

20 years after the war with trigon ended all the heros including the titans retire to have their own lives. sinestro destroys Oa in order to get to Jasmine Jordan the daughter of Jessica and hall. the 8 year-old Jasmine stays with a former titan marvel and enters SHH. she'll meet the Teen Titans and together will save earth from sinestro

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4 Chs

CH.3: When the loneliest people meet



{Jasmin}"Everybody knows my name now

But somethin' 'bout it still feels strange

Like lookin' in a mirror, tryna steady yourself

And seein' somebody else

And everything is not the same now

It feels like all our lives have changed

Maybe when I'm older, it'll all calm down

But it's killin' me now

What if you had it all

But nobody to call?

Maybe then you'd know me

'Cause I've had everything

But no one's listening

And that's just also lonely

I'm so lonely


{Marvel}Everybody knows my past now

Like my house was always made of glass

And maybe that's the price you pay

For the money and fame at an early age

And everybody saw me sick

And it felt like no one gave a

They criticized the things I did as an idiot kid.

What if you had it all

But nobody to call?

Maybe then you'd know me

'Cause I've had everything

But no one's listening

And that's just all so lonely

I'm so lonely


{Marvel, Jasmin} I'm so lonely




{Jasmin} It's been two weeks since my birthday. I watched as my planet was shattered to pieces. everything I knew was on ashes. my parents, the gradians, and the kind people next door. everyone is gone for good. I sat in the ship lost, crushed, sad, devastated, and heart broken. the things my parents left for me was the ring I was coronated with, a locket with a photo that was taken when I was five, and a moms guitar the one she used to calm me down with. I didn't know where the ship would take me more less to whom. who could possibly adopt a freak alien there? Then it hit me mom used to talk about someone. she told me if something happened to her I should find that someone. so my mission to stay alive is to find her. I wasn't long enough as I landed. the ship was in a miss. I was expecting to see a dull place with no beauty but boy was I wrong. it looked even more gorgeous than my parents descriptions. The green lands, the blue sky, the living organism, and birds. I was mesmerized. 

"Is this how my parent's home looked like?" I whispered to myself. I didn't notice when someone was screaming at me. I barely understood a word. 

He was like " What have you done?, you monster. you destroyed my farm. you are gonna pay for that." I was blank I couldn't understand a word he said. I froze in my spot as the man shouted for more people to come. more people came and they shouted at me too. I've never felt that scared or confused before. without a warning I ran and an angry crowd followed me including the police. they managed to get me but someone shouted from behind with a cool tune. 

" LEAVE....HER....ALONE ". everybody turned to her. she was a hooded woman at her forties with long sleeves and a scare on her cheek. she had blue eyes and short hair.

" This girl just destroyed my farm." the man said. 

" She came from a freaking ship. she is a freak just like all of you." some man said who looked like had a history with the lady.

" You're right. I am a freak. the freaks like me only need to stay away from normal people like you. even so most of these freaks literally gave their lives, suffered in battles, exposed to torture, Losing their limps, And seeing their mates dying just to have a place in your stoned heart and to save your butt. And yet they are still freaks."

the guy frowned. he was such a jerk. 

Boy did I forget about my frustration hearing her speech. she was brave, bold, awesome, and she's exactly who my mom described. 

The farmer shouted " What about the farm? she has to pay for the damages." 

the lady flew the cash in his face. it was a lot of money that would cover the farm and give him a life.

Earlier that day

{Marvel} Fourteen years after the titans were over. I was at home with Emily and mark with their new baby girl Briana. I was at my study writing something down while looking at a patient record. I felt a little empty and shallow so I decided to go to the attic and look at some photos to live the memories. as I went up and almost lighting up the room, I noticed the book Jessica gave me a long time ago was moving and glowing. 

" Weird Jessica stopped sending years ago because of her missions." I whispered. In case your weirded out. This book ain't any ordinary book. It contained some of green lanterns magic and azrathian magic. we used to communicate so we don't lose touch. it's endless so we could talk non stop. we could even bring chats that are years past as its memory is endless. 

