When Gabriel awakens in a strange and forgotten world, he no longer recognizes himself. Now called Dravyn Skaroth, he is without memories of his previous life but carries vast scientific knowledge in his mind, as if his mind were a library of future eras. This new world, Élaris, is rudimentary, marked by kingdoms in constant conflict, magical creatures, and a wild and untamed nature. Here, magic is real but little understood, used in a rudimentary way by those who do not know its true potential. Dravyn, initially determined to adapt and use his knowledge to thrive in this world, soon encounters human cruelty in its most brutal form. Subjugated and marked by suffering, he sees his ideals crushed. In their place, anger grows, fueled by a desire for revenge and the weight of a remorse that never leaves him. If Élaris and its inhabitants gave him a new chance at life only to condemn him, Dravyn will decide his own redemption. And if they want a monster worse than the demons they fear, that is exactly what they will get. --Updated weekly--
Kingdoms and Locations:
Cedrus: Kingdom where Dravyn lives.
Falthur: Northern kingdom known for invading Cedrus.
Columbus: Southern kingdom that also invades Cedrus.
Élaris: The planet where events unfold.
Zarkhûn: Northern mountains rich in Kaerithar ore, and former home of dragons like Elyndra and Ignarion.
Sylvarûn: A vast, unexplored forest, in the far west.
Zhyranthys: Kingdom inhabited solely by hybrids, the former home of Vyresska and Scilia.
Kaerthalyon: A western kingdom bordering Zhyranthys with a large coastline.
Velanthar: Name given by the protagonist to the forest inside a crater.
Animals and plants:
Kaorthernung: The same as a huge bear, with an incredibly good sense of smell
Zol'Karnes: Half-human people (Hybrids)
Hornock: A mix of cow and buffalo, with three prominent horns. Used for milk, meat, and transportation.
Howlith: A giant wolf with venomous claws.
Serpentinas: Gigantic serpents with an affinity for water magic, capable of growing indefinitely.
Vakkur: Large beaver-like creatures used for transporting heavy loads.
Zhaalk: Large lizards with potent venom in their jaws.
Kaorrax: Creatures similar to chickens but larger and with unique traits.
Tzilik: Small monkeys with elongated arms and an affinity for wind magic.
Fyrlárins: Huge rabbits, nearly the size of a person, with powerful claws for digging.
Graskélins: Birds larger than peacocks, with teeth in their beaks and feathers that create magical illusions to disorient prey or enemies.
Drakthuls: Gigantic armadillos with protruding teeth and enormous claws for digging burrows.
Fylarenn: A fish with magical healing properties.
Kozvhyn: A woodworm used as fishing bait, also known as the wood plague.
Rhomangarûn: A large fish consumed by soldiers for its muscle-building magical properties.
Thyrekon: A special fish with magical properties that restore stamina.
Fynllorath: A plant with extremely resistant leaves, used to make ropes.
Thalrún: A tree similar to oak.
Thalvarýn: A plant from which threads that can be used for sewing are obtained.
Líthari: A tree that looks like a willow.
Fruvorra: A creamy, sweet fruit with a citrus aroma and a red color.
Alkarith: A fruit similar to Brazilian açaí.
Nhalvyris: A grain similar to rice.
Tháliar: A tuber resembling a potato.
Thalbûren: A hollow, tough plant divided into segments, like bamboo
Sithraal: A fruit that resembles the tomatoes
Zekil: A Cricket
Vhoryss: Giant praying mantis
Minerals and Crystals:
Kaerithar: A magical and precious ore that enhances power to its maximum for a limited time but at a high cost.
Zyren: A mineral resembling obsidian but with magical properties.
Vothrial: Called the "creation crystal" by the protagonist, it can read thoughts and has other powerful functions.
Kovâr: A mineral almost totally equal to copper.
Thorgûn: A mineral equal to iron.
Other Terms and Phenomena:
Kara Valkh: A phrase meaning "Wind Howl," used to invoke wind magic.
Télasyenith: The northern lights in Élaris' language.
Véskha: The word for "bag" in the language of Élaris.
Estalyrion: The mother star of the planet Élaris.