
Chapter 13: Moaning

|| Arabella ||

'So…?" Theo looked at me expectantly once I came out of his uncle's friend's kitchen after my interview as a part-time chef.

Like Theo promised, he drove me here and was weirdly nice enough to wait while I gave my interview. He was now sitting at a corner table, having some cheesecake and cappuccino.

I grinned and announced, 'I passed!"

'Congrats," he wished in monotone, taking a sip of his shake.

'Hey, show some more enthusiasm," I scolded, putting a hand on my hip.

'Well, what do you expect? Shall I do a happy dance for you?" he responded dryly.

'No, but—"

He cut me short and said, 'I knew you would pass."

'Aww, look at you, believing in me like an actual good roommate," I cooed and sat on the chair across from him.

'Anyone who has ever tasted your cooking would be stupid not to believe that you'll get hired here."

A grin formed on my face again. 'Do you actually like my cooking?" I asked excitedly.

'Will you take no for an answer?" he asked.