
Technically An Overlord

What else is better than being able to create something that came out of your imagination? Something that can only be left hidden behind our minds, yet here you can freely explore it. Michael, a 20 years old boy, homeschooled, not technically spoiled, but still privileged enough to care about the outside world, was suddenly transported in another world, MID-AIR! However, despite his unluckiness, he seem to be favored by God. As the world he got himself into was the same world of the game he was addicted to. Now, the only problem lies to his self... A selfish bastard who knows nothing of outside world will now have to take responsibility of more than 11500 people... He had to keep these people from both starvation, and of course, foreign threats. // Credits to the rightful owner of the image provided in the cover. // I am an amateur writer of a novel, so if you find something wrong with my explanations, do please give me a comment and I'll try my best to elaborate and change it!

Helfenite · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
30 Chs


It has been a day since the return of Karl, the people of Edelweiss had also managed to provide their own rations through means of communication and discipline.

The farm and pastures are now also being managed properly by the well-eaten workers. 250 people are productively working and efficiently doing their job as if it were normal.

What's left now is the manpower needed for long term solution for the advancement of the town. However, the people must wait for the lord's awaken since he must've tired himself last night.

"My name is Greg and this is Viena, we came from Rose to bring news to Lord Pearson, please let us in!" The man said with a visible expression of desperation.

"I apologize, however, his lordship is currently resting. I would like to suggest to please do rest a bit."

"No, this is important. At this rate-"

"I truly apologize, dear sir. However, his lordship is tired from the work he has done last night. Perhaps he may wake up at this day, but until then, please understand and leave." The guard wore a sympathetic gaze, but still, he is ordered to reject all of the people's attempt to talk to the lord.

"I-I have given you my name... I will also be taking a room in Keeper's Inn... Please, if lord Pearson wake, come to this place immediately, here, take this."

Greg handed the guard a handful of silver penning which have high value considering the emblem from it.

"Silver penning marked by the emblem of his lord Pearson? This is more valuable than the platinum penning of the former lord!"

"Please... I beg of you, we are in desperate time. If he wakes up-"

"Do not worry my friend, once I heard his lordship's waking up I will surely run to where you are. Until then, rest. You might collapse to the road." The guard reassure them, which cause Greg's lip to lift a bit.

"Thank you."


[Greg's POV]

Right after we arrived at Edelweiss, we immediately head for the lord's castle. However, upon entering, we were blocked by the guard. He seem to be kind enough to consider our expression of desparation at that time, but it seems the lord is truly tired to orbit an emergency audience.

But any minute, there must be someone being sacrificed just to get a glimpse of the food provided by the lord at Rose Town.

I can't believe that I am this powerless. I started this movement so that I can gain power, just enough to overthrow the former lord. But seeing my current state, I can't even be compared from the nails of those greedy merchants.

"What now?" While at thought, Viena suddenly gave me a questioning gaze.

Upon entering the inn that was miraculously renovated to become a more beautiful place to stay which we heard to be done by the lord himself, we were met by the cheerful atmosphere of the people inside.

Their problems are now non-existence it seems.

"Milord is currently resting, we should rest as well." with a deadpan expression, I replied. But it seems Viena is dissatisfied with my answer so she gave me strike using her elbow.

"I'm not talking about that, what should we do now?" Viena angrily asked.

"We can't really return empty handed, if we do, we will only be met with a few blades until we run dry from our blood. We should stay here for the time being, and let's just hope that Lord Pearson wakes up before the day ends."

Once we reach the receptionist, the childish looking girl have introduced herself.

"Hi! My name is Rebecca, I am the current Keeper's Inn's receptionist, what can I do for these dear guests?" She happily exclaim, which Viena reply in a somewhat annoyed expression,

"We need a room, and please stop that."

"O-okay, well, currently two rooms are vacant in the 2nd floor. Is that fine?"


"Then that'll be 1 silver penning."

In his pocket, Greg grabbed a small silver coins with an emblem of a griffin. It was the emblem of the former lord that is valued as the highest among all the Maginot Empire, and incomparably lower than the silver penning of the eternal lord.

"This will be the keys, breakfast starts at 8 large until 10, we also have brand new service. By simply adding 2 copper penning, you will be able to acquire two buckets of water."

"Then, please do." upon saying, Greg handed the lady two more copper, then immediately left for the second floor after reaching for the keys. He was then followed by Viena who is visibly annoyed by the cheerful expression of the lady.