Protagonist is born into the Teen Wolf series as younger brother to Derek Hale, on a journey of revenge, love, drama and violence, as the Protagonist is a natural born True alpha, trying to not change the plot to much so he's knowledge of the future does not change as much with his appearance into this world. This is just for fun by the way, English is not my first language so apologies if there are grammatical errors and mispelled words, this fan fiction is just for fun, and it's also my first so please be gentle with your criticism
[Ok now before we start, let's clarify a few things, in the first chapter i mentioned MC's father's family being human, if you'd actually been paying attention, you'd know I never specifically said that his father was human you all made assumptions, so not my problem, i didn't write pack, i wrote FAMILY, there's a difference, second MC loved Talia Hale like a mother since she took him in after he was orphaned, to him she is his real mother whether by blood or not, and the final part is, this is all just for fun, i'm not a serious author, i' m only writing this for entertainment, since most of the Teen Wolf fan fics are very bad and short. Mc's father's origins will be made known in later chapters]
In school the next day, after classes, Jake walked down the main hallway, when he was walking past coach Finstock's office he saw Scott talking to him, so he listened in on their conversation, "I'm having some personal issues" he heard Scott say, "Is it a girl?" the coach asked with a tinge of amusement in he's voice, "No" Scott answered straight away, "Is it a guy?" Coach asked again, Jake almost laughed but kept it in and kept listening, "You know our goalie Danny's gay" Coach stated hurriedly, "Yeah i know coach but that's not it" Scott replied abit frustrated,
"You don't think Danny's a... good looking guy?" coach asked, "I uh-ah think he's goodlooking, but i like girls, anyway that's not it anyway..i-i-i" Scott stammered, "What is it drugs? A-are you doing meth? cause i-i had a brother who was addicted to meth you should have seen what it did to he's teeth, they were all cracked and rotted, it was.. it was disgusting" Coach dramatically said,
"My... God what happened to him?" Scott asked shocked, "He got venirs" Coach responded nonchantedly, "Is that was this is about, are you afraid of getting hurt McCall?" Coach asked in a teasing voice like he was asking a toddler, "No... i'm having some issues dealing with aggression" Scott stated softly, "Well here's the good news, that's why you play lacrosse, problem solved" said coach resolutely, "Coach i can't play the game tomorrow night" Scott said forcefully,
"Listen McCall, part of playing first-line, is taking on the responsibility of being first-line, now if you can't shoulder that responsibility than-than your back on the bench until your ready" Coach said authoritively, "If i don't play the game your taking me off of first-line?" Scott asked perplexed, "McCall, play the game" said the coach, Jake just laughed inwardly as he continued his walk down the hallway.
Scott walked out the office and walked past Jake who was walking up behind him, as they turned the corner and were about to ascend the small stairs Allison walked up to Scott, she saw Jake behind him, but didn't feel like trying to talk to him, "Hey" Allison said as she garnared Jake's attention as well as Scott's, he looked at her, which made her slightly blush, as she tried to ignore him and talk to Scott who was smiling like a love struck fool, "Hey" he said with a big goofy smile,
"Busy?" Allison asked Scott as she looked at Jake who was behind Scott move around them tryna walk up the stairs, "No-no it's just my mom, she's nothing" Scott fumbled he's words, "Wow McCall, way to diss your mom" Jake said sarcastically as he walked past them, "Mind your own business!" said Allison angrily as she looked at Jake,
"Haha, looking at me like that might make your boyfriend jealous, and if you want privacy, how about not stopping in the middle of the busy hallway and talking like the people around you can't hear you, cause your blocking the flow, go to the cafeteria or somewhere where you can talk freely and no one can here you" Jake said as he rolled he's eyes and walked away leaving a red faced Allison and an astounded Scott who realised he was right.
Jake walked into math class and sat behind Lydia, he winked at her and sat down,
making her slightly smile, she quickly hid it right after as class started, she and Scott were asked by the teacher to go up and solve a few math equations, Jake decided to listen in on what Lydia was saying to Scott, "...especially when you brutally injure my boyfriend by railing into him" Lydia said nonchantedly, it seems yesterday during practice Scott had rammed into Jackson hard injurying Jackson's shoulder in the process,
"He brutally injured himself ramming into me" clarified Scott, clearly annoyed, "Jackson's gonna play tomorrow, but he's not gonna be at his peak, and i prefer my boyfriend to be at peak perfomance" Lydia stated matter of factly, "Ok" Scott replied confused, "I date the captain of the winning lacrosse team, and if they start the season losing, i date the captain of the losing lacrosse team, i don't date losers" Lydia said huffing,
"Losing one lacrosse game isn't gonna kill anyone, fact might even save someone" Scott said as he kept staring at the board blankly, while Lydia was solving her equation quickly, "Fine, don't play, probably will win anyway, then we'll go out after like we were planning, and i'll introduce Allison to all the hot players on the team, oh wait, Jacob's going to be there, she has this thing for him, i'm sure i can smoothen out their little issue,
than Scott McCall will be an after thought by the end of this month" Lydia said as she finished her equation and walked back to her seat smiling at the teacher than as she walked past me, she smiled and winked me, "Mr. McCall your not even close to solving your problem" stated the teacher, "Tell me about it" said an exasperated Scott.
