
Chapter 17: My Listener

|| Arabella ||

'The destiny which has been written by the devil cannot be changed. Whatever the devil has predicted shall come true, come what may," said out loud a voice out of nowhere, freaking me out more than I already was.

'That's bullshit, Annabelle," Theo said, dragging me out of the haunted house by my hand.

"Bu-but you were the one telling me scary stories about it before coming—"

"I was joking, okay? I don't believe in such things."

"I don't either, but its predictions are never wrong. I'm going to have a car accident tonight. I'll die."

"No, you won't. The ouija board is all science, nothing paranormal," he reasoned.

I yanked my hand from him once we were out. "I'm going home alone tonight."

"What?" Theo looked at me incredulously.

"I don't want to risk you getting involved in my accident." My mom died in a car accident too, and just the word alone was freaking me out.

"Annabelle," he sighed.