
TEAM 7: Once More

Kaguya the mother of all chakra, the ones that eat chakra fruits and gain a unexplainable power, she was the only one enemies that team 7 need to take down. After obito dies and give kakashi his mangekyou sharingan, kakashi manage to summon one of the perfect susanoo and save sakura, then all of them start to attacking kaguya who seems like want to change her appearance to the ten tailed beast or as we all know the perfect juubi. When they all trying to sealed her something bad happened. They stuck in the dimension that even kakashi kamui couldn’t take they back to where they was. And then suddenly they all wake up in their 12 years old body leaving the war behind. What will happen to them? Can they make a better future for everyone? I DO NOT OWN NARUTO, ALL CHARACTERS BELONGS TO MASASHI KISHIMOTO, AND ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST AND MAIN LANGUAGE, SO I’M SORRY IF THERE ARE SO MUCH GRAMMATICAL ERROR OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT, I’LL TRY MY BEST TO WRITE AND RECHECK THE GRAMMAR ON GRAMMARLY BEFORE I POSTING IT, THANK YOU.

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18 Chs

Chapter 16: Preliminary Round Begins!

Chapter 16: Preliminaries Begins!

Team 7 made it to the tower about an hour later. Upon arriving in the main lobby, Naruto quickly opened both scrolls and tossed them down. Then Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke meanwhile took the opportunity to rest.

Gaara's team and Team 8 had arrived before Team 7, and though Hinata was anxious to see Naruto, she seemed in control of herself, much to Naruto's surprise. She had been such a Shygirl. What kind of training had Kurenai put her through?

Sasuke: Any other teams make it to the tower yet?

Naruto: That Sand team arrived with Team 8 before we did. The Sound team also showed up, followed by Neji's team. I wonder how he's doing, it has been a while since I saw him. That Kabuto guy was the last to arrive with his team so far.

Sasuke: So that is six teams so far, including ours. I wonder if anyone else will come?

Naruto: Call me crazy, but I have a hunch that Shikamaru, Choji, and Ino will be here.

Sasuke: Yeah, I'm pretty sure this time will be like the past, nine of us will make it to the tower, it's already six, I believe they will join us too.

Sasuke said before he sensed a large level of killing intent behind him. Whipping around he saw said fatty glaring at him, with Shikamaru and Ino coming behind him. "Help me…" Sasuke muttered as he now had to worry about the fangirl.

Naruto: Sorry Sasuke, you are on your own for this.

Sasuke: Screw you, Naruto

Sasuke snapped before he ran for his life through the hall.

Shikamaru: Troublesome.

Shikamaru muttered as he watched his teammate chase Sasuke, each for different reasons.

Naruto: Everything is troublesome to you, Shikamaru, If it was not required for life, you would probably think the same thing about breathing. By the way, how did you guys get your scroll?

Shikamaru: Just this morning, there was a team heading for the tower, and we had Ino take over the body of the leader, who was carrying both scrolls, she dropped the one we needed when the other two were not looking. When they were a fair distance away, she came back to her body and we were able to get to the tower just about half an hour ago with no more problems. It was still troublesome…

Then there was a full of shyness voice calling Naruto


Naruto turns his head and look at where he hears that voice

Hinata: I-i'm g-glad your team can make to the arena too.

Naruto: Oh, hi Hinata-chan, yeah, I see you and your team can make it too huh?, I know you're awesome!

Hinata blushed and her face turn red.

Then suddenly a cold voice came and say "I see you can make here too Hinata-sama"

Hinata: N-Neji niisan, Y-yeah I'm glad you can make here too.

Neji: if may I suggest, you should surrender immediately, Hinata-sama. The next exam will be much hard than this, A stutter and shy girl likes you, wouldn't make through, it only makes yourself in danger.

Hearing what Neji just said makes Hinata really sad and scared, and Neji continues what he said.

Neji: There's no room for girl like you in this exam, you can't change your fate about that. You're a loser Hinata-sama, just because you're from the main family, you can change your fate. Fate cannot be changed, once a loser, always a loser.

Naruto felt anger and annoyed by what Neji just said to her, he knows that this timeline Neji hasn't changed like the past, but he still annoyed by his attitude.

Naruto: Say what you want, but don't you ever, ever say that words again to her. You don't know her, you don't know what she can do, you don't know how strong she is.

Neji smirked

Neji: What do you know about her? SHE'S HOPELESS

Naruto: Say one word about insulting her again, I'm going to beat your frickin ass down. NOW LEAVE!

Naruto was really annoyed by him and he was starring at him with really bad killing intent and make Neji can't say a word anymore. He just leaves the place with a smirk on his face. Hearing naruto defend her like that makes Hinata feels happy and sad, she is happy because he cared for her, but she is also sad because she feels what Neji said is true.