After class Jaked headed to his locker, he saw Lydia introduce Allison to Andrew a senior and a douchebag who plays lacrosse but is not on the first-line, he walked towards them, as Lydia and Andrew walked off, Scott also walked towards Allison, "So Lydia's introducing you to everyone?" asked Scott as Jake walked up to them, "She's being so unbelievably nice to me" said Allison,
"Yeah don't believe that" Jake said as he interrupted them, "If i were you i'd stay away from Andrew" Jake warned as he looked directly into Allison's eyes, "Oh so now you wanna talk to me?" Allison said angrily as she looked at Jake, while Scott felt awkward like he was the third wheel, "Woah calm down princess, i'm giving you advice here that might save you from being hated by every freshman girl in school" Jake said calmy as he looked at her, "Wait what do you mean?" asked Scott as he inserted himself into the conversation, "Well, you see a few of the freshman and a few of the girls from our year, have had some choice words to say about Andrew,
and let's just say that those words are very, 'colorful'" Jake air quoted as he told them, "What kinda words?" asked Allison curiously, "Well, they said he asked them out, was very romantic with them for a short while, and after he slept with them or took their virginity he completely ghosted them" Jake said making Scott and Allison's eyes go wide and their faces filled with disgust and shock,
"And now it seems he's got eyes set on Allison, but don't worry, if he try's something i'll handle him for ya, just ignore him from now on" Jake said to Allison who nodded her head absent mindedly, "Hey stop worrying, if he comes to ask you out or something just say your going out with me, if you say Scott he won't care, to him Scott's not worth him fearing, but me, well he'd think twice since i kinda knocked him out after he almost hit my car with his" Jake said as he winked at Allison who smiled at him,
"So does that mean you forgive me now?" Allison asked hopeful, "What do you mean?" Jake asked looking confused, "Well you've been ignoring us and i thought you were still mad at me for what happened at Lydia's party" Allison said anxiously, "OH! Hahaha i've just had alot going on so i haven't been focused or felt like talking to anyone, wait you thought that i was ignoring you on purpose? Wow, that's kinda narcissistic don't you think?" Jake lied feigning ignorance and making Allison feel bad,
"Wha- eh- um, hehe right sorry" Allison said perplexed and embarrassed, "It's fine, anyway keep in mind what i said and don't talk to him unless you want to become public enemy number one" Jake said as Allison smiled at him sweetly as he left, Scott who was beside them didn't even understand what was going on.
"Jacob! wait up" Scott yelled as he ran to catch up with Jake, "What's up Scott?" Jake asked confused at why Scott wanted to speak to him, "Um, your Derek's brother right?" Scott asked seriously, "Adopted brother yes" Jake corrected him,
"Why are you asking about my brother, i haven't seen him since i was like 6, wait have you and Stiles seen him alot, do you know where he is?" asked Jake hurriedly as if excited, "Ah-eh yeah, we saw him a couple times, wait i thought you saw him at Lydia's party when he introduced himself to Allison before you drove her home" said Scott confused,
"WAIT! That handsome vampire-wannabe was Derek? No way! No wonder i thought he looked familiar" Jake said as he faked realisation on his face(Jake is lying to Scott because he doesn't want Derek or Peter to know he's in town)"Wait you didn't recognise your brother?" Scott asked looking skeptically at Jake,
"Well yeah last i saw him was 10 years ago, he looks alot different than he did when he was 12" Jake said looking at Scott like he was a fool, "Anyway you got any idea where he is?" Jake asked Scott, "Yeah we saw him at the old Hale house" said Scott, "Oh! ok well if you see him or talk to him, don't tell him i'm in town, think i'll surprise him myself later" Jake said as he patted Scott's shoulder as he turned and left.
