

"I'm Takagi Souichiro, former lord of Tokonosu, master of Tendo Sogon-ryu!" he introduced himself with a serious expression on his face.

When Demolus heard his introduction he smiled and decided to follow in his example and started his own even before the man could ask for their names.

"I'm Demolus the demon of lust and love, master of all sexual arts and traveler of worlds!" Demolus introduced himself with a twist well he found this amusing so he did it while wearing a serious expression on his face just like the man in front of him.






"Pfffff" x2

While everyone was stunned by his demeanor and introduction Yurikko and Shizuka found it funny for some reason and couldn't hold it in and started chuckling.

'Yes, at least someone found it amusing after all you should be having fun while you can' Demolus taught in his mind

While this was happening Demolus and Souichiro met eyes and stared at each other and Souichiro had no idea what was going on anymore.

While the two had a staredown somewhere bewildered some were laughing well the only ones laughing were Yuriko and Shizuka.

As the two were staring at each other Hirano decided to introduce himself too even if he had tear marks and snot on his face he gained courage after hearing Demolus's introduction.

"I'm Ko...Ko...Kota Hirano! Fujimi Academy, class 2-B, my roster number is 32" Hirano said while still stuttering and trembling and it was because of Souichiro and Demolus as they had these oppressive auras around them, well Demolus didn't actually notice that he was releasing his aura after all he didn't know he had such a thing.

Hearing Hirano Demolus smiled widely after all he knew that Hirano had the potential to be great especially in this world and all he needed was courage and He intended to show him that there's no need to fear anyone.

Souichiro not knowing what to do with Demolus decided to look at Hirano. "I'm sure you went through a lot before you made it here. So your not going to hand over the guns, no matter what" He stared at him.

Demolus aimed his crossbow at Souichiro instead and he could hear gasps of air around him.

"Old man he will not give one bullet and neither will I after all there is no one better than him at using one or keeping them and while you might look angry or threatening or whatever but right now you should be great full your still alive after all you didn't get bitten by the undead or got yourself shot" Demolus was starting to rant.

"And instead of thanking us for bringing your daughter back and murdering undead for most of the time while traveling, you dare to try and take our guns instead of actually thanking us" Demolus was smiling while seeing the angry face of the man in front of him.

Everyone was quiet no one knew what to say or do while Souichiro pulled his katana out of its sheet and pointed it at Demolus.

Demolus was smiling even wider he was excited for some reason he actually wanted to fight was he turning into a battle maniac, maybe.

Everyone was tense but Yuriko intervened when Demolus was starting to show signs of moving.

"Enough all of you!" Yuriko said loudly and looked at her husband angrily after all he was the leader of this group but he couldn't keep his composure while dealing with others what kind of leader was he then.

While Soichiro was angry Demolus was delighted and decided to agree with Yuriko maybe he can get on her good side he thought.

"I'm sorry Yuriko-san you must understand us after all these guns are important they are used for self-protection from the undead and we can't give them up just because someone told us to" Demolus explained himself smoothly while everyone was surprised by the change of his demeanor.

Yuriko was happy to see that at least Demolus was acting properly while on the other hand her husband didn't budge and continued to stare at him while pointing his katana at him while Demolus smiled at him which annoyed the guy to no end he felt like something is wrong and he is losing something important but he couldn't understand what it was no matter how hard he thought about it.