and ordered those behind him to do the same.

Though most of them were very hesitant, mostly those that followed Gerard, they nevertheless relented and lowered their weapons. Anyone with a working brain could take two guesses of what happened in the room Derek and Gerard had been so was there really a need to fight.

If this had been normal times and Derek had done something like this, it would have been war. One that would have ended up with Derek and his pack annihilated, of that there was no doubt.

But now?

As Derek walked passed them, they made a way for him and he calmly walked through their middle but when he walked past Chris, the new patriarch whispered a question to him.

"The blood debt is cleared with this, right?"

Derek paused and looked at Chris. The look in his eyes was one the young Alpha understood very well.

They had shed too much blood in this feud and taking it any farther would result in either one or both being completely wiped out.

"Yes, it is." Derek nodded slightly and walked away. He didn't want to fight with anyone for a while after this if he could help it.

After he left, Chris and the others ran towards the room Derek came out from and what they saw made a few of them throw up the nest instant.

Chris' fingers wrapped the butt of his gun so tight that a dent might have formed in it.

Allison wasn't the only one who felt complicated by everything that has been happening recently, he too felt complicated that's why he wanted Allison not to complicate things even more with her relationship with Tristan and Malia.

"And we're going to let this go, sir? Let's go back and kill that fucker and then kill all his betas. This is war!" One of the older Hunters in the group said and started riling up the others but Chris coldly put a stop to it.

"No, we don't do anything. This feud has gone on for far too long." Chris said. He still remembered seeing the Buddhist Alpha saving Derek and he didn't want to fight against two Alpha's at the same time. "Get someone to bag his body. What we have to get ready for now is burying him."

It went without saying that a lot of them were utterly pissed off and disappointed with Chris' decisions but the man could care less at the moment.

"Cover his body and let's go back. There's nothing left to do here." Chris said and left the room with a heavy heart. Was it worth it?

He couldn't avenge Kate, and now he decided against avenging Gerard.

He remembered what Allison had said about the code and wondered if she was really right. Should morals be taken into the equation when it comes to duty?

"I need a drink."


In Lydia Martin's house, Lydia sat on the desk in her room and was making a sketch of the human anatomy for her Biology assignment while also humming a tone to herself absentmindedly as she drew.

"… They are going to die~"





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