Hinata: T-thank you F-for that Naruto-kun. B-but I-I think what Neji niisan said was true. I'm so hopeless, I can't do much except being a burden for my team and my clan.

Naruto knows how hurt she is right now. Without saying anything he just gets closer to her and hugs her tightly. And she just returned the hug while crying on his shoulder.

Naruto: Everything you said or he said wasn't true Hinata-chan. You're strong! And you should believe and proud of that. Don't let him take over your thoughts, remember what we have been training, I know how strong you are!, Don't worry about what others say to you. And if you can't trust your self, just trust me on this okay? I know and I believe about how strong you are. So believe me okay?

Hinata just nodded. And Naruto release the hug

Naruto: well right now, we should focus on the next exam okay? You should get back with your team and have a rest. Just come to me if you need anything okay?

Hinata: yeah, I will. T-thank you again Naruto-kun. See you again.

Then she walks away with a happy and read face. "Naruto-kun just hugging me! I can't believe this is really happening! Don't faint! Don't Faint!" She thoughts.

A couple of hours after that, all teams had gathered in the tower's arena. It was the day of the prelims. They were all given an explanation as to why there would be prelims.

Hayate: Attention! My name is Gekko Hayate. And congratulation on completing the second exam. Right now *cough* I'm going to tell you about the Preliminaries exam. And before I continue this, I'm going to explain something. This is a *cough* Individual exam, each of you will be fight one on one. So there's no teaming anymore in this exam. So whoever wants to surrender or cannot continue the exam please raise your hand *cough* and leave the place immediately.

Kabuto raises his hand dropped out as he had done last time.

Kabuto: I surrender!

Everyone's glare at him.

Hayate: Can you say why?

Kabuto: i have so much wound and my chakra still not fully recharged, it's better for me to give up and try again Next Exam.

Hayate: Well then, you might go.

Sakura: So he surrenders again like the last time.

Naruto: yeah, I'm sure he's starting his plan soon. I wonder what he's planning this time.

Sasuke: we can think about that later. We need to concern about this exam first.

Naruto: yeah, I know that ttebayo!

Then the proctor Hayate told them that the screen would randomly select two combatants and told all of them to be prepared. Everyone anxiously watched the screen and the two opponents were displayed for all to see.

Hayate: The first match is....


Hayate: everyone beside Uchiha Sasuke and Akado Yoroi may go upstairs as the match will start soon.

Sasuke: Damn, him again?

Sakura: Good luck Sasuke-kun!

Naruto: Yeah! Beat him fast!

Sasuke smirked

Sasuke: Don't worry, this should be fun.

Hayate: please come forward, both of you.

Sasuke and Yoroi shared the same killing intent glares to each other.

Hayate: The first match, Begins!

Both Sasuke and Yoroi jumps back

Yoroi: You can surrender if you don't wanna get hurt little boy.

Sasuke: Say that to yourself will ya?

Yoroi smirked, and start to attack him.

"Magen: Jigoku Kōka no Jutsu (Demonic Illusion: Descending Hell Jutsu)"

the illusion of a tremendous ball of fire falling from the sky into a designated area. Sasuke aware about this Jutsu and manage to counter it.

Sasuke: you really gonna go with Illusion against Uchiha like me huh? Idiot.

Sasuke smirked as he showing his Three tomoe Sharingan to counter the Genjutsu. And he attacked him back.

"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu (Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu)"

A massive fireball flying towards yoroi, and hits him


Yoroi: Damn you Uchiha Brats!

On the other side, There was Orochimaru who watching him battle against Yoroi, he turns himself into Otogakure Jonin sensei so no one will recognize him.

"That Vessels, my precious body that soon would be mine. Come on Sasuke-kun show me how strong you are. Use that cursed mark that i give you so you will know The true power that you have" Orochimaru thought as he showing his smiling face. Then he realizes that Sasuke hasn't had the cursed mark. "What? Did someone manage to remove the mark? No one can remove that mark." He thought grumpily. Then he remembers the battle in the forest and realized something. "Shit, That Uzumaki Brats can fool me like that, using a clone then turn the clone to Sasuke. Damn you, Just wait i have a great present for you Uzumaki! Just wait and see."

Sasuke and Yoroi fighting in close range using kunai and Taijutsu, throwing a punch to each other, then Sasuke realized that his chakra was drained fast.

"Shit, I forgot that he can absorb my chakra whenever I touch him. I should play this safely and fast."

