
TASTY life with the Shepperd System

Rowan Pendragon Transmigrated in to an unknown novel with ambiguous technology. the world perished to mana and beasts. The only chance for a poor man like him to live well is to become beast tamer. However, look at this ... he became a master of a shepperd system. At this point, it is natural to pump your fist in to the air declaring you will save the world ! World can take care of it self just fine. He will only care for his dinner, his little sister and the next animal he is going to raise !

miu_hozuki · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Sell Fuel

Rowan made his stone pillar with a Ⓡ symbol symbolizing his farm. It's stamped all over the place, with a specialized round shape at the very top. 

By the time he arrived at the next location, the earth slime just finished digging the pit. 

Rowan placed his signature stone pillar, then filled the pit. 

By the time he finished the entire farm, and all pillars, it's already night. 

Before he left home, he decided to leave the stone slime on the only mountain in his land, to make sure it eats away all the stone, and levels the land. 

He brought out the corrupted blood slime, and corrupted flesh slime, ordered them to feed on the corpses in the boundaries. 

It doesn't matter if they go a little off from his designated territory, all he has to do is call them back when he comes back tomorrow. 

He headed home in the same truck he brought out. 

He returned the truck and keys, checked the shop interface leisurely to see what's up latest. 

There are more additions to the shop. 

There are more types of fish. 

A number of Tarpon fish, and a pile of mackerel, along with them, red seaweed, as well as oily seaweed. 

Rowan couldn't resist. He bought the Tarpon with a keg of oil, along with one more block of ice, for another liter of diesel. 

He brought twigs with him when he came back, so it's very easy to fire up the stove. 

Once he did, he brought the fish out.

This time, he did not bother with the delicate preparation of the morning. 

He directly used the blood slime to suck its blood out. Once it's done, he lets the flesh slime eat off all the unwanted parts of the fish. 

Not even the skin of the fish remained after the flesh slime finished. 

Rowan just grilled the filets with oil, and made plain white rice to go with it. 

It's probably their last sachet of rice, unless another shipment comes from base A. 

Mina arrived at home at seven, in far higher spirits than she was when she left. 

She smiled from ear to ear when she saw the ready dinner table. 

For the first time since coming here, she seemed a bit like a child. 

" Wow brother ! Are you really sure you are doing an ordinary job ? " Mina questioned, looking at Rowan. 

" It's a secret. " Rowan answered playfully. 

They finished the dinner in high spirits. 

After all, in an extremely hot and mosquito ridden summer, they have a perfectly air conditioned house. 

After the dinner, they both settled to see the news. 

' The fuel problem goes from bad to worse in the base, with shipments from base-A interrupted for the third time in a row. It is expected that the price of the basic necessities will rise in a short time. 

In light of the recent circumstances, the base gives seasonal permission to homemade diesel merchants permission to sell their fuel in the base. 

Ideally, home made diesel could be used in electric generation and rough fuel usage, but not for sophisticated usage like running engines of a truck. 

Blah .. blah.. ' 

Ideally, homemade diesel could be used to cook, lighting and electricity generation, that is, if you are using something as prehistoric as a wick lantern. 

Finally … 

Rowan knew the fastest way to make money is to sell the Biodiesel. 

However, private merchants of biodiesel are the taboo word of the base. If one is found, one is hung, if thousand are found, all thousand and their customers are hung together. 

Rowan wanted to say he did not know why that is, but like all bio-recycle methods, where organic matter comes from does not matter to make biodiesel. Conversely, the problems these merchants could create are compounded. 

A new infection in the base. 

Covering up crimes by throwing dead into diesel making tanks. … 

There is not one problem to count. 

That is the reason even common people agreed to have biodiesel be made a state owned and state run enterprise. 

If the base is willing to let go of such stringent rules, perhaps, the situation is worse than anyone could expect. 

In that case .. he must contribute. 

However, not in his own name. 

Rowan called Edy. 

" Hey there, buddy ! How is it going ? " he asked. 

" Rowan ! it's chill, bro ! How about you ? " Edy asked, his voice full of expectation and questions. 

" You see, I have a few barrels of biodiesel with me. Initially, I made them for myself, but now diesel could be sold - I was wondering if you would be interested ? " Rowan asked. 

" Of Course. Any amount of diesel is welcome. Do you have a permit ? Though the base allowed people to sell diesel, it's only through the base's shop app, you know ? " 

" I am applying right now. " Rowan told him. 

