
Taming the wild Billionaire

"I am marrying your daughter." " W...what! What do you mean you're marrying my daughter?" Mr James asked with a thick throat. He couldn't believe what his ears were hearing. Is this man being serious or is he just joking? "James, you failed to pay what you owe, so now I'm going to take something from you, your daughter, and I shall make her my wife." " But... P-please, I don't want her or my wife to know about my gambling addiction." "It's a bit late for that... Don't you think so?" * * * Valentina Rosetta Martinez, 22 years old. She has a normal life... Or so she thinks that she does. She works in a small cafe and she lives with her mum and dad. The thing she doesn't know is her dad has a gambling addiction. Her mum doesn't know either and things are getting worse for her dad. What happens when James, Valentina's dad, gives her away to a 25-year-old ruthless billionaire playboy? Secrets will unfold... There will be heartbreak, love and betrayal.

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11 Chs

Chapter 5

Valentina's POV

"What?" I shouted, it seemed like Luca's dick-head self was back. He thinks that we can get married... But before we even got married, he wanted me to move into his house. He has lost his damn mind.

"It would be fun." Luca chuckled, "Oh come on, why would you want to live in that ugly old house?"

"It may be old and it may be ugly to people like you." I said to him sternly, "But that is my home, I remember every memory there."

"Well, you can create new memories in my house," Luca smirked at me. "It's not like you're sharing a bed with me, you can have your room and you can decorate it however you like."

"No." I said quietly, "How can I leave my parents? They're going to be devastated."

"They'd be saving more money that way." Luca says, "And if you're an adult now you should be able to make your own choices."

"Yeah." I groan, "Like who I want to marry and who I want to live with!"

Luca sighed, "Please can we not go over this again?"

"It's a marriage." I mumble, "It's a big deal and you're talking about it as if it doesn't matter."

"Oh, and we don't need to be loyal to each other." Luca says, "You can do whatever you want with any guy and I could bang any girl I like, but obviously, we need to be discrete about it." Luca explains, I just glare at him, he is despicable.

"You have issues." I groaned, "Fine. Whatever and yes, I will stay in your house but I will leave your ass if you even try to annoy the fuck out of me."

"You swear so much." Luca chuckles, "You need to stop."

"Well, I am not going to," I said, and I smiled at him.

"So I will pick you up from your house at six o'clock," Luca told me.

"What do you mean?" I asked with a really confused look on my face, "Where are we going?"

"Going to meet my dad today." He says to me like it's nothing. Is he serious right now?

"What?" I was exasperated, "You can't just say that to me I have got things to do!"

"Like what Val?" He asks and I smile to myself. I like that Val.

"I've got to watch Arrow," I complained. "Told you I am busy."

"You can watch it another time."

"Luca." I rolled my eyes, "You can't just make plans for me without asking me first."

"My dad wants to meet you." Luca argues, "I promise I won't put you in for anything else if you just have dinner with my dad and me."

I thought about it for a while... Free food, I can make time for that I guess. "OK, yes, I will meet your dad."

"I appreciate it," he says.

"I am going to go home now," I said to Luca, his expression changed and he looked a little upset. I got up from my chair, "I should probably clean my room up and pick out a dress."

"You have to go now?" He asks and I give him a nod.

"I'll see you later."

"I'll drop you off." He says to me as he gets up.

"No." I smiled, "It's fine, I need the walk."

"You sure?"


"Well bye." He frowns. Weirdly, he seems sad. I don't think he wants me to go, which is crazy.

"Bye-bye," I said as I walked out of the living room. I go outside and breathe in the fresh air.

As I walk home, I put on my earphones and listen to" Man's not hot" - it's honestly one of the best songs that makes you laugh, gets you hyped, and makes you want to scream.

When I get home, I take my coat off and put it on a chair. I went into the living room and I saw my mum crying. Ever since she found out about my dad she has been feeling really sad, she doesn't even talk to my dad anymore and it breaks my heart to see her like that.

I sat on the sofa next to her, "Mum." I said sadly and I hugged her, "Please stop crying."

She doesn't stop crying, she just sits there with her head buried in her arms and she cries silently.

I get up from the sofa and go upstairs, I go into my parent's bedroom and I see my dad sleeping on the bed. I'm sorry dad shouted but you're going to get up right now and you're going to try and fix things with mum. "DAAAAAAAD!" I shouted and I heard him jolt up in terror. Oops.

"Valentina, dear, was that really necessary?" He yawned.

"Yes, it was." I said firmly, "You can't just sleep all day when mum is downstairs sitting on the damn sofa and she is crying."

"What can I do?" He asks as he gets up a bit.

"I don't know." I say, "Fix it..?"

"But how?"

"Oh my god. Seriously dad?" I groaned, "There is something called communication."

"Right..." He says slowly, "When did you become so snappy?"

" From now?" I sighed, "Now go on dad, fix things with mum."

" OK." He gets up and runs downstairs.

I go to my room and go through my wardrobe. I needed to look presentable for the dinner with Luca's dad.

I feel anxious, I'm so scared of meeting Luca's father and I don't even know why. I know it's a fake and loveless marriage and I really shouldn't give a crap about his dad's opinions, but I do care.

I look around and I then find a simple black dress. It isn't too formal or too dressy, it looks just perfect. I found a perfect pair of silver heels and a matching clutch bag to go with it.

Well, that is done.

Now it is time to clean up my room because it looks disgraceful; clothes everywhere, mugs that have been there for days - it's disgusting. There are books and papers around and it's making my head hurt.

I quickly fold up my clothes and put them in the wardrobe. I put my shoes neatly under my bed and I then put all the mugs in the kitchen.

I go back upstairs and put all my books away and throw out scrap pieces of paper.

I look at my room and it instantly looks so much better.

I jump onto my bed and sigh, I am so tired. I wish I could just sleep all day long, but unfortunately, I can't. I looked at the clock and saw it was only four o'clock. I have time to watch Arrow, but I might as well watch it another time. I'm really hungry right now. I go downstairs and make a quick cheese and cucumber sandwich.

While eating my sandwich, I just check through a few emails on my phone and I watch some YouTube videos. I then went upstairs and decided to get changed because I took a pretty long time. Who doesn't? I think almost every girl gets super distracted when they are getting changed. I know I do.