He charged Yoroi fast and manage to punch him and then,

"Shishi Rendan (Lion Barrage)"

Sasuke kicks a yoroi into the air and follows close behind them. While in the air, Sasuke provokes the yoroi into attacking him, giving yoroi the chance to counter them and, in turn, kick them higher into the air at increasingly greater speeds. The higher up they get and the faster they move, the more damage that will be caused to the target when, as his finishing blow, Sasuke inevitably kicks Yoroi back to the ground.


Yoroi shouted and blood come through his mouth.

On the other side, Lee and Maito Gai shocked. They didn't know that Sasuke can do exactly as Lee and Gai can do.

Lee: Gai-sensei, did you see that?

Gai: yeah, I know what you thinking.

Then Gai glare at Lee.

Gai: Lee, did you have a battle against him using that technique?

Lee: I have sparred with him once when we training together, but I didn't use that technique...

Gai: I see, well then, he might copy that with someone.

Yoroi cannot move his body as his legs and hands broke, then Hayate step forward.

Hayate: Due to Yoroi unconscious, and his conditions, I assume this battle is over and the winner is Uchiha Sasuke

Everyone cheering at him especially his teammates.


Sakura: Shut up Ino-pig, of course, he's awesome, but no need to yell like that!

Ino: HA! Just tell me if you're jealous with me Forehead!

Sakura didn't answer it and manage to stay calm. Then not long after that, Sasuke come upstairs and greeted by his teammates.

Sakura: Well done Sasuke-kun!

Naruto: Yeah, you're awesome dude!

Kakashi: Good Job for not showing any Jutsu that that will be questioned.

Sasuke: I know that he's not that tough tho.

Hayate: *cough* as we finish the first round, we may proceed to the next round. So, *cough* the next round match will be...


Hayate: Please *cough* come forward .

Shino: Well It's my turn now.

Hinata: Be careful and Good luck Shino-kun.

Kiba: Oi Shino, Show them how badass are you! Show them how badass is team 8!

Then Shino comes down and wait for his opponent. As Zaku landed in front of him, Shino eyed his arms that were wrapped together in a sling.

Zaku: I've been waiting for this!

Shino: your hands still not healed. I suggest you surrender, so you won't get hurt.

Zaku: Huh, Shut up! I can beat you easily!

Hayate: Round Two, Begins!

Zaku, his trick exposed, blew through his bandages in an indiscriminate burst of power. While Shino showing his bugs.

Zaku: Bugs huh? Is that all you have? Well, take this!

Zaku shouted, placing his palms into the ground. A wave of stone and cement rippled upwards towards Shino as Zaku blasted the floor. Shino had successfully dodged Zaku's attack

Zaku: You act a big game, but you can't even fight back against the attacks of a 'one-trick phony!'

"Zankuha (Slicing sound waves)"

A blast of sound waves makes Shino Jumps back.

Zaku: What? You just stand there like that?

Then some bugs Creeping up to his face.

Zaku: what is that creppy guy?

Shino: This things are called as Parasite Insect. They attack their pray in groups And eats chakra.

Shino Extend his hands and then make his bugs attacked him from the pipe in is hands, threatening to engulf the Sound ninja.

Shino: You're finished. You can't do anything else.

Zaku: what do you mean?

Shino: I have put some Parasite to your pipe in your hands, and right now they're eating your chakra. If you don't like that, you can give up now, but if you use your left arm on me, I'll simultaneously have the bugs exploit the opening from behind

Zaku have no chance, if he attacked Shino, the bugs from his behind will attacked him immediately, and vice versa. But he has no choice, so he attacked him in both side. But before he could attack him, the bugs that already on his pipe already eating his chakra, and slowly make him exhausted because losing so much chakra. Then zaku fell down.


Shino: Give up, or it will kill you.

Looking the fight getting intense, Hayate come forward closer to zaku to look at his condition. As his condition was bad, he stop the match and declares Shino as the winner.

Hayate: *cough* due to his condition, I assume this battle is over and the winner is Aburame Shino

Everyone especially his teammates clapping their hands.

Kiba: Yeah! Just like that!

Hinata: Shino-kun, I'm so glad you pass this exam.

Then without waiting any longer, Hayate start to tell the next round.

Hayate: we proceed *cough* to the next round, so the next round will be...

Well, the preliminary exam just begin and it might take a couple of chapters to complete it, so yeah Just stay tuned guys. and I hope you like this chapter tho.

I still have a comment about how bad my grammars are hahaha, sorry for that. just so you know, English wasn't my first language and my daily language so, yeah, I write as good as I can I promise!

in a couple of days maybe I will post another chapter so don't forget to like, vote, and give this Story a review guys!

Have some ideas about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Thank you, Minna xoxo

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