
Technically An Overlord

What else is better than being able to create something that came out of your imagination? Something that can only be left hidden behind our minds, yet here you can freely explore it. Michael, a 20 years old boy, homeschooled, not technically spoiled, but still privileged enough to care about the outside world, was suddenly transported in another world, MID-AIR! However, despite his unluckiness, he seem to be favored by God. As the world he got himself into was the same world of the game he was addicted to. Now, the only problem lies to his self... A selfish bastard who knows nothing of outside world will now have to take responsibility of more than 11500 people... He had to keep these people from both starvation, and of course, foreign threats. // Credits to the rightful owner of the image provided in the cover. // I am an amateur writer of a novel, so if you find something wrong with my explanations, do please give me a comment and I'll try my best to elaborate and change it!

Helfenite · Fantasi
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30 Chs

Towns' Status

[Rebecca's POV]

In this kind of situation, I would probably assume that the end has coming to its near. And us, who are innocents made simply to suffer from the hands of tyrant lords are now being salvaged by the new lord of this territory.

As if we are being led through a much more amazing place that was promised by the former lord of Pearson. I am not so much good when it comes to figure of speech so I will be straight to the point, overnight, something happened.

The barns of Edelweiss was suddenly filled with foods, goods, tools, and other necessary stuff for our daily lives. My father, who is already happy enough, was again move in tears. Once again, I have thought that my father has become more of a crybaby. But then, I can understand his overwhelming emotion revealing itself.

Because I, too, am very happy to see this miracle happening in our land.

Since I was born, I had yet to experience the barns being this full of supplies. Even the storage used to store fuels, woods, stones, and any other minerals were mostly empty due to the constant use in times of war.

But now... I am in tears, I am in delight. The unfamiliar fragrance of fresh meats that I rarely smell are now filling my nose up to the brim. The storage smells like fresh wood cuts, stones, freshly smelted irons. The sight to see are just utterly spectacular that I cannot fathom the current situation.

Questions are starting to appear in my head, wanting to be answered as soon as possible. But alas, when we tried to meet the lord, we were stopped by the guards.

"His Lordship is resting, disturbance is prohibited." Is what he said.

That can be the case, certainly that is. If such foods suddenly appear in our barns, and if it were done by the lord himself, then it's inevitable for him to feel exhausted.

But, to fill the entire barns? Isn't that just too overpowered?


In the outskirts of Lotus Town, there is a guy heaving a deep breathe.

"At last, I have returned. I must deliver this message, haaa~as soon as possible."

He then continued his journey, but upon entering the town's wallgate. He noticed something peculiar.

The people are rounding around the barns, warehouses, and storages. It seems they are trying to see something.

The guards are also curious, however, they are to in duty so unfortunately they cannot go. However, when the man asked the guard, he immediately reply.

"The barns, warehouses, and storages are filled with goods overnight. The old ones said that it is the work of the original ruler of Pearson, the former lord."

'The barns? Foods, perhaps?' he thought. But his confusion instantly turn to a joyous smile when he realize something.

"Yes, that's right!! Everyone, everyone!!! Listen!! I have come from Edelweiss bearing great news!!! His Lordship, His Lordship Karl Pearson HAS RETURNED!!!"

Immediately after that, cheerful voices of the mass resound across the town. People cries in joyous manner while others prostrate to the monumental statue of Karl Pearson which he made out of boredom.

There is even people raising their newborn infants as far as they can to signify their gratefulness for the lord's gift. Truly, the situation has become an organized chaos.

"This is a sight to see. I have never once thought that we will cheer once more because of the return of his lordship."

And for the last time, tears formed from his tears, unable to stop it from flowing.


"What did you say?"

"The merchants, the guilds, they are trying to monopolize the resources that suddenly appeared in the warehouses, barns, and storages. They are trying to take it all for themselves!"

Within the rundown Inn of Tres Maria located just beside the harbor of Rose Town, there is a a hooded man currently savoring his last drink of beer. But upon hearing the grave news, he spit it out violently with an expression of an angry person.

"Who gave them the rights to the foods and resources provided by the lord?! Are they insane!?"

"That's exactly the problem, they are trying to convince the townspeople that they are provided with the intention of selling it to the foreign lands. They are trying to manipulate the people!" The bartender said who's currently frowning.

"Thats ridiculous! I-I want to meet them!!" this time, the hooded man smacked the table which made the utensils fly.

"You can't! I have heard that the people who tried to protest were immediately took down. They are using lethal force!"

"W-what?!!! How dare they! How dare they do that to the people of Rose Town!!! They are merely foreigners who take opportunities from this town!! I-I know!! I must tell milord about this madness, I must return to Edelweiss and bring this news!" He gave his remark, and immediately took his leave.

"What will you tell?" however, before he could, a man with buff posture suddenly blocked the only exit of the Inn.

"I'm asking you, what will you tell? The people dying because of their greed, or the people protecting what's rightfully theirs?" the man sarcastically said.

"Madness! How can you said that when your fellow people are dying!!"

"My fellow people? Oy, oy... I am not even from here, I am but a hired mercenary to ensure the peace of Rose Town. And you, sir, just threatened it." He replied before grabbing something from his waist, it appears to be a two-edged sword.

"Y-you... You're not going to kill me here, aren't you?" The man is in disbelief, this man, this mercenary is willingly kill him with the sun at its peak.

"Nothing personal, sir. Just doing my job keeping the peace of this town."

The mercenary man aimed for the chest of the hooded man, and there he raise his sword and within a blink of an eye, his sword came crushing below the floor of the Inn.

However, his target seem to have disappeared. When he look around, he notice that the man before had already jump two feet away from the target's position.

"You... How did you-" before the mercenary could even finish, his left chest suddenly gush out a red liquid. From his mouth, the blood is also forming.

When he look behind with a terrified expression, he saw a petite body posture of a hooded person, further piercing his heart.

"Viena... You have come." The hooded man happily exclaim upon seeing the person who stabbed the mercenary's heart.

"Is it true? The lord you are talking about, has he really come?" a cute voice of a girl resound from the petite looking body of the hooded person currently stabbing the already unconscious mercenary.

"The foods are the proof of it. You must've heard the news, right?"

"Yes, but the merchants are telling us that they owned it since they are the ones blessed by the lord." Upon hearing her remarks, the hooded man frown.

"Then, who do you believe?"

The petite hooded girl soon pushed the corpse of the mercenary, revealing her face to the people within the inn.

Red hair, beautiful big brown eyes, her expression, however are unfathomable. Her body is small but due to this, she have high agility and flexibility. There also seems to be something mysterious from her that no one can tell, even the hooded man himself.

Currently she's dressed in dirty black robe, hiding the perfect curve of her body.

"Of course, I'll believe you... But, what if you're wrong?"

"Then we will have to kill ourselves, but that won't be the case after proving his presence using the foods he provided.

However, I must return to Edelweiss to bring this news."

"I will come with you."

"What about the others?"

"They are trying to hide wounded people as much as they can. This madness is spreading. But, with Mina with them, they will be fine."

"Then, let us depart. As soon as we leave this place, we can arrive at Edelweiss before dusk."