The next night, after another uneventful day, well except for Scott and Stiles getting Derek arrested and they found the other half of Laura's body, tonight was the first game of the lacrosse season, and to say Jake was not pissed off would be and understatement,
the cops had disturbed the ritual burial of his sister, they disturbed her resting place, he was way more than just angry he wanted blood, but he also had to control himself, if he accidentally garnared attention now it would ruin most of his plans to silently kill off the other parasitical supernaturals in town, for now he's swallow his anger, and when the time was right, he'd unleash his rage on those responsible, especially the Argent hunters and Peter. In the locker room changing area, Jake got dressed and geared up,
he could hear Jackson telling the rest of their team mates not to pass the ball to Scott, but he didn't care, he was gonna knock Jackson down and be in the centre and be the distributor, he didn't care about Scott, as he saw it Scott would just be another ego maniac like Jackson.
Out in the field, Jake walked up to take a seat at the team benches "Jake hi" a beautiful strawberry blond interrupted his thoughts as she walked up to him and pulled him close to her as she looked at his eyes, "Make sure to win, you knows i might make it worth your while" she said as she licked her lips,
"Yeah think i'll pass on that Lydia, your friend might want a threesome if he found out and i'd rather have you for myself" Jake said back as he gave her a quick peck on her soft full lips before he winked at her and left her standing there flabbergasted and speechless, as Jake sat down he coach Finstock talking to Jackson and asking about he's shoulder injury.
A minute later they were out in the field, the ref blew the whistle as the game started, Jackson won the ball and started juking and passed the ball to our team mate, who passed it to me, i did a side step turn and sent it back to Jackson who immediately passed to another teammate infront who than got hit by a defender causing him to drop the ball, Scott who was close by saw this and ran over to pick the ball up only to get pushed aside by Jackson who picked it up and scored the first point, the crowd cheered,
Jake just laughed as he saw Scott's pissed off face as Lydia and Allison lifted a sign that said 'WE LUV Jackson', all the while Allison's dad was beside them just clapping with a smile.
Jackson called for a huddle as the ref was setting up a restart of the game, in the huddle "Only to me" Jackson said looking at everyone including me,
"But what if he's open?" asked Danny, "Yeah mate, i don't know what's up with you both, but we need to win this game you know" i added, which made Jackson glare at both Danny and i, "Who's the captain you guys or me?" Jackson said looking pissed as he didn't like being challenged, Danny and i were the same height so he had to look up at us, "Jackson if we do this we can't win" Danny said as he looked directly at Jackson, "We will win" Jackson replied firmly, "But.." Danny tried to protest,
"Fine will do it your way for now, but if i see an opportunity to rack up points and Scott's free i'm giving him the ball, you got a problem with that we can sort it out after the game" i said holding Danny back as i said clearly and got in Jackson's face, "Whatever just follow what i said" Jackson said as he went to line up and fight for the ball, i turned to Danny and the two others and nodded at them, they did the same as we got into position.
The continued for awhile and the scores were 3 to us and 5 to the visitors, that's when i had enough, as soon as the ref blew the whistle to start Jackson lost the litte scrimmage and the ball was thrown straight up high,
i saw Scott getting ready to run and jump for it 'Sorry mate, but this is my time' i thought inwardly with a smirk as i sped up and ran by him, tripping him with my lacrosse stick making him eat dirt, i jumped up stepping on the shoulder of one of the opposing team players and jumped making the defender kneel,
i plucked the ball from the air and as soon as my legs touched the ground i took a big step forward, tightened my core and abs, twisted my hips and pushed of my back foot and swung my arms through, and the ball shot forward with speed as it curved in to the goal from the centre of the field.
The entire crowd went silent as i stood up from the fall i had from the momentum from the ball swing i made, i didn't use my supernatural strength this time, just pure muscle mass, i could feel my muscles were abit sore, but they were already healing, and the ache was slowly disappearing, 5 seconds later, the crowd went wild,
Danny and the others jumped on me screaming and cheering, the audience was up on their feet clapping and screaming, Scott's eyes were glowing golden and his fangs were out, Jackson looked conflicted and confused but whatever, i just celebrated with the guys and got back into position, the game was minutes away from ending and we needed two more goals to win.
