
Tales of the Infinite Nothing

MythicaI · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs

Another Day

The busy city buzzed with fervent life once more this morning, though no birds sang the flying cars could be said to sing their own tune as they zoomed by.

The city was vibrant with life today, just like any other. It's large crowds seemingly not taking notice of the boy coming out of the dark alley, a bag strapped over his shoulder.

Today was like any other for this boy, Finn would be doing as he always did with, hopefully, no distractions. Alas it seemed fate held differing opinions.

"The dean just issued a call for the top 100!"

"All top 100 ranking students must make their way to room #001 for an emergency meeting!"

Two teachers were standing at the front gates of the school, informing the students of the deans call. Finn although annoyed by this sudden change in plans begrudgingly made his way to room #001.

The room itself wasnt too big, only being big enough to house about 150 students at max capacity. Although Finn was a top 10 ranking student, only a handful of students already present in the room acknowledged his presence when he entered.

It was as though nobody took his ranking seriously, thinking of him as lesser or perhaps not deserving of his title.

Finn payed no mind to either those who did or those who didn't look his way, instead the purple eyed boy made his way towards the closest seat available.

This seat just happened to be besides a energetic looking guy. Felix Zephyr a top 25 ranked student was an energetic guy, unlike Finn, Felix used both his soul Abilities and Aura Manipulation whilst fighting. Not to mention his two axes he swung around each having a blade larger then his head.

"Hi Finn! How are you doing today?"


Felix greeted Finn joyously whilst the latter replied quickly and without energy.

"What do you think the dean called us here for?"

"Who knows that old man is unpredictable."

Finn sighed, although he seemed uninterested in the conversation Felix knew otherwise or he didn't care.

"It's quite likely somthing to do with our next mission." Finn continued

"But he doesn't usually call for urgent meetings when it comes to our missions? The last time something like this happened..."

Felix stopped, hesitant and unwilling to continue his words.

"The mission was a war"

Alas Finn was different, perhaps emotionless even.

"Ahhh Finn we shouldn't bring that up, not here"


Whilst Felix looked around the room cautiously making sure nobody had overheard Finn, the boy himself showed no reaction. Quite the contrary as he closed his eyes and waited for the dean to arrive and start the meeting.

Thankfully he didn't have to wait long as before 5 minutes passed he was forced to once again open his eyes.

The room seemed mostly full now, 100 students sat waiting. An old stern looking man stood at the front of the room, his serious face a dichotomy to his vibrant clothing.

"Hello students, I've called the top 100 ranked today due to an urgent matter relating to your next mission."

The old man paused, allowing the students to intake his words.

"The top 5 will each form a group with 19 other students, they will be deemed the leaders of the squad. This squad will be further split into 2 teams, team A and team B."

The old man paused once more this time he glanced at 5 students among the 100.

"Team A will be led by the squad leader and team B will be led by the vice squad leader. This position will be left up to the squad leader to decide."

The old man took a deep breath, somthing he hadn't realized he hadn't done since he started speaking.

"Each squad will be designated an area and your mission is to hold onto your position until reinforcements are available and arrive"

This time he stopped before he pulled out a piece of folded up paper from his pocket. Then he began listing the names of each individual followed by their squad leader.

After he finished he wished the students good luck before handing each squad leader a map and leaving. His serious and stern face never faltering even for a second.

After the dean left every student began to group up with their corresponding squad. Finn was no slacker and so he too made his way towards his squad after saying a quick 'later' to Felix.

Finn's squad leader was nonother than rank number 2 student Vivian Witold.

As soon as Finn approached his squad, his squad mates gave him strange looks. All but Vivian that is, instead she smiled brightly and welcomed him.

"Great now that we're all here I think first we should set the vice squad leader."

The students gave affirmative nods as they all looked at a tall and buff looking guy in the group. He was Oliver Grieves, he was ranked 11 but was known to be stronger than the 8th rank.

Everyone expected Vivian to choose him as vice leader, because of this they were quite surprised by Vivian's choice.

"The vice squad leader will be Finn"

Vivian stated in a matter-of-fact tone, as if her choice was the only obviously correct one.

Yet although it was Vivian's choice everyone was unwilling to except it, and they all expressed this even Finn.

"I don't think he's most qualified"

"The rankings aren't definitive you know"

"Yeah he's only ranked 10, Oliver has bested the ranked 8th"

"I'd rather not be vice leader actually"

Finn stated, seemingly unperturbed by the statements of his squadmates.

"Hmm? No Finn is the strongest among you all."

Vivian replied back

"I can't agree with that"

This time Oliver was the one to reply, his voice laced with pride.

"But he is, as a matter of fact how about this. You will both fight winner keeps the position"

Finns eyebrows furrowed, he didn't want the position to begin with so why should he fight for it?

Alas before he could say anything Oliver replied for him.

"Alright let's go to the arena now, the sooner the better."

Without waiting for Finn or anyone to reply he turned and began walking. Alongside him the others walked too, this left only Finn and Vivian.

"I hope you don't mind using a little power for this fight yes?"

Finn didn't reply instead he sighed before turning around and following Oliver, behind him a smiling Vivian stuck close.

As the squad left the room Felix who had already been decided vice leader in his squad turned only to see his friend leaving with Vivian sticking close to him.

A little confused but nonetheless he brushed it off as he hoped him good luck and returned to his squad.