A s I picked up the book to check the letters. I came across one that dated today. when I read the letter, all my feelings seemed to run away. my face changed and I looked in horror. I was having tears as I read it.




this might be the last thing I'll ever write to you or see you again. I am sorry I haven't written for a while. the planet is on edge. the prophecy is true. The planet is going to be doomed with me and Hall as well. My last wish is to keep my daughter safe. this is last thing I'll ever ask for. I don't want anyone to know she is alive or if she is even a Green Lantern. Take care of her as you took care of me. Her name is Jasmin. I wanna say thank you for everything you've done for me. you changed me into a better person. Thank you for wrapping this scarf around me.

love: Jessica 

I felt tears streaming down my eyes. I collapsed, cried and screamed. Mark and Emily heard me and came to confront me. 

I tried writing back. 

Hey, What happened? is everything okay? I don't understand 


answer back. 

please Jess don't say that. 



I promise

Mark said "How could we possibly find her? she could be anywhere."

We all heard the crash. Emily said " That was fast."

I looked outside to see half the town looking at a little girl. she looked exactly like Jessica. I could tell from her outfit and her confused look that she doesn't understand English I marched in the scene and shouted " LEAVE....HER....ALONE ". Everybody turned to me

" This girl just destroyed my farm." the angry looking Mr., Field said. 

" She came from a freaking ship. she is a freak just like all of you." Jackson Carter who was the annoying neighbor and the head of the society against the meta humans said.

" You're right. I am a freak. the freaks like me only need to stay away from normal people like you. even so most of these freaks literally gave their lives, suffered in battles, exposed to torture, losing their limps, And seeing their mates dying just to have a place in your stoned hearts and to save your stubid butts. And yet they are still freaks."

stupid carter frowned as he stormed off with his gang. (mhm) what a loser

Mr. Field shouted " What about the farm? That brat has to pay for the damages."

I threw a thousand-dollar bill at his face. the police had no choice but to release her.

{Jasmin} The police left me, and the lady came up to me. 

" Hey sweaty, the angry mob just left. you're safe. None of these idiots will bother you again." the lady spoke in pure Oain. I didn't know she knew Oain. My eyes led up cluelessly.

" The mean people are gone. You're safe. You don't have a place to stay, do you?" she went on

I shock a no to her. 

" I am Marvel Roth btw. And you?" she said sweetly.

" Jasmin Jordan."

" Where is your ship?" Marvel asked. 

then we went and pulled the ship out and I soon moved with her. I knew right away it was her the lady mom told me about when I was young. 

" Are u the one in that pic?" I asked.

She looked at it. she stared for a while and nodded a yes.

" Then you must've known my mom. Right?"

" Your mom and I were closer than best friends. We were sisters. I know who u are and I'm deeply sorry for what happened to you. It must be hard for you to fid in. but don't ya worry. I'll be there for you."

" It's just someone wanted me to tell you that the crybaby is finally happy." I said with a smile. 

Marvel looked at me as if she was holding back her tears And hugged me. I felt warm. 

Her house was like a billionaires mansion. It would be enough for a whole orphanage to fit in. As soon as I got in, I felt something jumping on me. it was a shape shifting dog she was a few months old. she licked my whole face as I was giggling. 

" Hey, Easy there." Marvel said as she picked her up. " Sorry about that. I forgot to interduce you to my shape shifting dog mark, Emily, and she's Brianna."

" welcome to your new home." Mark said. " We know you must be scared and I know it must be hard to adjust to a new life but we wanna tell you to consider this home." Emily said.

" You can talk?" I said. I paused then I said " Awesome. Miss Roth can I keep Brianna? I mean I just got her and she already likes me." Marvel looked at me and stood on her knew.

" Dear, you don't have to call me miss. This is your new home. you can call me whatever you want."

" Does Mar sound good?" I asked. " Perfect." she replied.

a few moments later she showed me to my new room and boy it was bigger than the nursery I had back in Oa. I stood in the room for a while in silence. " What's wrong? you like it?" Marvel tried to know what was wrong with me. 

what I saw was a big panel hanged in the middle of the room that said [HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JAS] and I just remembered what happened to mum and dad. I collapsed on the floor afraid, my hands where on my head as I breathed franticly and tears were rolling down my cheeks. Mar noticed then she hugged me. 

