
tbate-The Northern Blade

this my first story so there will most likely be a bunch of bad grammar. the cover isn't my image so if the crater wont it down just contact me and i will take it down .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... this story is about a man getting reincarnated in the beginning after the end with some wishes.

MadOtter · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Chapter 13


It has been a week since the test and currently, we are preparing to go to the Helstes Auction House.

As I made my way down the stairs I see Art and his family also the Helstes were with them as well. I looked to my side and saw a group of people who I recognize to be the Twin Horns.

"Hi Max, you look good in that outfit," Tabitha said

"Thank you" I did back to her I did look different I was wearing a white shirt with Black torus and shoes with a dark red tie.

Just after I got to the bottom of the staircase I looked at the members of the twin horns and said " Hi am Max"

Wich Helen Shard replied "Hello Max my name is Helen and they are Adam, Angel, Durden, and Jasmine and we make up the party the Twin Horns"

The other members smile kindly at me.

After we got on with the greetings we road to the Auction House.

After we got there we went to the VIP section Zuse was the first one to plop himself down in the corner of the room it was hard to see him if you didn't know that he was there I also sat at the far corner of the room not listing to do what the overs were talking to each other about and pretended to be asleep but I was honing my sword intent as I like to call it. Since I didn't have a killing intern because I have not killed much.

After a couple of hours, I was brought out of my meditation by Art and made to kneel I was annoyed at first but then I looked up and saw the king of Spade Art must have used a static void to move before they noticed that I wasn't respecting them.

Just then I was pulled out of my thought by the Queen "What a cute mana beast" she said as she saw Silve "She hatched a couple of months ago her name is Silvie" Art said

The King then said "And this is mana Beast is your bond, young man"

I started not to listen until I heard a shout "WHAT!!!! you mean to say that you say that you are in equal contact with this mana beast?!"

I looked at Art with a look saying 'Are you dum'

" I suppose? She was the one who did the contract" Art said

'How can a former king be this naive' I thought to myself.

"You mean to say that you are under equal contact with that beast" The annoying mage sequels.

"Let me take a better look at your bond" Just before anyone could say anything to stop the mage, a dreadful pressure erupted, and Zuse stepped out in front of Sylvia he saw her as a younger sibling and was a bit overprotective of her.

Just before he could attack the mage I said to him " Zeus stand down" in English so they wouldn't understand the signal and just wanted them to think it was a callback also I read it allowed so they wouldn't think that he and I have a mental link together.

After the pressure subsided the people who weren't mages people started to fall to the floor and the guards surround Zeus, and before they could stupidly attack the king stopped them and said "Stop!!! Child is that beast yours?" he asked me "Yes, he only acted that way because your guard was going out of line." I said to him in a way where you could tell I was annoyed.

He looked at me for a second before saying "I understand your reasoning but I can't allow such a dangerous Beast in the presence of my child hi hope you can understand but I will have to ask you to put it elsewhere." I saw no reason to argue with him and I also didn't want the Heletes reputation so I said to Zeus "Hay buddy go to Gramps for a bit I will call you to tell you we're to come back" he nodded at me as he has taken a liking to the Elven Royal family it would take him about an hour to get there at his top speed.

He nodded at me and instantly disappeared.

The King looked shocked, and so did everyone else.

A moment later everything was back to normal I was a little sad that I couldn't-stroke Zeus. Also, I think the king started probably thinking that everyone else was weak so he will probably still try to get Sylvia.

As the auction came to an end and we were starting to leave Art's father came up to us and the king starts talking to him and said ". FOR THE EXEMPLARY SERVICES HE HAS PROVIDED ME, AND THEREFORE MY COUNTRY, I DO FEEL





KINGDOM."(AN- I just copied this paragraph out of the novel so that's probably why it looks weird)

Art looked like he was about to rip the king to pieces and his father looked like he realized it "I am sorry your majesty but never I or my wife have anything to do with my son's bond. He acquired it himself, so I cannot speak on his behalf regarding the matter."

The King then looked at Art, and Art did the same neither looking away from each other.

"Boy! Didn't your parents teach you to lower your gaze when speaking to your superiors?!"

"Hello, child. I'm sure you've just heard me speak to your father so I won't repeat myself.

How about it? My royal armory would certainly have a sword befitting that of any aspiring knight"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your gracious offer, but I must refuse. A simple sword could never replace Sylvie."

Art was talking in a way I have never heard him speak before it is almond-like Gray came back for a bit.

"How dare-"

"Sebastian!" the king roared. Before turning to Art "How about a trade then? The world lion cub that I just purchased for your bond?". "I suppose I didn't make myself clear. But I do not wish to sell or trade my bond" As Art said that I felt that I was not looking at a boy but a king who has been through thousands of battles.

"I have asked you twice, child, for a favor. Twice," he emphasized, his tone growing grave. "I will ask you once more; will you give me your bond?"

everyone went silent everyone was looking at Art and the tense, guards looked like they were about to pounce on Art at any time before Art said the most outrageous sentence I have ever heard

"Then let me ask you a question in response, Your Majesty. How much are you willing to sell your children to me?"


(AN- sorry again about not posting in my next fanfic should be posted later this week it's called In HXH with a group chat. Thanks for reading)