
Advice to parents

It's not easy to be a parent and a husband or wife,at the same time.parents let teach our children how they are supposed to live let's not give our children too much freedom.

Especially our female children let's teach them how they are supposed to dress in public places and before there fathers and brothers, sometimes you will find a case where by a father or a brother sexually abusing the girl child due to her careless dressing,who are we going to blame is it her or the mother?mother's let's teach our girl child good values,and also a boy child is supposed to be taught how his supposed to live a normal life,you will find a lot of boys drinking alcohol carelessly and smoking it's not good to parents cause people from outside will be laughing at the parents,the same alcohols and smokes are leading the boys to early graves to avoid such let's teach our children how they are supposed to live a normal life.even our daughters let's teach them alot of skills you never know what if both parents die how will our children survive if you never taught them skills?let's teach our children good values life is short you never know what tomorrow might brings for us.