" Hey, it's okay. I am sorry I honestly thought you would love it and it would make you feel better. I am an idiot. hush now. Everything will be alright. you're safe." 


" What happened back there wasn't your fault, Jasmin. I should have been with your mom. I should have been by her side. you're just soo young no one thinks that. stop blaming yourself for accidents. I know you've been through so much and it's been already two weeks after that accident. but, be strong and I am with you all the way." 

" Thank you." I said as I stopped crying. I noticed a guitar hanged. I took it,

"Mar, Can you play me this song before I sleep?" I said as I started to imitate something as I sang.





Marvel was mesmerized as she had tears on her cheeks. " You have a voice of an angel just like your mom's. You know, I taught your mom this song when she was afraid. I also gave her that guitar that we got from the ship."

" Can you sing it to me every night?" 

" I will dear." then Mar sang.


"There is no upper hand I'm giving you mine

It doesn't have to end up wasting your time

There's things that I could say But hear it my way

I want to let you know that it's all okay

Shelter my eyes from the sun And wait for the birds to fly by

Trying to reach every one And know what you're feeling inside

Deep in my head now it's like I'm dreaming

There is no upper hand I'm giving you mine

It doesn't have to end up wasting your time

There's things that I could say But hear it my way

I want to let you know that it's all okay

Want to let you know that it's all okay

Want to let you know

That it's all okay" 

Her voice was so beautiful I dozed off in the second line and I managed to hear the rest. "Good night. Jas." she kissed my forehead, tuned off the lights and went down stairs.

I stayed with Marvel for quite sometime. She would go to work in the morning then stay the rest of the day home. I thought it would be only a day or two then things would get back to normal. but days turned to weeks, then months, then a year, two, you would probably keep counting till six years. I always stand by the window, hoping one day mom or dad will magically show up and take me with them. but, Who am I kidding? there're gone for good. Whenever I feel down, Mar would always find a way to entertain me by her stories. She would tell me stories about her adventures as a teenager sometimes about fighting crime and her fiends. Some times I say. 

" I wanna be a hero just like you." Then she just stared at me 

" I am afraid you're too young for that, you don't need to be a hero."

" But Mar, I wanna fight bad guys and be awesome and save people just like you" I said

" It's too early for that, you need to be safe first until you grow up." Mar said comforting me 

" Can you tell me about mom at least?" I said using my irresistible puppy eyes.

" I....don't" Mar said stopping short seeing Brianna's puppy eyes too. 

" (sigh) fine I'll start." Mar said.

As she went on and on about the adventures she went through with mom, I couldn't stop smiling and being amazed. 

when I was eleven, I was wandering around the house playing with Briana. When I came across the basement. 

" I wonder what's in there." I wondered.

"(bird sounds)" Briana said.

" Off limits? Since when there are off limit places."

"(bird voices)" 

" come on don't worry what worse could happen?" I said opening the door.

The basement was huge. I saw lots of albums and pics all over the place. 

"Wow. look at all these photos. they most be from Mar's memories."

Briana kept pushing me out but I insisted we go in.

" Wait, I know this pic. Mar told me that was taken after the birds of prey first mission." I said. 

" that one was after Marvel's mission to save mom, Artemis and Cortney from Lena Luther. Then this place most hold Mar's memories." I said. I noticed there was a green glow over the corner.

" Wait, What's that glow over there." 

"(Worried bird sounds)" Briana said.

" pfffff. Come on. it's not like Mar would be mad or something. What are you worried about? I need to find out what's with the glow." I said trying to prove my point.


{Marvel} " I am home." I said as I got home from a tiring shift. 

" Sorry am late. I got carried away with the patient." I said. 

" Well hope you got the usual ready. am starving." Mark said. 

" Yeah, well. todays lunch will be different this time. Am making us some mac 'n cheese." I replied

" btw, where are Jas and Bri." I wondered. " they should be here for lunch." 

" They must be in the basement." Emily said while making her way down the stairs.

" THEY'RE WHAT???" I shouted. 

" wandering down the basement. I heard them half an hour ago." Emily explained.

