
Tales of The Dragon Sovereign

"Is this the life that I can be proud of ?" This was the last thought Long Chen, The Imperial Dragon Prince, The supreme elder of the ice dragon clan in the immortal realm. Long Chen who had turned from a young ambitious warrior to a cold, detached, neglectful old monster, was betrayed, was abandoned by the people who were once his comrades. Long Chen whose familiar bonds had withered due to the river of time was choked with emotion. Just When he thought that he had reached the end of his road, a mysterious entity interfered with his fate, making him transmigrate as a 16 yeard old debaucherous young master in the mortal realm. With the birth of his new ambition to control his fate and of those around him Long Chen leads to a new conquest. As the honor of the dragon crumbles the insidiousness of a demon is born inside of him. The Dragon Prince is dead, born is the Dragon Sovereign. Watch as he sets off to conquers the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. ... This is my first novel but I guarantee you that both the quality and grammar of this novel are as good as a translated novel. Join me on discord https://discord.gg/2PaRCYmU ... What you should expect +Ambitious MC +Fast Pace +Fast cultivation in the beginning +Clanbuilding +Many Companions of MC who stick with him +Ruthless MC +Slow gradual romance +Harem +MC networking with people for common interests. What you should not expect in this novel -Long Separation -Useless Companions -Cockroach villains -1D villains -Loner MC Do you like what you see and wanna read more? Support me. Patreon-https://www.patreon.com/lilhawk Paypal-singhav.2001@gmail.com Every donation helps Please share your thoughts on the reviews and chapter comments. P.S Chapter length- 1500-2500 words Release schedule -3-5 chapters/week I don't own the cover

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48 Chs

Gaining new subordinates

I just beg you to please take care of her highness and we will provide you with our absolute loyalty"

Saying that he knelt.

"At ease chief, He Mao is my companion, so of course I am gonna take care of her"

"Alright I think you must have gotten the Asura Soul Stone that is our ideal habitat before that we can perform a ceremony to swear our fealty to you"

"Alright you can go ahead with your preparations"

With that Ah hu excused himself.

Talking to him Long Chen realized it is not necessary, that he reincarnated right after his death there may be a probability of some time has passed.

'Hmm I hope both my loved ones and enemies are alive by the time I ascend'

Also, Long Chen realized he had just left seclusion before being killed, so he wasn't aware of the recent affairs.

The thing that left Long Chen a bit upset is that when he returns to the immortal realm, all his acquaintances may be gone.

He had still a lot of underlings and distant relatives.

Seeing Long Chen's mood, He Mao got on top of his head and started playing with his hair.

"Alright enough about that " Saying that he pulled He Mo down.

"Do you remember anything about your past life"

It thought long and hard before dismissing these thoughts.

Long Chen rested that night in there just relaxing and reminiscing.

Sometimes he wondered if he should cut off all his emotions from his past life, but then he could never bring himself to do so.

Long Chen's eyes moistened.

It would be hard to think that an old monster like Long Chen was having such indecisiveness and emotional vulnerability.

By morning Long Chen's gaze becoming determined.

'There is no way I am gonna forsake my emotions, of either the past life or the present.

In the afternoon the village chief called Long Chen and He Mao.

All the villagers were gathered outside, withstanding between a circle with weird shapes and sizes.

"Lord Please drink this"

Ah Hu passed him a bowl with blood, it probably had the blood essence of all the villagers.

Long Chen hesitated a moment before drinking it all in one gulp.

The Circle started glowing before all the fiends started shouting weird chants.

Weird symbol things started floating from Long Chen's body and started embedding themselves before crawling and imprinting themselves in the villager's skin.

All of them started glowing in red color. Their constitutions were slowly improving.

By the time it was done Long Chen felt a connection with these fiends.

All the fiends immediately knelt and shouted in a joint voice.

"what are your orders, my liege"

Their faces were painted with devotion and ferociousness.

"Perfect get in the stone this would be your new home"

Long Chen was very satisfied with his new army which could wreak havoc just about anywhere.

The fiends vanished but a semi ethereal flame existed in that circle the visual appeal of this was certainly astounding.

