
Chapter 5

A few hours later, Damien somehow got home completely wasted.

His parents knew about where there son went out to but didn't mind to much.

With current medical technology, they don't have to worry about things like alcohol poisoning.

Damien stumbled up to his room, almost falling over the railing on the process and immediately laid down in his bed.

"Adam, how's progress?"

"Progress is absolutely splendid, I'm personally excited for this as well."

Adam was an Artificial Super intelligence and of course had already developed a personality and emotions.


Somewhere a few miles away, in an abandoned wearhouse that had been purchased by an unknown tycoon a few hours ago.

If you looked inside, you would be able to see a couple hundred workers going crazy.

Not literally, but they were working their asses off.

They looked like zombies.

Adam had hacked the brain chips of these hundred people and influenced them to start building a huge laboratory.

It was an unbelievable sight.

Everyone worked so efficiently and coordinated, there were no errors.

The first thing that was created was a nano factory, a machine that could create extremely small nano robots.

These robots had many different functions which included enhanced senses, enhanced strength, enhanced regeneration, enhanced brain activity, enhanced immune response, the ability to change the genetic code of your own body, etc.

They were what made sure the workers could work at over 9000 percent efficiency without getting injured or fatigued.

Adam himself did feel bad about controlling the workers and decided to give them the gifts mentioned above, all except for the ability to change your own genetic code.

That was a little to much.

The nano robots could already make it so you could have an incredible leap in fighting capabilities.

Damien let Adam do what he wanted because if he tried to control him, that could lead to disaster.

Adam did have a good personality however and would most likely not do anything that would jeopardize the human race or his own creator.


the scene shifted back to Damien's bedroom, where a number of hours had already passed at this point.

Damien woke up to the sound of his alarm and woke up feeling great...

Except for the fact that head a headache and a bad hangover that made him be in a constant state of nausea.

"Adam, how much longer is this going to take...." he asked, already feeling impatient.

He wanted to abandon this mortal body already.

"We should finish ahead of schedule, it will be done when you get home from school." said Adam.

"This is what happens when you drink." He added in.

"Whatever..." said Damien, to lazy and in pain to argue with this guy, or robot?

Damien got ready for school and headed out, skipping breakfast.

He felt that he wouldn't be able to keep anything down at this time.

After running to school and going through the identity check, he walked to his classroom.

After arriving there, he sat down and laid his head on the desk.

He looked at Andrew who looked just as miserable and felt a little bit better.

'Im glad 8 don't have to go through this pain alone...' he thought.

A couple minutes later, the teacher walked in.

"Alright class, as most of you know, now that you have all awakened you martial spirits, the curriculum is going to change."

"Before, you were all just coming to school I. order to develop socially and emotionally, now you're going to start cultivation."

The teacher put his hand in his pocket and pulled out an ethereal looking stone.

Damien's interest was peaked when he saw this and he looked up.

"As all of you know, this is called a spirit stone."

The teacher then pressed a button on his desk and a pedestal came out.

He slid the spirit stone into the engraving on it and it for perfectly.

Afterwards, the kids in the classroom started to feel like the air was getting a bit heavier.

"I will teach you the basics of cultivation, starting from breathing and absorbing spirit qi." said the teacher as he mentally sent a book into everyone's heads.

You should've all received the knowledge I sent you, imprint it now."

All the students obliged and quickly imprinted the breathing method into their head.

"Now, all you have to do is follow the steps of 5he breathing method and you should be a good to go. Don't bother asking any questions because I'm not going to answer them he said as he walked out of the class room, closing the door behind him."

Damien looked dumbfounded when he heard the teacher say this, but did not pay any attention to it.

He looked over at Andrew, who had already started to follow the breathing method.

He decided to follow suit.

He quickly calmed his mind an started to breath in and out as described.

It might seem easy but you had to really focus.

It was almost like you pulled the energy from the atmosphere with each breath.

Some people got it almost immediately while others struggled.

