
TDG: Dragon God

A man who is reborn in the Dragon Rune Realm into the Dragon Seal Family as Long Yuyin's elder brother. *** There is a system. Harem Incest Dragons *** My first fanfic. I use a translator

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6 Chs

Chapter 3

— I killed a few insects, you have nothing to worry about, — my mother told me with a bloody smile on her face. — What were you doing today?

    Knowing her, the insects she is talking about are most likely scouts from other families. They probably came for information about me. They are not shy about using violent methods, even against children. The light novel had a similar scenario. When the main character is in Sect, one of the first people he meets is Gu Bei and his older sister Gu Lan. In the light novel it was said that Gu Lan was a direct descendant of the Gu Clan and she was very popular in the clan, but this also played a bad joke on her, she was later poisoned, most likely by her cousin Gu Heng or his supporters.

— Aunt Sho talked about our sect and how our family is one of the main families in it, — I smiled at her. — And the fact that we used to be the strongest sect. 

— Ooh, I see you liked her lesson. — Mom said, coming up to me, and began stroking my head. - So how about I give you a tour of the sect, huh?

— Can we go out?! — I asked joyfully.

    Finally! How boring it was to be within these "four" walls. This will be the first time I go outside the estate.

— Yes, we can, — my mother smiled at me, brushing a strand of my hair from my face. — Sho, Lin!

— Yes Milady! — two figures appeared in front of her.

— In my shadow, — my mother said vaguely.

— ... — they quietly disappeared, as if they were not there.

— ... — I silently looked at this scene, then at my mother. — Mom.

— Yes? — Mom said, lifting me into her arms.

— Why are they coming with us? — I asked purely out of interest.

—They will protect me and you, — she answered me.

— ... — I remained silent again. And I began to remember what rank my mother had.

— Mom, — called out to her, she turned to me, and I continued. — Are you weak?

— ... — she stopped dead in her tracks and her eyebrow twitched. — Sho, Lin!

— Yes Milady! — two figures appeared in front of her, now smiling faintly.

— You...you stay at home, — the mother said sharply.

— ... — and they disappeared again.

— ... — I looked at all this with a smile on my face.

— Son, — my mother turned to me, now looking straight into my eyes. — Remember! Your Mom is one of the strongest people in this family.

— My mother is very strong! — I answered, placing my hands on her shoulders.

— ... — she began to smile, and then froze, added. — And your mother is the most beautiful and sweetest in the whole world.

— ... — I looked at her strangely, but still said. — My mother is the most beautiful and sweetest.

— IN.WHOLE.WORLD, — she said, squeezing me.

— God, — I whispered. — My mother is the most beautiful and sweetest in ALL the worlds.

— Ehehehe, oh you're so cute, — mom jumped up and began to quickly lead us out of the estate.

    She is a very strange woman. I noticed this in the first weeks of my life. At first she was offended that she felt pain when she gave birth to me. And when I cried (I don't remember why, most likely from the realization of my future life as a cultivator), she quickly ran to me and forgot her so-called "offense." I also slept with her, after all, I'm still a child. And judging by what I learned about her, if she had the opportunity, she would take care of my education herself, and generally would not let me out of her hands.

    Finally, as we were flying out of the estate, I decided to ignore all of my mother's oddities and finally focus on what was important. On the outside world. The light novel said that the sect controlled an area where several hundred million people lived. Well, from first impressions, I can say that I believe in it. We were flying about five hundred meters from the ground, and everywhere you looked there were houses, playgrounds, and various statues. Tens of thousands of people could be seen going about their business.

    Our speed began to slow down and I noticed how we began to approach some kind of garden, from which there was an air of energy. Having quickly flown into it, a truly wonderful picture was revealed to me. The garden that I thought we were approaching turned out to be a whole field dotted with various herbs and plants. There were all the colors and shades that I could only remember. Also, squinting, in the distance I could see a flying island from which water flowed like a waterfall. This water was also filled with energy, but many times more concentrated than the garden itself.

— Mom, where are we? — I asked, still looking at this beauty.

— Shen-er, you and me are in the most closed part of the Divine Feathers Sect, — my mother said, approaching the only building that was in this field. "Only Sect leaders and members of the main families can be here, and not everyone."

— This is an Alchemical Garden, one of a kind, it is fed by a high-level Divine Lake, — my mother said, leading me into some kind of gazebo. — They say that the founder of the sect found a way to transfer the Divine Lakes, no one knows whether he came up with it himself or someone taught him. It's sad that he didn't leave any records about it.

— Cool, — I said smiling. — But why did we go here?

— Well, I noticed how lonely you felt and thought why don't you be with the company of your age,— she said, looking at me tenderly. — My friend should come with her daughter now.

— Oh, okay, — I said.

    She still noticed how bored I was. Although this is a new world, I quickly got used to it. And I saw no one except my two Aunts, Mom and other servants. I know that my Grandmother is busy, and they won't let me near my cousin, they say something about competition between heirs. I roughly understand what they want to say.

    While I was thinking, I felt the wind pick up a little. I looked up into the sky and saw a line of light quickly approaching our location. Literally a second later, two people could be seen on the threshold. One was an adult woman of beauty comparable to my mother (but not superior). She had long pale purple hair tied in two buns at the back, her beautiful face was framed by two strands of hair on the sides. She herself was dressed in a white robe, tied with a purple ribbon. Well, the second person was a smaller copy of an adult woman. The girl, who looked about three or four years old, was an amazing copy of her mother. Her hair was a little shorter. On the face the strands were longer, and on the robe there was not a purple ribbon, but a blue one.