" Good ! I will tell our purchase manager. " Edy answered. 

" Edy ! Actually, I am hoping you will be the one to deal with the trade. " Rowan slowly pushed. 

Edy agreed after a moment of hesitation. 

" See you at ten, tomorrow. " Rowan made a promise. 

This is quid pro quo. 

The bigger team of the base, Edy's father Bartogan is the mayor. He must maintain a delicate balance between the SilverUnicorn team, which is headed by Jack Miller, father of Leigh Miller, and the BlackBull team headed by Bob Barrel, aka Robert Baratheon, father of Jeffrey the wimpy school bully. 

Before even base-H was established, Bob Barrel had all the local production in his hands. As the only beast taming team that could run to base-A to import both technology and daily necessities, Jack Miller controls most of the export. Similarly, Bob came from gangsters, despite the fancy name, while Jack miller came from a family of scholars, unlike his humble last name indicated. 

Bartogan was a brilliant diplomat and mediator, thus he kept peace between these families which got along like oil and water. However, three failures of imports have changed the balance somewhat. 

If the worst comes to pass, then the base will fall in the hands of Bobby B, which no one wanted to happen, given his gregarious personality. 

This kind of situation is like a god sent for Rowan, who is going to have a lot of produce in his hands, but doesn't want the attention of someone as troublesome as black bulls on his trail. 

He could also accomplish the selling without the crisis, but it would have taken a lot more time. 

Mina returned to studying after the dinner, while Rowan headed for outside the base. 

Given the cleaning is going on, base personnel are providing guard service in the outer areas, making them a bit more safe for normal people. 

Rowan returned to the farm. 

[ Attention ! ] 

[ Please enter the pen immediately ] 

A message showed up in front of him as soon as he reached the first pole of his farm. 

The corrupted blood and flesh slime are still feeding, one corpse at a time. 

Rowan looked around. After making sure there's no one around, he skipped behind a pillar, immediately entered the pen. 

The moment he did, he noticed the problem. 

The oil slimes looked ready to burst. 

Rowan immediately generated a barrel, hung the oil slimes atop the barrels as fast as possible. 

By the time every oil slime is hung atop a barrel, he feels like he has been put through the wringer thrice over. 

The muscles he did not know existed in his body have started to scream in pain. 

However, what could he do ? 

' Yo ! any idea what happened ? Usually you tell me long before a slime gets affected like this. Rowan asked the system. 

[ The observation data is currently being processed ] 

The system answered tersely. 

' You don't know what happened ? ' Rowan was surprised !!!


This system is Anal, with the capital ' A '. 

It informed him if a slime is ready to eat, puke, no matter how he tried to silence the messages, it made him read each and every log before informing him the current temperature and mood of slimes. 

Such a system does not know what happened ? 

' Oi ! Oi ! you did not feed them something rotten deliberately, did you ? ' he derided the system, looking at the oil slimes gushing oil continuously. 

While he is indeed happy they are producing like this, he had a bad feeling about this phenomena somehow. 

All of a sudden, one of the slimes finished gushing. 

Then, it vanished in a series of sparkles. 

[ Jatropha slime dead ] 

Rowan snapped to attention. 

What the ?!!! 

[ Jatropha slime dead ] 

[ Jatropha slime dead ] 

[ Jatropha slime dead ] 

The messages continued. 

Out of the ten thousand oil slimes he had, only five survived. 

[ Jatropha slime leveled up. ] 

[ Jatropha slime leveled up. ]




There are fifty such messages. The fifty surviving slimes in front of him have changed their color from sickly green to glistening green. 

Rowan opened their attribute panel. 

[ Oil slime ] 

[ Squeeze : Can squeeze oil from most oil generating plants, trees, shrubs, weeds and algae. Can only create one type of oil at a time.

Note: Do not give mixed feed. Mixed feed will cause adverse reaction in the slime including but not limited to a slime's death. ] 

What is mixed feed ? 

Wait ! 

Rowan checked his inventory urgently. 

There's no oily seaweed. 

No wonder the slimes were gushing. 

Almost all slimes die when they mix feed. It's not the system, it is him who killed them. 

It is him who mixed up the seed, not the system ! 

0.00001 seconds after the realization, Rowan made a decision. 

He will never let the system know. He will take this secret to his grave.