
Chapter 8: Crush Embarrassment

|| Arabella ||

'Stop, stop!" I hollered, throwing myself in front of the red Aston Martin in the building garage.

The car came to a screeching stop. 'I know you are eager to die, but don't do it in front of my car. Go jump off the balcony or something," Theo shouted after rolling down the window of his side.

'If I wanted to kill myself, I'd mix poison in my coffee just like I did with yours," I shot back.

'What?" he exclaimed in disbelief.

I rolled my eyes and hurriedly ran to the passenger side of his car. 'I will give you the antidote if you let me in."

'And what alcohol in your system makes you think I would do that?" he retorted, starting to fix his black hair in the rearview mirror inside.

'Like I said, the antidote. You are dying in about," I looked down at my wristwatch to check the time that was left for my class and said, 'Thirteen minutes."

'Then you should give the antidote to Wyatt 'cause I swapped my coffee with him just in case," he replied smugly.