
Retreating from Enemy Lands!

In an instant, every single opponent presently surrounding us had a monochrome copy of themselves. Their clones even have the same strength as them, to boot!

"Trample them..."

Minerva's words were short but brutal.

As she ordered, the monochrome clones started to attack their originals, who were still in a stupor from Hekate's Domain. As such, more than half of the enemies fell in just a single instant.


As soon as I saw that, I ordered everyone to charge ahead.

At the same time, I activated Status Augmentation for everyone in the party... other than Ansael, who wasn't connected to me in any way. Well, as a god-level, she should be able to catch up anyway.

Even Fina, who just woke up, along with Judy and Yorm, gained power equivalent to a 9th stage, enabling them to participate in the attack.