

Ella you are not my biological daughter What !the word shot out of me like a rocket

I am not your daughter like how Roger I asked Ella that day me ,Clara and Ben went out for dinner getting to our door step that day .we saw a crib and you are inside and a letter

"Please take care of this child

Her name is Ella

And me and clara has been trying for another child for a long time but no result so we took u and since then u have been living with us roger said I was shock, surprise OK

Let me rewind My name is Ella Blake I am seventeen years old and I never knew people I called my parent are not my parents I am a timid young girl well that is what I want people to see and know . Every one always have this mentality that people with glasses ,long ponytail ,bagge clothes u are a nerd especially big round glasses you are a big time nerd well that is e I am the second daughter of the Blake family and yge last child of the family Bella .I was happy when I find out clara is pregnant when blle was born I was excited I finally have younger sister the happiness was short lived when I turn sixteen two weeks to my birthday and Bella is thirteen years old I notice her attuide to me change I was surprise I first thought I am been dramatic .

One fathiful day I asked her bella have I done something wrong to you her response was shocking to me what did u think u did wrong outcast are u talking to me I feel like punching her and yes I am bowling in anger I am just holding it in despite been a nerd and been timid I am a quick temper person but I practice a calming technique did u just call me a out cast I asked her but instead of answering me she walk upstairs I was dumbfounded for a while I went out for a walk if I stay in that house any moment I will lose my my temper but my that answer keep haunting me .who is a outcast ? Why did bella call me that

on first time writing judge me with u good and bad to correct my mistakes

Gainyu_Barakatcreators' thoughts