I was so shocked to concentrate on what she was saying. my heart beat was raising. I was hardly breathing. 

" no...(breathing) no no no no no. they Shouldn't be there. Not yet. SHE CAN'T BE THERE." I panicked.

" we gotta get them before they see it." I said as I rushed the basement as fast as I could followed by Emily and Mark. But, I was too late, weren't I?


{Jasmin} As I went inside the glowing room I found a lantern right in the middle of the huge room surrounded by more pics. The more I got closer the more I felt unease inside as my heart with beating faster and faster by the minute. until I saw it right in the middle of the room. A Green Lantern Ring. 

Brianna tried to stop me but I could hear the ring calling me. asking me to get closer if you ever want to find the truth. as I got closer I looked at it. the ring was different from all the rings I saw. as I was reaching out for it I heard screams. Mar was calling me, begging me not to touch it.

" JASMIN, NOOOOOOOO" Mar screamed. but at what cost it was too late. 

it only took one tough to see everything. I saw and heard things I wished I wouldn't see or hear them. 

" mom" I said 

I saw her, as a child, her parents (aka my grandparents) died when she was a child. After that her uncle took care of her for a few years. he was killed right Infront of her by a mafia boss with the scariest look in his eyes. I even wondered how could she even escape. she went from a foster home to another. each new family was worst than before. she was treated worse than Cinderella herself. she had zero friends at school and infinite enemies and bullies. until she met Mar.

"Mar" I called out. I heard their conversation.

" Hey, don't be afraid. I wanna be friends with you. Don't be afraid, I don't care what those jerks think of you. you look pretty awesome. Am Marvel Roth btw. What's yours." little Marvel said to Jessica.

of all people she could be friended with. she chose my mom. everyone who ever met mom never thought of her as a human being. Anyone whoever met mom treated her like a freak, an outcast who doesn't deserve to live. But the girl standing before her saw her differently, it felt she understood her pain. Even her family Alice and John arc agreed to adopt her to save her from her cruel foster home. Soon, Mom was chosen to be a hero. Not just any. The bravest of them all. she was chosen to possess the power of the green lantern. Before we know it, Jessica and Marvel become heroes with other friends. ' THE BIRDS OF PREY' was their title. she fought too many ebonies. she found out some shocking news, the ring that possess her strength was ones used by sinestro. the evil guy tried to make her miserable by the second. she never let that stop her. Years past she lost her first true friend due to of fire in her house. it took Marvel and her adoptive family with her. she was speechless as she watched the things that made her happy burnt before her eyes. she didn't know that Marvel was the only survivor and she kept it a secret. Sooner or later, she found out her friend was alive. she was made for sure but grateful. Marvel lied to me, about her life, about her scars, about me, and about mom. She knew about moms power to generate her own ring and my ability too. she could have told me.

Then, it happened again. but for real this time. Artemis crock and Courtney Whitmore died in the battlefield. she was devastated but she could go through it. She found the man she loved and soon she was about to head off to another planet, another world, another story. before she left she wanted to say goodbye to her friend. she left behind her ring and her memories. wait, this one is new. it's Oa....And mom is writing something. 


this might be the last thing I'll ever write to you or see you again. I am sorry I haven't written for a while. the planet is at its edge. the prophecy is true. The planet is going to be doomed with me and Hall as well. My last wish from you is to keep my daughter alive. this is also could be my last thing I'll ever ask for. I don't want anyone to know she is alive or if she is even a Green Lantern.Take care of her as you took care of me. Her name is Jasmin. I wanna say thank you for everything you've done for me. you changed me into a better person. I'll miss you so much.

love: Jessica the shy girl 


Hey, What happened? is everything okay? I don't understand 


answer back 




I promise


Marvel lied to me. she knew...She knew I was coming....Mom could've survived.

I stood there in silence as I read the book myself. i heard footsteps and gasping behind me.

" You saw everything..., didn't you?" Mar said with doubt and blame in her eyes. 

I stood their in silence, trying to process what I just saw, who I just saw, and what I should say. as tears streamed down my cheeks in shouted. 


