
TBATE: The Twin Dragons

This is the Story of Archon Leywins, someone with a tragic story behind him and wish to create beautiful story in his second life, Read it and see him grow together with Arthur and conquer the vast land together. "This is my Family, With him here, I'm sure I can take on the whole world" Said Arthur. "Hah, to thinks I'm defeated by the likes of you, Art I... Leave the rest to you..." I said while closing my eyes, "Rest well, You always got my back so I will have yours" Said Art then proceed to face the horde of enemies. ~Disclaimer: All the original TBATE works are not mine, I do not own them all of it owned by the original Creator of it. ~There will be no Harem and MC will grow WITH Arthur, Not below him or above him, that's the reason the title said Twins. ~If you still want to proceed and read it the enjoys and Don't forget to leave some review on the way.

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22 Chs

10. I'm sorry.

"Focus your Eyes in the basin and think about the image of your parents, After you see the image of your parents in the basin you can talk to them" Said Rinia to us.

~3rd POV~

somewhere on the city of Xyrus, a couple of brown haired man and his wife a beautiful red haired woman who is pregnant with a child.

"Dig in" said the woman with a kind smile, the man looked at the food with a smile "a beef stew? it looks amazing, Alice. what's the special occasion?" said the man to his wife Alice.

"nothing, its just been awhile since I cooked for you since we moved in here" said the Alice while she she slowly sit down helped by the man.

Both the man and woman looked rugged and lack of sleep, they just lost their twin childs while moving and ambushed by a group of bandits.

the man who seems to be manly guy with a lot of smile in his face looks sad and have a dark bag under his eyes.

the woman looked the same, even by having a bag under her eyes it doesn't hide the once beautiful looks she once had before losing her childs.

They were eating while the woman thought goes else where remembering that the food she just cooked is her sons favorite food.

While they were eating quietly a sudden voice of a boys they once knew called out to them "Hey mom, dads its me Arthur your sons, Archon is here too but he seems hesitant to say anything" said the boy voice which make his dad drop his spoon.

"You are probably real surprised at hearing my voice right? we'll tell all about it later when we get back, right now I just want you to know that both of us are safe and well" continue the voice.

"We managed to survive the fall, well barely. We are supposed to keep this a secret but both of us are in the kingdom of Elenoir home of the Elves" explain the voice to his parents.

"I know how hard it is, Its been hard for both of us too here, but we glad that both of you are okay and doing well. We hope that none of you blame each other of what have happened".

"Me and Archon is proud of what we did and both of us know that we won't even regret doing it again for the second time".

"we hoped that we can go to you guys as soon as possible but it seems it is quite impossible considering the condition that we are in. both of us have some kind of illness that need to be treated as soon as possible."

"we both are not in some kind of any danger, but we really need to be treated soon in here, I'm not sure when will we get back or when can we reach out to you guys like this again"

"there seems to be a mage who is deviant just like you mom, also dad, trust me I will not let Archon beat me again like when we are child so I will continue training, So don't get too surprised if I can beat you with ease after I got back, Until then keep mom and the baby safe" ended the voice but it seems some voice are talking but it is different.

"Hey mom, hey dad, its me Archon. I'm sorry for not being able to protect Arthur which resulted in this situation, I'm sorry for making you worried, I'm sorry for trying to sacrifice my self, I'm sorry for not being strong enough" The voice just trying to hold back his tears in his sorry.

"And lastly I'm sorry for not being there right now, I love you both and I hope that I can see you soon. I miss you guys" Ended the voice with a single tears running down his cheeks which he quickly wiped and back to his stoic face.

~Back to 1st POV~

Both me and art let out our tears Art just cried while I just hold back in not wanting to looks weak in front of my brother, he need my strength to stand up and face this.

after Arthur stopped his tears both of us look at the elder with a determined looks on our face and eyes.

"I am ready" both of us said at the same time, then after short talk with Rinia we bid our farewell and go back to the castle.

Tess was happily running in front of us when we were stopped by King Alduin before the entrance, "It seems after years of being a King has blinded me to be a bit stubborn and old fashioned" said the king while looking at us.

than the queen approach and said in kind voice while holding arthur shoulder "what he tried to said is that we are sorry for our previous behavior towards you".

"Please, accept our apologies and consider your self at home okay" said the queen with a kind smile.

"Please, let us welcome both of you guys properly as the saviors of our daughter and my father very first diciples' said the the King while extending his hand to me.

which I accept and shake his hand "we will be at your care then" I said with a smile.

~Heh there Author here, I wrote this chapter the the exact same time as the previous one FYI, I was actually planning on to make it one but decide otherwise, anyways Thanks for you who left some comment and reviews it bring me happiness everytime I see my Inbox and see numbers in it Much love the Author~

~BTW I've been searching for any references about how to watch Danmachi in order also I tried searching for the TBATE light novel but find none, It seems my country for some reason don't support my research LOL so if you have any suggestions please send help ASAP~