
Chapter 12: A Genuine Smile

|| Arabella ||

When I woke up this morning, my head felt like it would burst any moment and all the contents inside would spatter on my bed. My stomach felt funny as well.

I tried massaging my forehead, but the stickiness on it disgusted me. Next, as I tried to run my fingers through my hair, I found it to be stickier with a pungent smell. I blinked, trying to process who I was, on which planet I was on, whether I was dead or alive, and what year it was.

The hazy memories from last night started coming back to me bit by bit.

'Ugh, I got drunk. Stupid me."

Last evening, there was this restaurant I went to for an interview, but the manager offered to give me the job if I slept with him, which I blatantly declined, so he tried forcing himself on me, but I knew many self-defense moves, thanks to my mom. Therefore, I managed to protect myself, but I was humiliated badly after that by the people there.