
A Midnight Tryst

Five years... Half the remaining time vanished? Is going to the past to save Fatima that much of a red flag to the world?

"Are you sure about that?"

Although I know she doesn't have any reason to lie, I can't help but raise my doubts. Namia just sighed, moving forward and touching my forehead. As soon as she did, images started flooding my head.

The calendar shows days, months, and years passing by.

A red, barren field.

Hundreds of thousands of tamers arranged orderly in formations while looking up, a mix of fear and resolve in their expressions.

I, together with all the girls, busily moved around while preparing something.

And the enemy...

"... What?"

Just before I could see the enemy's figure, the images were cut off. Furthermore, as if everything was just a part of a dream, they started to fade from my memory almost immediately.

I blinked a few times, trying to refocus my mind, before looking at Namia.
