

This is the story where most of the events known to readers went in entirely different directions. Arthur never awakened at the age of three; he never went to Xyrus until he was eight; he entered the academy with no experience of being an adventurer; he was just a scholar mage. Things in this world are so complicated, so much so that instead of a reincarnated king trying to save the continent and his family, it's all laid on the former princess of the Elves. A lot of things in this story are non-existent. Especially the legacy...

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11 Chs

Chapter VII

They had won the battle at a relatively low cost, if you were to look at it from a statistical standpoint. However, it was still a sad sight to see. Hundreds of corpses were laid to rest; some could've been your friends. Most of the people were left injured or unconscious, but Dicathian deaths couldn't be prevented.

Arthur was still inside the cave, getting patched up by Oliver, who could only fixate his broken arm so that it didn't hurt him as much. It still hurt, but not as much when the adrenaline's surge retracted. So, tied to his chest with his hand, he was walking around the new encampment, worried that some of his teammates might be in a fatal state.

Tessia fell unconscious for unknown reasons, and her bond couldn't tell them anything. Although she was calm, it didn't ease their minds that something could be wrong with her. She was, after all, an elven princess and one of the strongest people on the continent. Even when Lance Varay inspected her state, she was pondering about her as well.

[I know what she did, Arthur.] Regis mentioned it when they were outside of the medical tent. [She used a technique that is capable of freezing time around her for a certain amount of time. Of course, such technique took a toll on her body.] He explained the reason and assured his owner that everything was alright.

"And how would you know that if she froze time itself?" Arthur spoke out loud, skeptical about Regis' words. They were too unbelievable. "I would've said that it was impossible a few days ago, maybe, but I could be wrong."

The sword laughed satisfyingly, [Finally learning. That technique is the most standard in the path of Aevum's edict of time, although its usage completely depends on the user. If your opponent knows it better than you, it'll be canceled easily.]

Instantly, Arthur's emotions sank into the bottomless pit of darkness. Could it be that his future opponents will be able to use this technique as well, stopping time itself. [I dare say the King of Asuras is capable of using this technique. hundred times better than the princess over here. With no toll on his body.]

That was outrageous but a harsh reality, although something Arthur will have to face eventually due to his new purpose existing solely for that. A pity, Regis felt that really, but the sword can't really say much... or he could, but for later.

"How can I... get stronger? You said something about me getting stronger."

[Well, of course, you are an inattentive brat and should stop looking like a princess yourself. How does a human like you even have a face with such smooth skin, considering you are in the war.] Regis was stupefied, and Arthur possessed a natural charm of beauty.

[Alright, let's stop with this. You don't know yet, but yes, I devoured some mana from that half basilisk-breeding humanoid-like creature that Alacryan really was. Light skin looking ass breed of a snake with a deer, he did have quite a lot of corrosive mana in him.]

"You really did? That's great; I could probably use it to break through the mana-core stage." His thoughts landed exactly where Regis was going. This amount of mana will be enough to break through a stage, but what Arthur didn't know is that there will be multiple stages.

[If we are able to get hold of their horns... that'll be even better. But, as I told you, Arthur, using mana in this way is dangerous. You'll have to adapt to the corrosive mana of that guy, I won't even say who he is. So confusing.]

"Talking to yourself, soldier Leywin?" A person came out of the tent unexpectedly for Arthur. The person was Lance Varay, a white-haired mage whose eyes could almost see him. This also told Regis some things that were essential for them. "I hope your hand will heal soon. Your contribution to today's victory is undeniable."

"Thanks, General, it's an honor for me." Varay accepted his words naturally; the boy seemed off most of the time during their meetings. As if he was talking with air, which he was technically doing.

She looked away from him, her eyes darting towards the disabled portal, "So, mind recounting to me what it was like? I didn't have an opportunity to ask Commander Graves yet. But I believe, yours will be closer to the actual events."

Arthur couldn't understand if this was an attempt to humor him [She definitely tried.] if it wasn't for Regis intervening and telling him. He started to recount the event after a soul piercing stare that Varay pulled off. He began by telling of the sudden decision made by Tessia, who demanded the operation.

Then it was how the battle went on and the pattern he noticed about the Alacryan forces. It didn't surprise the general; they already had information about the runes that the enemy forces used. Arthur provided some insight. At the mention of a powerful man, who could've been either a scythe or retainer, Varay bit her lips. Muttering under her breath that she should've come earlier.

"Then, the man went through the portal and turned it off from the other side..." Arthur finished his live report. "It happened exactly after your arrival; I believe the enemy was concerned that you'd overpower him."

"From what I know, that would've taken me a tough effort. Nonetheless, if you wish, you can follow Princess Tessia back to the flying castle and stay there until your full recovery. I'll arrange that if you wish." The white-haired general faced Arthur, thankful for providing the information, and offered this as a reward.

Arthur would've loved to say yes, but Regis prevented him from doing so. [Say you want to remain here and help out your squad. We have a lot of things to accomplish; we can't have a mage with white-core around us.] However bad the news was, unfortunately, Arthur had to accept it with a grim face.

"Uhh, I'd rather remain here and help out my team." At his response, Varay nodded and dismissed him. Now, it was time to search for his teammates who had been taken captive by the Alacryans.


