

One would say that tears means pain, but what happens when they turn into something great? The princess of heaven's tears turns a desert into a paradise, read what happened next

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22 Chs


'Are we there yet?' Carmella asked Hetul. 'Yes we are, help me pull up this vine, then we can go in' Hetul said. Carmella and Sayee pulled up the vine and immediately the door-way opened. They all entered into the doorway and walked the hallway.

'Whoa, this is endless' Carmella said to Hetul and Sayee looking at the building and listening to its echo sound right back to her after she uttered her first words. 'Sh, we do not want to disturb Old Man Hawm' Sayee said. 'Sorry' Carmella replied. The deeper they went, the more the darkness came to their eyes. 'It's getting dark' Hetul said picking up a stick and scratching it across the wall, it then turned into fire. The cave lit up. 

'Whoa watch your step' Hetul said as they reached a cliff. He looked around but saw nothing to cross them over so he found out that they had to jump. 'We have to jump' Hetul said. 'Jump?!' Carmella and Sayee asked in an exclaiming manner. 'Yes, there is no way for us to go across' Hetul replied.

'Wait let me show you' Hetul said taking a running start as he leaped over the cliff. By the time he reached the other side he fell on his nose and hit his head pretty hard. 'No!' Carmella exclaimed, she did not want Hetul to die. She found courage and was able to jump over the cliff. She landed on the other side.

'Hetul open your eyes please, Hetul' Carmella said while crying and holding Hetul's unconscious body in her arms. He reached out for his bag and saw the same mixture that healed her leg, she took a little and applied it on is head injury, instantly he was healed. He became unconscious slowly. 'Ah' he exclaimed. 'Sorry, up, get up' Carmella replied. 'How did you get here, did you jump?' Hetul asked Carmella. 'Yes I did and Sayee I still at the other side' Carmella said not realizing that Sayee had already reached the other side. She laughed at them both.

'Let's go' Sayee said. They all proceeded to the second door way. Hetul was familiar with the cave so he knew what to do. Finally they reached the temple of Old Man Hawm. 'Whoa' Sayee and Carmella said as they were both amazed the place. 'Welcome to Old Man Hawm's temple' Hetul said. An old m deep from the shadows comes down from an altar. He had a long beard that was half white and half black.

'Sh, keep it down, the walls are weak' Old Man Hawm said. 'Sorry master' Hetul replied. 'Hetul what brings you back here after five long years?' Old Man Hawm asked. 'Well you see, I had some things to do and…' Hetul said as he was being cut off by Old Man Hawm. 'Keep your excuses to yourself, I've heard enough of 'em' Old Man Hawm replied.

'You came here to seek answers' Old Man Hawm said. Carmella and Sayee were shocked that he was able to read their minds. 'How did you know?' Sayee asked Old Man Hawm. 'That lady over there told me' Old Man Hawm replied. 'What lady?' Sayee, Carmella and Hetul asked. 'By the corner over there' Old Man Hawm replied. They all turned by the side and immediately Polami came out of the shadows were she was. 'Hi guys' Polami said.

Sayee was shocked with Carmella and Hetul. Immediately Sayee and Carmella ran towards Polami and hugged her really tight. After a while they released the hug. 'What happened I thought you, I thought you went to your village?' Sayee asked. 'Well, along the line I had change of plan' Polami replied. 'Why?' Carmella asked. 'I knew that with me gone, all the attention would be shifted to the pretend me that went back to the village' Polami replied. 'So how did you do it?' Hetul asked.



Polami was heading back to Hetul's village when she saw Sayee's friends Yuji and Kuja. They were little children that wanted to help Sayee. When Polami was heading back to the boats, they followed her refusing to stop, then immediately an idea pops into her head. She gives them her clot and makes wig with some raw materials. Then they sailed with the boat to the village. I went on to Old Man Hawm alone.


'So where are they now?' Carmella asked. 'In the village' Polami replied.


'Today we celebrate the downfall of the King's killer, unmask her' the queen commanded. Immediately the pretend Polami was unmasked, they found out that it was children. The whole villagers started murmuring. 'What?' the soldiers asked. 'How can this be? Find Polami and bring her back, breach the other kingdoms, invade, infest, do whatever you can to bring her back!' the queen exclaimed.

The soldiers marched down to Sayee's village.


'Are you guys done with your regrouping?' Old Man Hawm asked. 'Yah' they all said. 'You know you are really lucky to hug Princess Uri while you all are still alive' Old Man Hawm said. 'Princess Uri, she died over a thousand years ago' Carmella said. He's not lying, he told me everything before you guys got here' Polami replied. 'How can this be?' Carmella asked. 'It was prophesied that Princess Uri would re-incarnate to vanquish the fire god once and for all' Old Man Hawm said. 'Where is the fire god now?' Sayee asked. 'He was locked in an orb by the other gods before they ascended to heaven' Old Man Hawm replied.

'So where is the orb now?' Hetul asked. 'It's in the cursed sands' Old Man Hawm replied. 'We all know that that would not be possible, because no human can survive out there' Sayee said. 'She is not a human, she is an immortal re-incarnation am I right?' Carmella asked. 'Yes, finally someone gets the idea' Old Man Hawm replied Carmella.

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