
chapter 1 sold me off

" so we've got ourselves a deal then Mr Hales a thousand dollars for your niece here"

" ok I need the money for my family and she was just a burden anyways"

" I never asked you to take me in anyways"


few hours ago

" Aina get ready we've got to go " Mr Hales shouted as he walked out of the small house him and his family managed.

" coming uncle I'll be there in a minute" Aina said as she rushed out to follow her uncle to where he said he was taking her.

Aina had asked many times where her uncle was taking her but never gave her a definite reply all he said was he was sorry for the way his family treated her when her parents passed away and he was taking her some place special.

she had her doubts but never did she imagine that her uncle would do something as cruel as this.

soon after they arrived at an abandoned warehouse.

" come on I have a surprise for you" her uncle said pulling her into the warehouse but as soon as she stepped in she heard the sound of heavy metal hit the back of her head making her pass out.

" so we've got ourselves a deal then Mr Hales a thousand dollars for your niece here "

" ok I need money for my family and she was just a burden anyway " this was the first thing Aina heard when she woke up.

why am I not surprised that my uncle could sell me for money I knew he was wicked I just didn't know he was heartless and soulless to do such a thing to me after all my parents did for him and his family. Aina thought to herself before screaming " I never asked you to take me in anyways !"

" wow Mr Hales your daughter is quite a celestial beauty and I'm going to make alot of money selling her you know" Mr Daniels the infamous human and drug trafficker said after seeing her face properly.

meanwhile Mr Hales hearing this began contemplating whether to sell his niece for a higher price but before he could voice out his contemplation Mr Daniels signaled his men to take Hales out and give him the money agreed on earlier.

thinking back to when her uncle came to pick her after the funeral of her parents when she was 16 how happy she was that someone wanted to take her in only for her hopes to be dashed by the family and how they treated her like trash compared to them she felt tears began to gather in her eyes but she held back and stopped herself from crying. one day I...

" come on Aina I don't have all day I need you to come quietly before I do something to harm that pretty little face of yours" she heard Mr Daniels voice interrupting her thoughts. she quietly got up and followed mr Daniels to his car without hassle because she knew there was no point fighting only to get hurt also she needed her energy if she was going to escape this man later.

Mr Daniels brought her to a mansion and ordered his female servants to clean her up and bring her down to lunch

".... and dress her up nicely we will be having and important guest for lunch" he said before leaving her in the hands of the servants.

" hmmmmm so he plans to have me sold off today good I can escape from there" Aina said in a bearly audible whisper.

reaching a room she let the maids clean her and dress her before taking her downstairs to have lunch.

on getting there Aina stopped in her tracks as she recognized the man now standing with the big bellied mr Daniels

" oh my freaking God how am I supposed to escape if he buys me..." she said to herself and gave the man with Mr Daniels a cold glare before sitting and helping herself to lunch without waiting for the men to start eating.

" let me see her face" the man said to Mr Daniels he wanted to get a clear glimpse of her face as most of her face was covered with her hair something she purposely did to avoid the guest from seeing her face.

as soon as she felt Mr Daniels about to touch her she turned her head to the side to avoid him touching her.

seeing this the man with Mr Daniels chuckled and walked towards her lifting her face with a little force enough to lift her face but not hurt her.

seeing her face his expression darkened " Mr Daniels where did you get this girl" he directly asked Mr Daniels making him flinch because they never gave out personal information of the families that sell young girls to him " do I need to cut your limbs before you speak" the man said and turned around to face Mr Daniels giving him access to his his expression.

" her uncle sold her to me saying something about how they needed the money" Mr Daniels quickly answered seeing the man's expression he knew he was angry and did not want to get on the man's bad side .

This ma Ian Lee the youngest most successful self made CEO of the United States. He could be jovial most of the time but don't get on his bad sides otherwise your life becomes worse than a living hell.

" thank you I'll be leaving with her now and as for your money I'll send it to the account you have give me but make sure that account is not illegal." Ian said and then ordered his men to get Aina to the car.