A white-haired mage entered the council room. With a report in her hands that was still freshly written by Commander Graves, who outperformed himself with this operation. Varay entered the room, and stood in front of the council's table.

She spoke, "The battle ended with Dicathian victory, although casualties were large, this was still a solid display of our strategic genius. Commander Graves did not disappoint, his forces also got their hands on the teleportation gate of Alacryan production." Virion gestured her to hand the parchment which she did instantly, now standing next to him.

Virion played with his long beard, saying, "I was worried this would end horribly, but I was wrong. Anything else you want to add, Varay? You seem to be disappointed; what is the reason for that?" The old man's experience still couldn't be fooled by the usual cold demeanor of the woman. He noticed her anger, which she was trying to hide.

"Princess Tessia had a confrontation with a possible Retainer or even Scythe; she has fallen unconscious after the battle, but she is alright." Everyone at the table, except for the Asura, was shaken by the news. Especially the elven family.

"It couldn't have been a Scythe," The three-eyed Asura spoke up with two eyes closed, and the unmoving purple one stayed open at all times. "Tessia would've been defeated if it was a scythe; she hasn't completed her Asuran training fully and returned here early. She would have a chance against a Retainer, however, due to her lack of experience, that might be a problem as well."

"From what I was told, the person had horns on his head, and his entire appearance resembled that of a lizard. Dark hair, dark eyes, light skin, and an aura so corrosive that it was troubling to stand near him."

Aldir tapped his fingers on the desk. Their opponents were so numerous that it was hard to guess who was who. Be it Retainer or Scythe, both were extremely dangerous for the Lances; actually, he still doesn't consider anyone on this continent capable of defeating a Scythe. Tessia will have a chance in the future if she reaches the white-core soon enough.

"Retainer left us a teleportation gate, as you mentioned; that's very weird; why would they do that? This is definitely not something Agrona's forces would be doing. Something must be involved here; we don't use it regularly yet, and we need to check on it. Send your best artificer to investigate."

"Understood, I will do that immediately."

Varay nodded to Aldir, bid farewell to the council, and left the room right after. The balance of the war was almost turned to their side with this victory, but there were many more dungeons where the Alacryans were building up their forces. They had no idea where they could be; that's why regular searches are done... This time it backfired, and now they have to wait for Commander Graves to do his own interrogation.


"Previous occupation was an adventurer, an A-Class adventurer. You seem to be quite a powerful one, Kriol."

They were in a tent, surrounded by military personnel under Commander Graves, as the latter was interrogating a teammate, Arthur. Kriol Messer was just tied into this mess; everyone knew that, but some verification must be done in order. It was a protocol. His face was wounded, with blue spots, a sign of the torture.

He was so tired, even after having a meal, that he couldn't give a proper answer and had to either nod or shake his head.

"You've had it rough here, so I won't keep asking you too many questions. Do you know what they did to the captains? You were with them, so, must know where they took your captain, Brald." Commander Graves leaned forward from his chair and looked into the eyes of an old man.

Kriol was shaken up by the question, frightened to remember things he didn't want to. Tears rolled down his blue cheeks, "They were... taken." He muttered, and there he stopped, obviously, this information was unclear for the commander. Graves pressed on the matter further,

"So they took them through the portal, Kriol. Is there anything else you can tell me? There should be something that those Alacryans said at least." Graves put his hands on the man's shoulders, gripping them tightly.

Kriol looked down, tears still falling down his pants. Why was he crying so much? There should be a reason for that; he was uncontrollably showering tears down his face. "Kriol." Graves sternly looked into his eyes after forcing him to look up.

"I-I can't."

"You can't what, Kriol? That's not enough; I need more information. Tell me everything you know, so that I can relay everything to the General. You will be under suspicion if you don't say anything, I'm saying this for your own good."

"I-I told you... I-I can't. I will die."


Arthur was walking in the cave, asking armored-soldiers where Commander Graves was. All of them pointed in the same direction but also mentioned not bothering him for a while. He walked around the protected area; the soldiers weren't letting anybody else inside. When asked if the captives were inside, soldiers said yes, also adding that they were being questioned.

[Well, too bad, kid; you are now worried about this as well. The worst that can happen is that your friends are dead.] Regis mentioned it carelessly, which made Arthur even more worried. After all, it was in the realm of possibility.

If only Arthur knew... Commander Graves left the tent and came into their view; he was disheartened, sad, angry, and a whole lot of negative emotions were on his face. Arthur couldn't make sense of the situation. He ran up to him and called out to gain his attention. 'Isn't that the boy who was with the princess?'

"Guards! Let him."

Soldiers didn't stop the boy at his command, "Commander Graves, I wanted to ask if my teammate Kriol Masser and my captain Brald Landon were there. " Instantly, the commander's face scrunched, hoping that this question wouldn't be asked...

"Sorry, boy, but both aren't with us at the moment. I'm in a hurry, so I'll have to go now." He said this and signaled some soldiers to follow him. Leaving Arthur with more questions about what he could mean.

A soldier who followed Commander Graves and walked next to Arthur tapped on his back and apologized, "Sorry mate, Kriol died not too long ago. Those bastards of Alacryans placed a curse on him."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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