
Tears Of Glass

Starting at a new school, Roxy is nervous about what it will be like; she is usually the quiet, reserved girl with no time for anyone. However, when she meets the boy of her dreams, Tyler, her life gets flipped upside down-hiding a secret life and falling deeply in love. When things go south, Tyler joins Roxy's double life, staying with her throughout the journey and falling deeper in love himself, but he finds he has a hidden past that he must confront. With Roxy by his side, the pair become a deadly duo. Their love soon begins to triumph over their double life, and looking for a way to escape; they become hunted themselves. Who will win, a pair of school kids madly in love or an army of deadly killers hot on their tail?

TylerB071 · Seni bela diri
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36 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Six - Old Friends

"Good morning Tyler!" His tutor called, noticing him walking down the corridor with Roxy. "Did you have a good holiday? Where was it you went again? Santorini?"

Tyler looked confused; his mind rattled, trying to figure out what his tutor was talking about! Then it hit him: Thomas had covered for him while passed out.

"Mr Myers! It's great to see you again! Yeah, spent a few months out in Greece! It was beautiful and definitely what I needed. A nice break from the world."

"That's great to hear! I do need to catch up with you, though. Nothing major, just touching base on the things you missed, assignments you need to complete, etc. So, see me after the bell goes, okay?"

Tyler agreed, sitting down where he usually sat in the mornings, looking around at his classmates joining him. He wondered how so many people could change in just three months, new hair colours, some taller than before, and William? He had changed the most. Then, finally, William trotted in on his own, his hair much neater and his clothes straighter than usual. He walked over to Tyler uncomfortably and pulled a chair beside him and Roxy.

"Hey, bud! How was your holiday? You missed a lot!" William began, "There have been loads of fights. A lot of the teachers have left. Miss Handy is really nice, though, the new maths teacher."

Tyler's face matched his growing confusion, unsure why William suddenly began talking to him after avoiding him for a while. Finally, he turned to Roxy for an explanation:

"After Robert's disappearance, I made 'peace' with the old gang. I figured they could use a friend." She explained. Tyler didn't speak. He instead grabbed William and pulled him close for a hug.

"It's so good to talk to you again! I'm so sorry about Robert. Are there any leads the police are following or anything like that?" He asked, acting as if he wasn't already filled in by Thomas.

"I'm really sorry, Tyler, but no. The police haven't found any traces of him. No leads or suspects. They don't know where to go from here. I know you and Robert have been friends since you were kids, and I can only imagine how bad you miss him. How much you're worrying. We are all here for you - even Danni." William placed his hand on Tyler's shoulder to reassure him, "But on a brighter note, I think congratulations are in order! I never got the chance as you disappeared when Roxy told us. Do you know the gender yet?"

"We are keeping it as a surprise! It's a funny story; we went for the first scan after I returned from holiday, expecting only four months into the pregnancy, and the nurse told us that we were around seven months! So we are way ahead in the pregnancy yet behind in buying things! We're gonna have a shopping spree later on. Otherwise, I'd suggest meeting up like the old days and playing a bit of halo or something!"

The bell rang throughout the school, signalling the start of the school day. Tyler expected to see floods of people rushing towards the door in hopes they make it to their first lesson on time, but instead, they flocked to Roxy like rats off a ship to ask questions about the pregnancy. Tyler wanted to stick around and help her escape the crowd, but his tutor waved to him, signalling his attention.

"You wanted to see me, Sir?" Tyler asked, looking back at Roxy, seeing the joy on her face as she talked about how far along she was and how well the pregnancy was going.

"Yes, Tyler. It's a bit of a personal question, and by all means, it isn't my place to ask or get involved, but as your tutor, your wellbeing is my concern. Now, it doesn't take a genius to see that you left on holiday shortly before Roxy announced to us that she was pregnant, and I know, especially at your age, that it can be scary and stressful, and I'm not here to tell you off. You are both consenting adults at eighteen, and I heard you have a place on your own with her, so well done to you both! But I have to wonder if things are going okay between you both? For you to disappear for three months on holiday, one that wasn't scheduled with the school, seemed a bit concerning." Mr Meyers reached out and gestured for him to sit.

"Well, at first, I suppose I was quite worried about how this would affect our day-to-day lives. I mean, being full-time students with a job in the evenings is difficult enough, but with a baby on the way - it's going to be extremely difficult to do both. So, yeah, I guess I was somewhat scared, but I didn't run away, if that's what you mean. I had this holiday for my job, a business trip if you would. It wasn't scheduled with the school because it was a last-minute decision that I didn't have a lot of choices over, honestly. I never wanted to leave Roxy on her own, especially whilst she's carrying my baby. Now more than ever."

"Why's that? Has something happened between you both?" Mr Meyers grew concerned, burying his bushy brows over his eyes

"We thought she was around four months pregnant, but we went for the first scan a couple of days ago. It turns out that she is seven months pregnant. So we are far ahead in the pregnancy, yet extremely behind on buying everything, Sir."

Mr Meyers sighed, placing his arm on Tyler's shoulder before giving him some advice:

"Look, Tyler, I know everything is terrifying right now. This is a massive change in your life, and you must make tough choices. There's a shop in town - Mothercare. Take Roxy and have the rest of the day off shopping in there for everything you need. I don't normally do this, but here." Mr Meyers handed Tyler a black bank card.

"What is this?" He asked, examining the card thoroughly.

"That is my credit card. Don't worry about how much you spend, nor paying me back. It has no spending limit, so get everything you need and have them deliver it to your house. I'll write up a list of things you want to buy for the little one. I have a son, so I'm well versed in what you'll need. Here!"

"Thank you, Sir! Really, thank you! I don't know how I could thank you enough!"

"The only thing you need to do from now on is act as the incredible father I know you can be. And focus on your studies. They are just as important. I'll explain to the teachers that you have a free track for the rest of the day. So go grab your bag and head into town. Just hand it back to me tomorrow before the start of the first period. Have a great day, Tyler!"