
Taming my naughty little girlfriend

"I have a girlfriend,Nike".Nike dismissed her comment with a scoff. "You must be trying to pull a trick on me dear Trina.You love Aiden so dearly you can't cheat on him". Haven't you heard of the word disloyalty?".Her brows rose in question. "Do you think I will fall for such jokes".He snickers."Prove it". He dared her to it and she kissed an unknown stranger. He had said that day ."Don't go around kissing strangers".He bit her ear gently that made her blush harder. MEET Katrina Owens the only child of a millionaire,the only heiress, pampered and showered with love all her life. But one day her father died and her life turns a different course. Three years later,she came back to only meet her fiance engaged to her cousin with the approval of her family,her inheritance and properties was passed to her cousin. And now she's determined to get back what was taken from her. MEET Asher Lee,a narcissist jerk known for his high intelligence, etiquettes manners and the youngest richest millionaire in the world. Two opposite attraction crosses paths again as something magical drew them to each other. Watch the sparks fly....... Filled with love, romantic tensions, comedy, families conflicts,envy,sad past that can tear them apart and characters one will love to hate and one you love to love. Trina has to make a choice... Leave her past behind and love the one man she can't have Or Never love again. A choice that can make her or break her....

Krisstal_99 · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
73 Chs


Getting up from bed, Trina made her way into the bathroom,showers, brush. She walks out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her body and her head. She opened her dresser and held up her favourite T shirt,a faded jeans and put it on with her sneakers. She unwrap the towel and was about drying her hair when Asher walks in.

She screams. "Jesus Christ! !what the heck is a door used for?".She said kicking her bra underneath her bed.

"The door was opened" .He said innocently that melted her anger until. "Nice".He pointed to what she was kicking under her bed.

"Shut up!".She growls. "God!your so annoying. What if am naked?".She blushed embarrassed by what she just said . Asher collapse on the couch and grinned annoyingly.

"One, your not,Two remember to lock your door, all people aren't nice as the great Asher Lee" .Trina narrows her eyes."And three that would be an unforgotten memory" .He winked at her causing her cheek to redden.

"What a pervert!".She toss her pillow at his face.

He shrugs."What can I say? I learnt from miss pervert herself" .He says as the pillow flies back at her.She slam it back, he grins and stood up and smacks it at her and again as she wrestle for it,Asher laughs harder as she fought for it. Knowing she couldn't get it,she kicks his foot and his legs gave out and they both landed on the floor with Asher on top of her with his hands on the floor either side of her head,his face an inch away from her as his sweet breath filled her nostril as they kept panting staring at eachother in silence until Gowon.

Cough cough.They both separated.

"The door was opened.So what was actually going on?".

"Nothing".Trina grab her bag."Let's go to school..bye Gowon".Trina ran out.

"Don't give up on her".Gowon gave him a thumbs up.

"Never".With that word he left.

Asher listened to Trina who was blubbering nonstop as they headed to school. On reaching school Asher realized that her hair was damp and messy. He suddenly halted as she does the same.


"Your hair is messy-".

"Is your damn fault..".Her voice trails as she felt his warm hands on her hair. He uses his fingers to straighten her hair.His hands on her hair made her warm.

"ASHER!!!!".Vera called as she ran to meet him and she clutch unto his arm."Am so sorry about last night at Caleb's Club-".

"You were there?".Trina blurted out

"Hmm,I invited him and I drank irresponsibly and got drunk and puked on him".She tightened her firm grip on him."Am sorry".She gave him an apologetic look.

"No problem" .He said pulling her hand away from his.

"I got your jacket with me cleaned and ironed and got you a winter coat since winter is close by.Come along let me show you".She says and held his hand and drag him with her.

"See you later".Asher calls out and followed Vera. Trina sigh and rub her temple. 'What was up with Vera?'.She wondered. If she was trying to make her jealous, she succeeded.

"Hi Trina".Nike smiles."How you doing?".

"Fine without you around!".She scowl. She could sense Nike was upset by her harsh words and he didn't do anything wrong but was trying to be polite. Gosh!how could Vera ruin her morning this way."Am so sorry" .She apologized and he nod.

"I didn't mean to yell at you,am so sorry".She said sincerely.

"It's no problem. ..well am just wondering if I could take you out for lunch?".He said coyly. Trina was glad he was trying to correct his mistakes. She opens her mouth to reply when Aiden chime in.

"She's busy, she has a job now so she'll be going".He yanked her hand drags her into the school.

Reuben smile widely on seeing Madison.

"Pumpkin! !".He waved .

"You know I hate that name!".She frown.

"Gosh! your so cute when frowning, I got a surprise for you-".

"Like I said am not interested in you...".He silence her by pressing his finger to her lips.

"Shh..close your eyes".Madison sigh but obeyed.

"That my girl".He lean in and kissed her eyelid. Madison eyes flings open about to dissent but froze on seeing a bunch of flower an inch away from her face.She looked back at him perplexed.

Surprisingly she found her voice and spoke"W..what is this?"

"Flower duh..accept it Madison".He said with pleading eyes and she took it."Have dinner with me please".Madison nods."Tonight, I will send you the address" .