This breathing method wasn't hard and wasn't supposed to be hard but some found it hard to focus their minds.

And there were two idiots who had trashy martial spirits.

One of the issues could be fixed with little effort.

The other would most likely never improve in the person's life.

Only rare heaven and earth treasures could improve the grade of your martial spirit.

Andrew who was sitting next to Damien started to get frustrated.

'Jesus Christ, how bad is my talent????' he thought to himself.

He opened up his status panel.

[Unlimited Upgrade System Panel - LVL 1 [+]

Andrew Wilhelm

Cultivation Techniques: Sub-par breathing method - Level 1 [+]

Martial Spirit Rank: Level 2 [+]


Andrew didn't hesitate to press the plus on the martial spirit rank.

It increased to level 3 and the cost to upgrade it also increased to 2000 dollars.

Andrew pressed it again.

The cost increased to 5000 dollars.

He did this until his martial spirit rank was level 9.

to upgrade it again cost 100000 dollars.

Andrew pressed it yet again and it became level 10.

Andrew immediately felt a strong current rush into his body through his pores.

'In just a few seconds, I've went from the biggest trash in the schools to the most talented in the school!'

Andrew was beyond excited and could barely contain himself.

However, he quickly calmed himself and started upgrading his cultivation technique.

He also upgraded it to level 10.

However, it only cost half as much.

This was to be expected after all.

A martial spirit was much more valuable than a cultivation technique.

Especially since the cultivation technique was just sub par.

He didn't know if that was the actual grade of the technique or if that was how the system classified it.

However, even if it was Sub-par, Andrew felt that the technique function dozens of times better when he upgraded it to level 10.

He absorbed so much more spiritual qi. It was Avery ethereal feeling.

Suddenly, he felt like a shackle in his body suddenly broke.

'This must be the sign that I broke into the body tempering stage...' he thought to himself, surprised.

He didn't know to much about cultivation but he didn't know that it should take much longer to get to this level for the majority of people.

It had only taken him a couple of minutes.

He was more and more dumbfounded the more he thought about it.

Meanwhile, Damien gave up trying to cultivate with this body as soon as he tried.

He knew that it would take extremely long in order to even feel spirit qi.

Spirit qi was necessary to strengthen the physical body of a cultivator.

The only other way to do it was to eat mutated beats meat.

However, this cost a lot of money to buy, money which Damien didn't have.

However this made him even more determined to complete his initial goal of creating a divine body.

However, he couldn't really say he created it because he didn't, and he knew he didn't.

He was just a leech that fed on others hard work.

Atleast, that's how he felt.


A few hours passed like that and it was the end of the school day.

The next week would be just this.

After the students could feel the spirit qi and we're able to absorb a little bit of it, they would learn a body tempering technique to go along with it.

'No wonder why the technique was Sub-par....' thought Andrew as he face palmed.

It was an incomplete technique.

It had to be combined with the body tempering technique in order to achieve the best results.

However it didn't even matter at this point, Andrew already achieved peak body tempering.


Damien saw all of this happen and shook his head.

He saw his facial expression change from 'im a dumbass' to 'nobody even knows that I'm the strongest sophomore right now'.

After bidding farewell to each other, Damien and Andrew both headed in opposite directions.

After everyone was out of sight, Damien sprinted to his house.

By the time he got there, he looked like an addict who needed his drugs.

He raced up to his room, not having to greet his parents since they were at work.

once he got here he asked Adam, "Is it done, is the body done?!"

"Yes it is done, all you need to do is head over to the lab." Adam responded calmly.

Before Damien could even ask where the address was, he had them directly imprinted into his mind through the brain chip.

Once he got the directions, he didn't hesitate to sprint out of there.

He called a taxi which allowed him to reach his destination in less than a minute.

Technology for travel and gotten exceptionally good these days.

Once he got there, he scanned himself in and the doors slowly opened.

What Damien saw behind the door excited him to his core.