The game restarted and Jackson lost the scrimmage again, an opposing player got scared shitless when Scott growled at him causing him to involuntarily pass the ball to Scott who took off running as soon as he got the ball and scored making the scores 5 all, and 40 seconds on the clock before full time, we hurriedly got into positions as coach Finstock and the refs were discussing what just happened, as Jackson and the opposing teams captain got into position i heard him ask Jackson "Yo what the hell is up with your team mate man?" to which Jackson replied "I don't know.. yet" ,
the ref blew the whistle and they fought for the ball again, this time as Scott went to get the ball i bumped him away and he went rolling, i took the ball and ran forward, i had two defenders on me, so i made a spin step and passed to Danny who sidestepped a defender who was marking him and ran into space before passing it back to me, i was right in front of goal,
instead of scoring thought i dodged a challenge from the guy infront of me as Danny ran behind me, i flicked the ball from my net into his, making him looked surprised and i got into space and he flicked his net to me and the ball came flying, i caught it and made a step in towards the keeper and swung my arms and lacrosse stick down scoring between his legs as the buzzer sounded , ending the game and sounding our victory, *BZZZZZ* "YES!YEAH!" the crowd and the rest of the team screamed as they ran into the field.
The crowd ran in and started hugging and jumping on my teammates, i used my speed and vanished in a blur as i found myself in the changing room and a transformed Scott breathing hard and tryna screaming at himself in the mirror, before he could punch the mirror, i punched the back of his head knocking him unconcious,
'Tsk, bitten' i thought as i looked at the idiot laying in front of me, i lifted him up and threw him in the corner of the room in the dark where he won't be seen clearly unless someone turns on the lights, i removed all my gear and clothes and went to the showers completely naked. A few seconds later while i was having a shower, i heard a shocked gasp behind me, i turned to see who it was and low and behold a beautiful brunette was looking at me with wide eyes.
"Allison? What are you doing here?" i asked as i covered my pxnis with my hands, "i-uh-um-Jake-i-how-why" she stuttered and stammered talking gibberish as her eyes kept going up and down my body atleast 4 times, "Yo my eyes are up here" i said and gestured with my right hand to bring her focus back up as she was looking at my hands that were covering my pxnis,
"Oh!-so-s-so-sorry, i didn't m-mean t-t-to stare" Allison said as she covered her face with both hands in embarrassment as she turned her back to me, "It's fine, just give me a minute to change ok?" i asked her, "Ah yes, i'll wait outside" she said as she ran out. I changed really quickly and found her standing in the hall way leaning against the wall lost in thought, it was only 5 minutes since the game ended, the rest of the team and faculty were still out in the field congradulating themselves,
"So mind telling my you thought it would be a good idea to walk into the boys changing room unannounced?" i asked as i looked at Allison who's cheek's turned bright red, "I-i-i was l-looking for S-Scott" she said as she looked down trying to avoid looking at me, "Well he wasn't in there, you did get yourself a free look at my body but next time will cost ya" i said jokingly which made her turn redder as she looked awkwardly at the floor,
"Oh come on it wasn't a big deal, if i was looking at you naked than yes that would be a huge deal, but it's the other way round so it's fine" i said as i patted her shoulder, she blushed abit and a slight smile was on her face, "Come on, now you have something to brag about to Lydia" i teased which made her glare at me before she laughed, "Thanks for not making it awkward" she said,
"hehe anyway let's get going, i'm gonna head home early, i don't wanna be swooned over by some lovesick fans" i said sarcastically, Allison and i left and went to the parking lot, completely forgetting about the unconious beta i left knocked out in the room. After we left i saw Stiles run in a few seconds later, i left Allison with her dad her face was still a tinge of pink whenever she looked at me, but i just ignored it, i'd have her soon enough, it wasn't time yet, i got into my car stashed my gear and drove home with a contented smile on my face.
(Allison POV)
I stood with my dad as i watched Jake walk away after he escorted me here, i couldn't help letting my eyes wonder towards his butt, i mean i still couldn't get the image of him in the shower, completely naked, the water running down his shoulders and back, he had a well toned back, and the water dripping down his ass, 'no no i have to stop' i shook my head tryna shake away those thoughts when i remembered when he turned and i saw him entirely naked, i felt hot,
espescially between my legs, i remember the way his hair stuck and framed his face, his chest, his well toned abs the way the water caressed them and then, hi-his big.. just as soon as my eyes went down to his crotch my heart skipped and i couldn't breath, my first time seeing a boy naked and it was a boy i kinda liked, i was geting hotter and my breathing quickened as i remebered every detail of the scene that happened a couple minutes ago, 'i might not be able to sleep soundly tonight' i thought to myself, he might have just changed my expections and standards for a boyfriend.
"Alliso...Allison!" my dad's voice woke me up from my thoughts, "Yes dad" i asked abit stupified, "I said are you ready to leave" my dad said clarifying what he was saying, "Oh yeah, i'm ready" i said as i got into the car, i was still playing the scene of Jake in the shower all the way home, 'I wonder if i should tell Lydia about this? no, she's been flirting with Jake alot lately this might make her bolder if i told her' i thought to myself as we arrived home.