"Ok..goodbye".She said and headed to her class beaming, clutching the flowers to her chest.

"What a nice flower that is".Linda pulled away from the wall and pad her feet toward Madison as she talks."You look so happy with my boyfriend. You filthy Bitch!!".

"He isn't your boyfriend anymore and I didn't snatch him from you,he came to me cause his in loves me and maybe if you've kept your urges in check Reuben might till be yours besides you never loved him..I got to go to class get lost".Madison brush past her and walked away as Linda grits her teeth.

Meanwhile in the hallway, Trina protested for Aiden to let go of her hand."Stop this Aiden your hurting me!".

"Your not going to have lunch with that playboy".He Said letting go of her wrist.

"What's your damn problem!!".She said in a high pitch voice that sounded like a siren in his eyes."Do I have to remind you that you have a fiancee and whoever I have lunch with is none of your business!!".

"Am sorry-".

"What is wrong? ".Asher asked Trina as Vera followed behind.Vera didn't care what Aiden does with Trina as long as she was with her Asher.

"Is nothing mind your damn business! ".Aiden scowl.

Trina wonders why Vera was with Asher. Were they spending the hours with eachother. The thought of them too close made her throat went dry with jealousy that stings like pepper.

"What a temper".Asher said boringly and diverts his attention to Trina."Is there a problem?".Trina shook her head.

"He was just furious that Nike asked to take me out-".

"Let's go".

"What!".All three of them exclaimed.

"Yes".Asher says."Aiden wants to have lunch with you and I want to even Nike and Vera wishes the same,so let's all meet at Spicy meatball eatery after school, Ta ta guys".He said and walked away. Wasn't Asher not allowed to eat spicy food?what the heck was he trying to do.

"You guys look so cute right darling?".Vera laughs. "I wish you luck in stealing my fiance" .She flip her hair and headed to class.

"See you later".Aiden says and walked away.

A black limo stops at the parking lot of Comic inventory enterprise .The chauffeur step out and opened the door for his mistress. Jasmina walk out of the car and adjusted her extremely mini gown that clutch tightly to her body exposing her edges .She looked at her father's enterprise and smile as she reoccur the day she met her dream man Teddy.

That very day her father had called her over to his enterprise which she wanted no business with.

"What!".She snapped as she barge in.

"Sit" .Her father demanded and she obey. "You know your the heiress to this enterprise and I need a break so am taking a vacation while you take over until am back-".

"Father!you know I don't like it here, I don't want to".She shook her head."No".


"Please,let me go on a vacation with you".She pouts.

He sigh "Fine".

"Thank, thank you father,i'll be on my way".She stood up and ran out and dumped into someone causing her to fall to the floor.

"Ouch!".She exclaims. "Am sorry. ..."Her voice trails off on seeing Ted.

"A..am sorry" .He apologized and helped her up."Please excuse me,sorry once again" .He said and ran off . As soon as he left,she dash to her father office and accepted to take over his enterprise for the meantime. From there she fall in love with him.

Her eyes lits up on seeing Ted alighting from a motorbike as a boy follows. "That must be his friend".She assumed. "TEDDY!!".She ran towards him.

"Oh!Miss Jasmina".She giggle and touched his arm slightly.

"Call me Jasmina we're friends right and whose this".She asked pointing at the boy with his helmet over his head as he checks his motorbike. "Your friend?".


"The boy you hanged out with last night?".

"What!".Ted eyes widens as Gowon choked and took off her helmet as Jasmina gasp in shock.'Oops not a boy,a girl,a tomboy ,a pretty tomboy.

"Excuse me?Who the fuck are you calling a boy,do I look like one with that barbie eyes of yours,you need to get your eyes checked".She retorts. "Do you know her Ted?is she one of those disney actress?".

"Ew!no,do I look like one".She retorts back in a husky voice.

"And do I look like a boy to you,Freak!".

"Gowon she's my boss".Ted said quietly.

"Why does your boss looks like a six year old kid?".Jasmina gritted her teeth in rage as Gowon chuckles on the seeing the frown on her face. Jasmina bit her lower lips to hold back her anger and tears.No one had talked or mocked her this way before.'What was a freak like her doing with her man'.

"Teddy,who is she?your sister cause you guys looks completely opposite" .She asked as Gowon laughs.

Ted shook his head and grinned. "She's my light in the dark,she's my girlfriend".Jasmina eyes widens.

"G..g..girl friend? ".

"What's wrong with your ear?Deaf or what..am his girlfriend, why do you look pale?are you okay?".Gowon asked with concern.

'A rebellious looking girl is not meant to be with her Ted!".She scream in her head. She never thought he was dating someone and what shocked her most was he was dating a tomboy who was gorgeous. Jealousy, anger,envious filled her heart."I was just teasing Jas, I didn't mean to hurt you emotionally".Gowon said sincerely.

"You didn't hurt me, just thinking".She forced a smile."Come on Ted ,we need to go in". Ted nods and she padded her way towards the entrance of the building. She halts and whirl behind to see Ted giving Gowon a kiss and smiling like he had never done before. Tears stream down her cheek."Ted is mine".She said and storm off.