
Teen Lion: a Teen Wolf Fan-Fic

Thomas, a teenager who lives in Beacon Hills, finds out he is a werelion. He will discover new needs and new abilities, while trying to find his way of living and undercover his past. ---------------------------------------- While it is a harem I'll try to make it a good one with romance and logic. It isn't an harem just placed there casually, as werewolves have packs, MC will have his own pride. As time pass plot may get some changes. I can already tell you that I'm planning to add a volume about Mc's past toward the end. I hope you all will help me get better in english by pointing out any errors i make. Also the chapters get longer as time pass. ----------------------------------------- If you want to be 10 chapters ahead of the public release schedule you can join my Patreon, where you will also get to take part in pools and read exclusive non-canon R18 chapters. My patreon is also named WebReaderPub. patreon.com/user?u=60696780 ----------------------------------------- This is the link to my discord--> https://discord.gg/3gdmy26q ----------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: Teen Wolf doesn't belong to me, I only own the MC and some OCs.

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85 Chs

chapter 49

--Derek POV--

Me, and my three new betas sat at a table in my sister pub.

We were the only ones inside my sister did me the favour to close it for some time.

"I've already told you what being a werewolf means separately, but I'll summarize another time here. The bite gives you power, heightened senses, but there are also difficulties. You risk to lose control of yourself during full moons, and you must not cause problems or hunters may appear and try to kill you. As a pack we must collaborate and work together, cause werewolves are stronger when they are in a group." I stated, looking at them, but no one of them seems to repent of their choice.

All of them lived a harsh life, and they all share the same desire to change.

Peter did a good job in searching for potential people, who would desire to be turned in werewolves.

They were ready to go through the bite even if they knew that it could have killed them.

"So, what are we supposed to do right now? Are there some kind of jobs or training we have to do as werewolves? Will we have to hunt animals together" asked Boyd.

"The pack is more of an assurance. It makes us stronger, and thanks to this people won't underestimate us and try to attack us. The ones of our kind who stay alone die most of the time. There will be times where I'll need your help, for example when a threat appears. Except for these occasions you are free to live your life, but we'll have to meet often to maintain a good relationship. I'll also have to train you on how to control your powers at the beginning." I replied.

"Moreover you must remember this: The pack is a hierarchy and I am the alpha, so remember that I am your boss" I added as it was important to set boundaries.

After this last statement they showed some sign of awkwardness and Erica, who wanted to ask a question raised her hand, like one would do in class.

"Are there any other werewolves?" She asked, after I gave her the permission to speak.

This way of communicating is not very practical, but I'm sure that as time go on, we'll set the basic rules, and they'll understand when they can speak their mind and when they can't.

"Well, there is my sister, who is about to reach us here and…" my words soon got interrupted by some people who entered the Pub.

They all were carrying the supplies for the local, and my sister was ahead of them.

"Oh, you are already here. I'm Laura Hale, Derek older sister and owner of this pub, which has become more like a place for teenagers shapeshifter to hang out lately" she said with a smile.

"Hy I'm Thomas knight. I'm not part of Derek pack, but I'm a friend, so we'll meet each other quite often. Lydia and Malia are with me. Nice to see you again Isaac." said Thomas, while looking at his lacrosse teammate.

"You are a werewolf?" asked Isaac with an astonished look.

"Not really a werewolf, but I'm a shapeshifter" stated Thomas.

"So, the popular clique of the school are supernatural creatures" Asked Boyd.

"Those who count something" added Lydia.

"Other than them there is also Scott and Allyson" I intervened.

"Scott? You mean Scott McCall? Does this mean that Stiles is a werewolf too?" said a flustered Erica.

"He isn't, but he knows of us. I'm planning on trying to have him become a werewolf, but first I'll have to convince Scott to join our pack".

"Why did Scott not join? You said that an omega doesn't last long".

"I did and it is the truth, we are made to live in packs, but Scott refuse to be involved with werewolves' affairs. He was forced to turn into a werewolf by the previous alpha, who was behind the recent murders. So, he never accepted his new reality" I said.

At this point the questions part of our meeting had reached its conclusion and we passed the rest of the time, speaking casually and knowing about each other.

At some point Laura, Lydia and Erica left to go shopping, while Malia decided to stay behind as she didn't want to join them in their fashion trip.

--Erica POV--

"You seriously need a renovation in your wardrobe. What you usually wear is too conservative and it covers too much, you have a great body and even if you don't want to show it, you should at least make sure people are aware of the bombshell you are" said Lydia as she passed me some of the clothes she and Laura choose.

"I have a good body?" I asked incredulous.

"Obviously you do, look at the mirror" Said Laura and indeed in my reflection I was thin and all the pimples I had, were nowhere to be seen.

I couldn't achieve this shape even after training for years and my facial features that I never liked, while they didn't change, I could see them under a new light now.

They appeared to be appropriated to my body, and while my body had gotten thinner, my bust maintained its previous size.

"Is that really me? Or is this glass one of those that makes you look good" I asked.

"It is a normal glass, I don't know how you were before the bite, but usually when one turn into a werewolf things like pimple or a little fat disappear. Except for those the rest is your natural beauty." Said Laura.

"How jealous I am of you shapeshifter. You don't use any cream, but you have such a good skin. If everyone was like this, cosmetics factories would be ruined" Added Lydia.

"You are not one too?" I asked, after all her boyfriend is a shapeshifter and she has a good skin too.

"No, I'm more on the psychic side, things like visions of the future or other strange supernatural things. Unfortunately, differently from Thomas and Malia I have no super strength or cool transformation".

"You can predict the future? Can you tell me about my fate in love? Lately the horoscope, has been wrong" I always wanted someone, who could tell me the future in a reliable way.

"I predict mostly bad things, and usually I don't control how it works, but if it makes you happy, I've had no visions of you, so nothing bad should happen. Also why are you that curious about your love life? Is there a lucky guy, who got you heart?" She asked making me flush, but I still was not ready to confess this with her.

"Leave her some space Lydia, you have just got to know her" Said Laura as she passed me a shirt to try.

"Either way I'll find out soon by myself" replied Lydia with a pout.

No wonder most guys and Stiles like her, she is quite adorable.

What aren't adorable are the clothes she is giving me, generally the clothes Lydia choose were more slutty, while Laura went with a more moderate style.

Both looked good and I was planning to take both a few of stiles, after all now I feel confident enough to wear these kinds of clothes.

"Can't wait to see the reaction other will have when they see you. As someone who also went trough a big change I can tell you, that seeing other reactions is the best part. Nothing boost your ego more than some envious looks" Added Lydia while nodding and looking at me with a smile.

I have just become a werewolf, but I'm already feeling better than I ever had.

No more seizures, good appearance, new friends and cool abilities, I have gained things I tough were impossible.

Now the only thing that is missing is Stiles, but I'm sure I'll be able to get him now.

The weak me is a thing of the past from now I must forget all of my insecurities and use this chance to gain confidence and a better my life.

My occasion has finally come!

(Hy my dear readers, I'm planning to make poll after reading a comment few days ago. I wasn't planning to add Cora to the harem at the start, but I saw that some guys liked her, and it would indeed be possible, I already have a plan. Obviously the poll will be on Patreon and you'll have one day of time to subscribe, if you want to join. Moreover even if you just subsribe to my most basic tier, you will be able to already read Laura's R18 chapter (Chapter 51) and the two exclusive R18 chapters I have on patreon, one with KateXThomas and the other with MelissaMcCall(Scott's mom)xThomas. If you join my highest tier you'll also be able to commision a exclusive (for patreon) R18 chapter of my story with characters of your liking (it will be non canon)).