
chapter 3

Chapter 3: The Witcher's Curiosity

News of the shaelmaar's demise reached the ears of Geralt of Rivia as he made his way through the war-torn countryside. The tales spun by the terrified mercenaries painted a picture of a warrior unlike any he had encountered before. A man of immense strength and raw power, capable of dispatching a monster of such magnitude with seemingly effortless ease.

Intrigued, Geralt decided to alter his course, his destination now the small village where the mercenaries had last seen Yujiro. He rode through the night, the moon casting an eerie glow on the ravaged landscape.

As he approached the village, he noticed a lone figure sitting atop a hill overlooking the valley. Even from a distance, Geralt could sense the aura of power emanating from the figure. It was a primal energy, raw and untamed, like a wild beast ready to pounce.

Dismounting from Roach, his trusty steed, Geralt made his way up the hill, his witcher senses on high alert. As he drew closer, he could make out the figure's features. It was a man, tall and muscular, his skin pale and marked with scars. He sat cross-legged, his eyes closed, as if in deep meditation.

"Greetings," Geralt said, his voice calm and measured.

The figure opened his eyes, revealing orbs as dark as the night sky. He turned to face Geralt, a predatory gleam in his gaze.

"A witcher," he said, his voice a low growl. "I've heard tales of your kind. Monster slayers, they call you."

"And you are?" Geralt inquired, his hand resting lightly on the hilt of his silver sword.

A smirk played on the figure's lips. "Yujiro Hanma," he replied, his voice filled with an unmistakable arrogance. "And you may call me... Ogre."

Geralt raised an eyebrow. "Ogre? An interesting moniker. But I must say, I've never encountered an ogre quite like you before."

"That's because I'm not from this world," Yujiro said, a hint of amusement in his voice. "I hail from a place where strength is the only law, and the weak are left to perish."

Geralt's interest piqued. "Another world? You speak of things that sound like mere fantasy."

"Fantasy to you, perhaps," Yujiro countered. "But to me, it's reality. A reality where I reign supreme, the undisputed strongest."

Geralt chuckled. "Strongest, you say? A bold claim. But in this world, strength alone isn't enough. There's magic, monsters, and a whole host of other dangers lurking around every corner."

"I welcome those dangers," Yujiro said, standing up and towering over Geralt. "They are but mere obstacles on my path to true power."

Geralt could feel the tension in the air, the unspoken challenge hanging between them. He had faced down countless beasts and men, but this... this was different. This was a clash of two apex predators, each vying for dominance.

"I sense a kindred spirit in you, witcher," Yujiro said, his eyes narrowing. "A thirst for battle, a desire to test your limits. Perhaps we are not so different after all."

Geralt met Yujiro's gaze, a flicker of recognition in his eyes. "Perhaps," he agreed. "But only time will tell."

The two warriors stood in silence for a moment, the tension between them palpable. Then, with a nod of mutual respect, they parted ways.

The first encounter between Geralt of Rivia and Yujiro Hanma was brief, but it was a harbinger of things to come. Their paths, it seemed, were intertwined, destined to cross again and again. And when they did, the Continent would tremble.