
Teen Lion: a Teen Wolf Fan-Fic

Thomas, a teenager who lives in Beacon Hills, finds out he is a werelion. He will discover new needs and new abilities, while trying to find his way of living and undercover his past. ---------------------------------------- While it is a harem I'll try to make it a good one with romance and logic. It isn't an harem just placed there casually, as werewolves have packs, MC will have his own pride. As time pass plot may get some changes. I can already tell you that I'm planning to add a volume about Mc's past toward the end. I hope you all will help me get better in english by pointing out any errors i make. Also the chapters get longer as time pass. ----------------------------------------- If you want to be 10 chapters ahead of the public release schedule you can join my Patreon, where you will also get to take part in pools and read exclusive non-canon R18 chapters. My patreon is also named WebReaderPub. patreon.com/user?u=60696780 ----------------------------------------- This is the link to my discord--> https://discord.gg/3gdmy26q ----------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: Teen Wolf doesn't belong to me, I only own the MC and some OCs.

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85 Chs

Chapter 7


"I'm so happy to know that Thomas finally found a girl to bring home"

Said a middle-aged woman, Isabel Knight, adoptive mother of Thomas.

"I brought one when I was a kid" retorted Thomas.

"You thought she was a boy" replied Isabel.

"Well Andrea is an androgenous name, and she always dressed like a male"

"Well, she still cried when she asked you out and you said you were not into men"

"It happened ages ago, she probably forgot by now, let's not bring up these things anymore"

"I'm just scared that you are going to do some stupid things and ruin everything this time too"

"Thanks for the trust" muttered Thomas while rolling his eyes

While these two were in a heated conversation, on the side Lydia and a middle-aged man were watching this with interest.

"They got the same personality, stubborn and talkative, but they tend to do this only when they are at home. It must be your first time seeing him like that." said Jonathan Knight.

"Yes, but it is nice seeing a family be happy" answered Lydia sporting a gentle smile.

"Yes, it is"

At this moment Isabel looked at Lydia.

"Lydia, dear, was it you or my son who approached the other first"

"I did" at these words another smirk appeared on the lips of the mother, knowing she has other arguments to keep teasing her son.

--MC POV--

"We finally took this out. When do you plan to have me meet your parents" she always tries to avoid this discussion and I'm sure something is going on with her family.

"I don't know"

"You were the one to insist to meet mine, is there a problem at your home"

"They are going to divorce. Maybe it will be next week, or maybe in some months, but they can't stand each other anymore and don't look at me like that, I won't behave like a depressed teenager that lack her parents' affection"

"Obviously not, my Lydia is a grown-up girl" I said, while dodging a punch from her.

"I'll help you feel better don't worry, if you need a fatherlike figure, I'll be happy to comfort you" I added, but her reaction caught me by surprise

"Oh do you want me to call you daddy?"

She said while grabbing my dick thought the pants and looking at me with a lust filled gaze. I raised such a good girl; these are the satisfaction of life.

--Lydia POV--

It is magical how great Thomas makes me feel, but then every time I get home all I hear are screams and cries.

I barely had the time to get in the shower, but here they start again.

"Have you seen at what hour she came back!" screamed a man from downstair.

"She is a teenager; she should have fun with her friends" answered the voice of a woman

"Friends? Have you seen how messy she was, I doubt it was just a friend!"

"So what, can't she have a boyfriend?"

"You see! You don't even understand the problem! No wonder she turned this way"

"She is your daughter too and she doesn't have any problem! You are the only problem in this family"

Why can't they just shut up?

It's late night, but they keep arguing, even then, why do they need to put me in their discussion?

Don't they understand that I can hear them? I have done everything to be the best, but even now they still use me to undermine the other, as if I was just a chess piece in their game.

I'm tired, but lately I can't ignore them, even if I cover my ears.

I hear them more clearly than the water that keeps falling on my body, it is as if I'm cursed.

"Do you not care about her education? Her votes will go down this way, she is still too young to have a relationship and what will other think if they see our daughter comes back home like that?"

"You care only about others! What about us? You ruin our happiness!"


"You make me always look like the villain; I won't let my daughter becomes as unresponsible as you"

"I won't give up on her"

"we'll let her decide who she wants to stay with" said the man with a cold tone

"She is just fifteen, you can't ask her to take such a decision!"

"Stop treating her like a child, at her age I was already working while attending school!"

Please stop!

I just want to let out all my frustrations … I just want to…scream…