
TBATE: The Twin Dragons

This is the Story of Archon Leywins, someone with a tragic story behind him and wish to create beautiful story in his second life, Read it and see him grow together with Arthur and conquer the vast land together. "This is my Family, With him here, I'm sure I can take on the whole world" Said Arthur. "Hah, to thinks I'm defeated by the likes of you, Art I... Leave the rest to you..." I said while closing my eyes, "Rest well, You always got my back so I will have yours" Said Art then proceed to face the horde of enemies. ~Disclaimer: All the original TBATE works are not mine, I do not own them all of it owned by the original Creator of it. ~There will be no Harem and MC will grow WITH Arthur, Not below him or above him, that's the reason the title said Twins. ~If you still want to proceed and read it the enjoys and Don't forget to leave some review on the way.

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22 Chs

14. This is... Home.

After the long way home, at last we made it back to Xyrus, the floating city where our parent are staying at.

both of us walking back to our house where our parents is, and arrived at the front door, we looked at each other eyes and I only smile at him knowing the complicated emotion he have, I felt it too, its really nerve wracking.

Arthur knock on the door and all the emotion just flood in like a dam whose gate is opened for the first times, I have experience losing someone important, trained to saves myself from death, Saying good bye and a lot more.

But none, none of it is more nerve wracking than this moment, I know Art must've feel it too, he is holding back with all his might, when suddenly our thought got surprised when we heard the voice of a little girl.

we were greeted by an elderly woman wearing maid dress who looked really kind and then she said "What can I help you with young mans?"

both of us greet her and bow down then Art said "Pardon the intrusion, but we heard that this manor is where my Family resides in, My name is Arthur Leywin and this is my Brother Archon Leywins" after saying that, the Woman is so surprised at the names Leywin.

Before anything, we heard a woman voice called out to someone "Eleanor Leywin, there you are, what did I say about greeting everyone who knocks on the door...." our mother said but trailed at the last sentence.

"Eleanor.... Leywin? my sister?" Said Arthur.

I just smile and try to hold back my tears and said "Before that Art, Hi mom... We are back" I said and all gates broke loose and let out all the tears I tried to hold.

Our mother just smile and cry of happiness then proceed to hug bot of us in the middle of her cries, after that our Father comes home and join in the hugs.

after that we were sitting on a sofa with mother barrage us with series of question but got stopped by our father saying that we both are fine and dandy.

Mother introduced us to our little sister Eleanor, and proceed with our Father showing us how much he progressed in this times.

Father is at dark orange stage and knowing him, he must've been working hard on it to be able broke trough that stage.

Art tells him the truth and said that both of us have broken trough light red and me being almost at dark orange.

Father then ask Art to spar together, after all this times Art managed to weild all the element like Water, Fire, Wind, and Earth, me on the other hand choose to focuses more on my own magic and only learnt wind and Fire, where my fire magic already becomes Lightning magic but a bit different considering it looks like black lightning, it seems it changed because of the power that I got from Melinda.

and my Wind Magic also almost broken trough to become sound magic, I managed to do this because I focused on it and only learnt two of the element.

while my Darkness Element became more advanced to the point where I can make clones using shadow and uses shadow teleportation in around 20 meters range, in the night I can make it to become 30 meters and I also learnt Darkness gates which can be used as teleportation but it uses a lot of mana and only be able to use it once a day, and require me to be at the designation at least once in my life.

Many other abilities that I got, but the most that I use is Shadow teleportation, Abbys Storage to store anything that is not living just like a portable storage it will get bigger with me advancing my mana core, also Shadow Engulf which engulf my self with Shadow like armor which erase my presence and gives me boost of speed, but to use it it require a lot of mana so it will stays to become my trump card.

I also create a lot of skill like Darkness Bind, Blind, Dark Arrow, Darkness Pierce, and couple more, all in all it gives me a lot of choice in battle, to the point where I'm confident facing someone who is stronger by me, and I also found out that the darkness attribute also have the absorbing properties where it can absorbs some damage and some magic.

even if I say absorb it still gives od damage but I can still absorbs some so I can say in terms of mage battle of attrition I will win 8 out of 10.

While thinking about it, The spar that my father and Art is doing still going and uncle vincent who is housing my Family in his manor watching in atonishment.

Art seems to be able learn lightning too after watching me train all time and asking for a pointers here and there in our training.

with all of that their fight seems to come to an end when both of them stops before hitting their vital point, I was already preparing my self to use Darkness absorb to make them save but it seems I don't need to.

Just like that, after the spar ends we have lunch together with the Helstea Family, in between the talk uncle Vincent seems to thinks of something quite deeply.

after a strong takes of breath, he said "Rey, what if we enroll your sons in xyrus academy?" said uncle Vincent.

all of us is surprised about it and both me and Arthur seems annoyed by it.

~ There it goes, 2 chapters after all this absent, it just kind of sorry for all of you and I just don't want you guys to hate me Lol, but all in all this chapter is boring to wrote, and I don't know if its boring to read or not, also, after this is the arc when art goes on adventure, what u guys think? should they go together or should I make an interesting adventure of Archon alone in some place hehe, what ever it is I will decide on your thought I guess, and also Thanks for reading this Much love the author <3, and don't forget EKHEM POWAH STOOONESSSSS