
TBATE | Descent of a God

Jude Bayer was a warrior who fought against the Overlords of Hell until his last breath. But his story did not end there. He was reborn as Jude Leywin, the twin brother of the legendary mage, Arthur Leywin. Now armed with his past memories and experiences, Jude Leywin has become an overpowered protagonist in this new life. Follow his journey as he navigates this world and strives to become the strongest being alive, while also dealing with the repercussions of his past life's actions.

WhiteDeath16 · Derivasi dari karya
Peringkat tidak cukup
59 Chs

Power of Destruction


I gazed upward, a heavy sigh escaping my lips, the aftermath of conquering the gargantuan millipede still lingering in my muscles. With that daunting adversary behind me, I ascended to the next floor only to confront an overwhelming horde of colossal rodents. A myriad of them held the classification of A-class, while countless others boasted the mightier S-class distinction. Dispatching these creatures proved to be a formidable task, entailing a judicious expenditure of my mana reserves and a considerable passage of time.

Having traversed the terrain and absorbed the residual aether from my vanquished foes, my attention was drawn to a bridge spanning over a churning lake of molten lava. Intriguingly, the fiery currents bore an enigmatic display of shimmering purple glimmers, capturing my focus.

Driven by curiosity, I plunged into the lava lake, foregoing the use of mana for protection. My previous days of forging my body within the molten embrace now seemed a well-chosen path. This immersion had facilitated a profound alignment with the aether, enabling a newfound mastery that extended beyond mere mana manipulation.

Approaching a towering teleportation gate, I stood before its undulating portal, its radiance transforming from blinding white to a tranquil spectrum of colors that left my mind befuddled. The scene before me defied easy comprehension.

Elevated platforms, resembling small houses in size, hovered suspended in the air. Each platform exuded a distinct hue, escalating in elevation as they extended farther away. These platforms were interlinked by a sole staircase, fashioned from the same iridescent material as the platforms themselves.

The sky—though the term hardly did justice—was bathed in a perpetual purple twilight, casting an otherworldly ambiance over the surroundings. The teleportation gate we had traversed, it appeared, was unidirectional, for behind us stretched an expanse of the same shimmering purple sky. No discernible source of light, no discernable sun or moon; just an endless void.

Cautiously withdrawing from the precipice of our platform, I spared no intention to fathom the abyss below. Progressing with care, I made my way to the glowing staircase, my senses vigilant for concealed perils. Fortuitously, I reached the stairs unscathed, devoid of any hostile interruptions.

Ascending the staircase, I arrived at the next platform, aglow in varying shades of red. An exchanged glance communicated our shared apprehension before I treaded onto the platform's surface.

In an instant, the staircase behind me dissolved, compelling an irreversible commitment to my current path. As both my feet met the crimson radiance, the platform underwent a transformative elongation, stretching to four times its initial expanse. To compound the challenge, an internal force tugged at my core, causing a stumble that almost sent me sprawling.

My gaze fixated upon the orange-hued platform before me, tension coiling within my muscles, attuned to the slightest shifts in the air. Abruptly, a foreboding intuition sent a shiver along my spine. Reacting with instinctive swiftness, I arched my neck backward, evading a blade's deadly trajectory aiming for my throat. My sword swiftly cleaved through the assailant, severing its reptilian centaur head in one decisive strike.

The platform quaked in the aftermath of our clash, though the fallen creature left no trace of blood upon the ground. This curious creature, a reptilian centaur, gradually faded into nothingness, as if erased from existence. Reality snapped back into focus, the platform's hue and the stairs resuming their original states, bridging the way to the subsequent realm.

Guided by the path before me, I crossed the platform's threshold once again. This time, an aura of dim blue light enveloped the expansive expanse. With caution, I tested the ground beneath me, prompting tiles to materialize, forming a grid of squares. Each tile spanned the length of my outstretched arms. Vigilant for lurking threats, I tapped lightly on a tile, vigilant for concealed assailants. The square before me remained inert, but as I placed both feet on a single tile, the entire platform quaked, rotating ninety degrees, altering my orientation without warning.

A puzzle of sorts had revealed itself, one I was unenthusiastic about entertaining. However, my attempts to circumvent the enigma through flight proved futile, as if the aether itself was constraining my ascent. The platform's rotations thwarted my progress, the stairs remaining tantalizingly distant despite my efforts.

Time drifted like sand through an hourglass, minutes elongating into hours as we ventured, faltered, and retraced our steps. I navigated the ever-shifting puzzle, each move an intricate choreography leading toward the ultimate goal. After much persistence, I advanced to the adjoining platform, considerably larger than its predecessors, emanating an ominous black radiance.

Both feet touching the obsidian surface, a profound resonance pulsed through the air. My senses heightened, I scanned the surroundings, anticipating an imminent threat. The resonance crescendoed, and suddenly, a network of black wires surged from the platform's edges, intertwining to form a towering enclosure above me.

From the very ground ahead, a mound of luminous black erupted, heralding the emergence of a colossal figure. The ambient purple grew even darker, yielding space for a towering presence born from the earth beneath our feet.

In awe, I beheld the gargantuan silhouette that loomed above, a towering bipedal figure, adorned in armor reminiscent of shadow itself. Its helmet bore Viking horns that spiraled upward. With every step, the platform trembled beneath its weight.

My agility spared me from the golem's sweeping strike. Engulfing my fist in aether, I assayed the extent of my newfound prowess. My smoky-black fist struck the golem's chest, igniting a muted explosion that merely prompted it to stagger.

A realization settled within me—defeating this colossal creature would demand more than brute force. Yet again, it launched an attack, its fury palpable. Skillfully evading, I channeled the aether once more, imbuing my strike with newfound precision. The golem reeled from my blow, yet its resilience was evident.

Refusing to rely on conventional weaponry, I focused on refining my aether manipulation. Channeling the energies, I felt a profound fluidity and control, distinct from previous attempts. Despite the searing agony that accompanied my efforts, a strange reassurance accompanied this newfound connection.

Raising my eyes, disbelief washed over me. The towering sentinel, previously unyielding, now exhibited a hesitant retreat. A surge of realization coursed through me—it was afraid.

Despite the disorienting sensation, a transformation had occurred within me, an insight indelibly etched into my consciousness.

"...duction," I muttered, acknowledging my empty palms.

Approaching the towering entity, I projected an aura of calm purpose. The nearer I drew, the more the golem's stature appeared to shrink, a submissive posture emerging from its once-imposing form. It comprehended, as did I—I was no longer the captive here; the beast was entrapped within my domain.

Elevating my arm, I funneled the aether into my palm. The comforting touch of the rune etched on my back reassured me as amethyst flames birthed, serene and ethereal. A transcendental calm accompanied this fire, in stark contrast to its inherent potency.

The towering sentinel, once fierce, lashed out, arms crashing downward. My aether-clad arm met its assault, flames consuming its hands in serene silence. The golem's howl of frustration echoed, its blows futile.

Ascendant, I surged forward, using its arm as a conduit to reach its towering form. My fiery palm struck, the golem dissolving into violet flames that devoured its essence, reducing it to the platform's shadowy void.

This was the true power of Destruction.