I screamed as rushed outside. Mar stood there in silence with her head never leaving the ground. " Mark, " Mar said with a deep voice.

" Yeah." Mark answered.

" I messed up, I'm going after her. don't go after us. k?"

" I got your back."

I spent half an hour soaking wet by tears crying and soaping with my eyes between my arms. I screamed and shouted. as I picked on of the pics and glared at it. 

" I believe you now realize whose memories are those." Mar said behind me. 

" (snif) don't you dare come any closer...,(crying)" I replied angerly.

" (sigh) can I.....at least....talk. " Mar said.

" WHY, DANG IT. (crying)" I said interrupting. " why didn't you tell me. you didn't just know my mom...you were like a sister to her. she had.....a very dark past..... she needed you the most back their...and you left her. why? why did make me see it. she was hurt. 


I screamed at her. when I moved around to see her face I could already see her tears. I never saw her cry before. After I realized what I just said I was shocked as held my moth.

" you're right..." Mar said holding her self together.

" everything you said about me was right. you of all people have all the right to judge me. the biggest mistakes I ever made were running away....when my mom and my people needed someone to save them.....I ran...When my aunt Alice and her family were killed because of me.....I ran...When your mom needed me the most.....I ran....Even at the end of the world.....When trigon took my sister and Earth from me...I ran. when your mom sent these words I didn't know what to do. the truth is this room.....this basement has your mom's memories. the ring you just saw was her old one before she created her own. this one was once sinestro's. I kept it around so she can find it when she needs it. we knew about your powers.....that you'll one day create your own ring." Marvel cried.

" there are somethings you need to see before you judge me any further,"

she said as she took off the shirt she was wearing. 

I looked in horror at what I saw. Besides the scars of her metal arms, There were scars all over her body. even her back was full of it. her nek as well. Mar then proceeded.

" these scars were earned during different battles and different enemies. But the one in my back was caused especially by your mom." 

" What? How? it can't be. mom would never..."

" Hey, slow there dragon. I didn't say she meant it. the day I saved her and the team from Lina she was brainwashed by her anger. Lina Luther did some horrible brainwashing to her to be blinded by her anger. back then I had to face her. Eventually I saved her. and that scar was one of the prices I paid for my actions. Jasmin, the thing is. my past wasn't as bright as it seemed in the stories or in the cereal boxes. becoming a superhero had it's price. it cost me many families and friends. even my own parts of my body. your mom was more than a sister to me and i never meant to hurt her. so please don't go. everyone i ever cared about left me alone. my friends left me. and I'm all alone....please...don't go.....you've filled my life the moment you sat your foot in here...please.....don't leave me...(crying)"

" I....I'm really sorry for what I said. I should've known better...you're like a mom to me too. the only thing you've ever done was caring about me.....I don't deserve you.....please forgive me.....(crying)"

I said as I cried my heart out. 

" NO no no no no. none of that was true. It's me who should've told you the truth. I promise from now on, I'll tell you everything you wanna know. okay.?"

" Mar, I have decided that, I wanna be a hero like my parents. I wanna go to superhero high school. I wanna be the Green Lantern."

" I.....(sigh) I don't know. I can't just let you go like that. I refuse."

" but Mar please. I need to protect this Earth it is my destiny and I won't run. I have to face him one or another. until then I have to be ready." I pleaded 

" And what if you're in trouble and I won't be able to protect you?...What if you die?" Mar said as she was about to cry.

" I won't....I promise." I said as my eyes led up. she took one look at everyones' puppy eyes then. "(sigh) fine I'll get you in, but, I'll be training you before you go a deal." 

" aye aye, captain and I'll start from tomorrow morning. Yeah, woah whoow. I'll be a hero Bri. Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah." I jumped in excitement.

" ha ha ha ha. she remind me of my self when I was her age you know."

" yup, always so enthusiastic and optimistic," Mark said. 

from that day I began trainings with Marvel. I knew my goal as I need to be 14 to enroll in superhero high and i needed to keep my origin and my name a secret. 

{Marvel} I'm gonna train her to be a hero. I know I don't want her to go through that path. but it's her choice after all. 

{Marvel, Jasmin} and that's the story of how we met. Cause this happens: