
Tales of The Dragon Sovereign

"Is this the life that I can be proud of ?" This was the last thought Long Chen, The Imperial Dragon Prince, The supreme elder of the ice dragon clan in the immortal realm. Long Chen who had turned from a young ambitious warrior to a cold, detached, neglectful old monster, was betrayed, was abandoned by the people who were once his comrades. Long Chen whose familiar bonds had withered due to the river of time was choked with emotion. Just When he thought that he had reached the end of his road, a mysterious entity interfered with his fate, making him transmigrate as a 16 yeard old debaucherous young master in the mortal realm. With the birth of his new ambition to control his fate and of those around him Long Chen leads to a new conquest. As the honor of the dragon crumbles the insidiousness of a demon is born inside of him. The Dragon Prince is dead, born is the Dragon Sovereign. Watch as he sets off to conquers the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. ... This is my first novel but I guarantee you that both the quality and grammar of this novel are as good as a translated novel. Join me on discord https://discord.gg/2PaRCYmU ... What you should expect +Ambitious MC +Fast Pace +Fast cultivation in the beginning +Clanbuilding +Many Companions of MC who stick with him +Ruthless MC +Slow gradual romance +Harem +MC networking with people for common interests. What you should not expect in this novel -Long Separation -Useless Companions -Cockroach villains -1D villains -Loner MC Do you like what you see and wanna read more? Support me. Patreon-https://www.patreon.com/lilhawk Paypal-singhav.2001@gmail.com Every donation helps Please share your thoughts on the reviews and chapter comments. P.S Chapter length- 1500-2500 words Release schedule -3-5 chapters/week I don't own the cover

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48 Chs

Getting in trouble

Wang Dong was also a genius of the Wang Clan, included in the top 5 clans of the Grand Xia Empire.

He was a tall muscular man with wide shoulders, and an angular jawline, with a face that looked stoic.

He appeared to be extremely domineering, as his words left no room for refusal

Long Chen stared at the group of people and saw that most men were looking at them indifferently without being distracted by Bei Youer and Qingmei. This showed how the Wang clan, which was highly connected to the military, trained its disciples.

While facing them, Long Chen released his entire killing intent and asked in a grave voice.

"Why don't you try saying that again? "

Most of the Wang clan members had their foreheads covered in sweat with their hands trembling.

Some of the women directly knelt down and covered their faces.

Even Wang Dong who had been in many life and death situations felt afraid of this man.

"Now Now why don't we relax"

A carefree voice came before a group of luxuriously dressed people came with a scholarly-looking man who was waving a fan in the lead.

"Ahh you must be young master Long Chen, I am Huang Guan please how about all of us share the spoils equally.

By the way, I have heard a lot about you even my father egged me to learn from you"

His words sounded polite and amiable and he naturally made people comfortable around him.

'Shit now I can't kill all of them and take their spoils'

Long Chen cursed in his mind.

"That works fine with us"

Snorted Wang Dong but his tone had considerably softened.

"Tch it's your lucky day punks"

One of the lackeys behind Wang Dong snorted, as he felt frustrated over his pathetic behavior of sharing their spoils with a lowly clan.

Long Chen ignored him, he wasn't in the mood to squabble

Seeing this, the lackey thought Long Chen was afraid.

"That's a fine woman you definitely could be the top beauty, how about you gift her to our young lord as a concubine you can get some benefits too"

He mocked while pointing to the veiled Bei Youer.


Suddenly he felt danger like a cub walking in a tiger's lair.

"What" Before he could even get a chance to speak, he saw the world roll, his head fell to the ground.


Even Huang Guan was shocked, He did not think that Long Chen would be bold enough to kill someone from the Wang clan right in their face.

"That filthy mongrel annoyed me, so I zapped him now he got what he deserved as for you"

Said Long Chen while pointing at Wang Dong.

"Both of our sides will fight and winner share the herbs with the Huang clan"

Wang Dong blanked out seeing his lackey dead, only waking up from the trance by being shouted at by Long Chen.

Long Chen knew now that he has killed one of them, it's impossible to resolve this peacefully so he might as well all shred of cordiality.

"Long Chen how daring of you to kill someone from the Wang Clan, you will need to provide an explanation"

"Alright here is the explanation.


Long Chen shouted before pouncing on them along with his buddies.

Long Chen did not use a saber and used his bare hands to attack everyone in his way.

'Puchi ''Puchi'

One by one they started falling, Long Chen only aimed at their vitals, and with his combat experience deal with these greenhorns was a walk in the park, let alone when he had help.

"Meteor Slash"

Wang Dong Shouted before pouncing on Long Chen

'Asura Claw'

Long Chen used his hands to catch Wang Dong's saber.

Before kicking Wang Dong in the gut.


Wang Dong Spit out blood, but he refused to let go of the sword.

Seeing this Long Chen kicked him in the nutsack and the sound of a pig being slaughtered came.

Long Chen then held him with the neck, before choke slamming him on the ground.

Very Quickly all the Wang Clan members were on the ground wailing.

The Wang Clan did not have any half-step essence gathering deacons at the moment otherwise they might have fared better.

Long Chen decided against killing them, for one it will be very hard and the other reason being from the demeanor of Wang Clan's disciples, they don't seem unreasonable and it's possible to resolve this. Either way with the presence of Xiao Bai he was confident in his choice.

Fang Qian Threw all of them out. After Which Long Chen turned to Huang Guan.

"Brother Huang Guan how about we divide the spoils" Long Chen displayed a polite demeanor, he had an innocent smile on his face as if he had nothing to do with the people who got thrashed earlier.

Listening to Long Chen's polite words Huang Guan's eyebrows twitched.

'This guy is definitely a prodigy, along with being ruthless had I not been here he would have slaughtered and buried them here.

I should not be petty with him'

"Brother Long Chen must be joking, you found it so it's your spoils. The thing I proposed earlier was so that you can avoid falling out with the Wang clan. Now I shall take my leave"

Saying that he left with his clan members.

"Young master those were black grade herbs"

"All of you need to think long term, yes those black herbs were precious but it's not like our clan needs them urgently.

By giving them to him we are showing magnanimity and building a good relationship at the same time acknowledging his strength.

By the way, there are no good alchemists in that backwater place, so eventually, we will benefit when they come to the imperial capital for the trade"

"Wow young master you are so intelligent"

"Young master will lead our clan to glory"

Said the love-struck girls while clinging to him.

"Also Spread Wang Clan's miserable defeat among everyone you meet.

This will make Long and Wang Clan Slightly hostile to Long Chen effectively pushing him towards us."

With everyone gone Long Chen carefully extracted all the herbs and put them into 2 spatial rings.

"Alright let's move forward"

A gloomy man was walking aimlessly, his body was seeping out some poison and his cultivation seemed to be unstable almost illusory.

It looked like he was going to suffer from qi deviation soon.

His eyes were blazing with hatred and a calm indifference.

Out of nowhere he sensed danger and sidestepped from where he was standing.


Much to his horror, a 4 armed ape was standing where he had just been.

Before he could even get his bearing together, he got punched in the stomach.


He crashed on a nearby tree throwing up blood.

'I can't die yet

Gritting his teeth, he took out a dagger and stabbed open a wide hole in his skin where blood was constantly seeping out from.

Before engaging in a melee fight with the ape.

His arsenal of battle arts was severely lacking, but every time the ape came in contact with his blood.

The ape felt a burning sensation on the point of contact. The Ape could feel its vitality and lifeforce slowly deteriorating.

Long Chen and his group had long discovered them, but under Long Chen's request, they were maintaining a fair bit of distance.

'Thousand poison body, this talent even surpasses Bei You'er current fire spirit body. It's a pity he has followed such a shitty cultivation system.'

"What a rare sampling actually possessing such a rare body. It's a shame I couldn't possess him before" The Yama emperor commented.

"Oh you woke up"

"Yeah fancy seeing the secret realm. Although it's meant for trash its quality seems pretty high"

"You're right, back to the boy though he certainly posses a firm dao heart"

"Tch he is beyond help such a waste"

Long Chen smiled but did not reply.

The Ape was stubbornly clinging to his life, suddenly the man felt empty it looked like, he could die any moment.

Just as he was about to die, Long Chen attacked the ape killing it in one strike before collecting its corpse.

He then took out one wisdom fruit smeared it with some 100-year-old ginseng and lemongrass.

Before making a paste out of it and then smeared it on the man's body.

The strange man almost went unconscious after he saw Long Chen killing the ape.

After he felt some paste on his body he initially tried to struggle to remove but suddenly his body started feeling better.

His skin which was covered with green pus started turning normal.

His lifeforce and vitality started rising, seeing this he sat in a meditating position and recovered his wounds.

After he got done he saw that Long Chen was still standing before him.

"Why did you save me," The strange man asked in a raspy and hoarse voice.

"Well our group could use a poison user "

"Is that all ?" The strange man asked but this time his body relaxed as he wasn't so vigilant.

"Yup," Long Chen replied nonchalantly.

"So you wanna travel with us "Asked Long Chen with a smile.

The cloaked man turned around and looked at Long Chen a bit suspiciously, but he could not feel any negative intentions.

"Look I don't mean any harm the 4 of us are strong fighters but we could be outnumbered easily and you look like you know a thing or 2 about poison so this could work out"

"Alright" He replied in a hoarse voice.

"lead the way"

The Cloaked man was a bit surprised at himself, by how easily he agreed to travel with them.

Long Chen smiled and moved while the cloaked guy following them while maintaining a distance of 10 meters.

Fang Qian and others were puzzled, as to why Long Chen allowed him to travel with them but they did not say anything as they trusted his judgment.

The group traveled for about a week hunting beasts and collecting valuable spirit fruits of different elements alongside herbs.

Long Chen was generous with the cloaked guy, when it comes to the distribution of the spoils and the group built some sort of trust.

Still, the cloaked man kept his distance when they feasted and was unsociable.

While moving the group suddenly felt constrained. They felt a dark twisted sensation in their bodies.

It felt like something was subduing them.