
Endless Loop

"One thousand three hundred nine..."

I muttered as I stood up as quickly as I can. Then, I lowered my stance as I waited for the worms to appear.

After they finished materializing, they immediately lunged toward my position. Seeing the nearest one, I quickly jumped up and stepped on top of its head. Then, after looking around, found a gap between them just enough to pass through. 

I used the worm's head as a springboard and shot straight through the gap. As soon as my feet landed, I checked the surrounding worms through my peripheral vision. They would take half a second more before they could react.

Using that time, I quickly jumped toward another worm's back and run up. Just as I was halfway up, another one attacked me from behind. I quickly stopped running, making the worm miss its target. The worm that got smacked was severely injured, the hard skin peeling off from its back.