"As Ah Hu get's stronger he will recover some memories about this realm and the secrets hidden in it. I have a feeling that we won't be able to get anything right now."

"Come on He Mao let's go"

With that, the cat-human duo took off,

As they walked across the fog Long Chen noticed that the fog seemed to be disappearing and a dangerous feeling arouse in his heart.

'Shit something is gone wrong'

Long Chen turned to the asura soul stone, but the fiends were assimilating in there If he disturbs them now it would be akin to crippling them.

"He Mao hold on tight" He mao nodded and tightly latched on to Long Chen.

Long Chen started running towards where the fog was the densest.

Looking back he saw that a bunch of ant-like demonic creatures were chasing towards them, and they seemed to have locked on to him.

'Shit these bastards are Arcane Ants'

These types of ants are a natural enemy to Fiends.

Who used soul-type arrays to hold them off, which happens to be the fog.

But now that They have disappeared these ants seemed to be hell-bent on eliminating them.

The good thing about this was that they focused a lot on unity, so they will maintain a speed that everyone can follow the bad thing is they are stubborn bastards who will stop at nothing.

Seeing them Long Chen picked up the pace using demonic fairy steps.

There are many 2nd orders amongst those beasts as well if he gets caught, not even his bones would not be spared.

After exiting the fiend territory he noticed that the ants were still hot on his trail.

"Damn you bastards get lost "

Long Chen felt the most annoying part was that their bodies and bloodlines were pretty much worthless so Long Chen couldn't even be bothered to absorb them.

He Mao poked Long Chen and pointed in a certain direction.

Long Chen chose to believe her and followed in that direction.

After a while, he saw the outline of a bunch of people.

'The Yun Clan people'

He saw that there was one group of main people surrounding were various smaller groups and individuals presumably smaller clans, mercenaries, and Rogue cultivators.

Long Chen and He Mao looked at each other and saw the evil grin on each other's faces.

The people were discussing something when they saw someone running towards them.

"Is that Long Chen ?"

"Yes that looks like him"

Long Chen had generated a bit of fame by defeating the Wang clan and generating the commotion at the entrance so many people recognized him.

Yun Gou the young master of the Yun clan was also there. He was a sickly-looking man who seemed inherently lecherous.

He had a very bad reputation for drowning himself in wine and women over the years many women have been ruined him.

He was the first to notice something is wrong.

"Shit run something is chasing him"

Everyone looked closely behind and lost their shit.

"Guys let's work together to beat these bastards we all belong to the same country we need to show some unity"

'Shameless prick'

They had seen shameless people but never so shameless.

Everyone started running in different directions.

Long Chen started running along with the largest group there he noticed a familiar face.

'Poison What is he doing here.'

Running along the group noticed the temperature kept rising.

They were surrounded by mountains and rocks slightly red in color, even the ground had a reddish hue.

'What thing is responsible for this '

Looking back Long Chen noticed that the ants seem to be slowing down this seemed to be their natural habitat.

"Folks the ants seem to be slowing pick up the pace the deeper we go the ants will have to eventually give up"

People rolled their eyes at Long Chen's antique.

About 100 breaths later they came across a dead there was a magma pool ahead of them and the good news was that the ants were no longer there.

'Magma heart'

This lava bed has a natural magma heart within it.

A lava heart is a natural treasure that is used by refining it in the body.

Not only does it provide the purest fire-type essence. It exists the quality of the existing essence by purifying and thickening it by a huge margin.

Apart from that it also improves the compatibility of the consumer with the fire element by making the body more compatible with fire laws.

Also, last and not least consuming it can increase the cultivation base quickly without affecting the foundations as it improves the foundation by containing the essence of heaven and earth.

'I need to get this for Bei Youer no matter the price'

"Long Chen you dragged us into your mess you should give us some compensation"

Yun Gou spoke in a neutral term. He was aware that Long Chen was very strong and he just beat another young master like a dog so he maintained a basic modicum of respect.

Just looking at Long Chen pissed Yun Gou off, Long Chen is supremely talented he is also born in a not-so-well-off clan, on the other hand, isn't even half as good as Long Chen.

"Yes Long Chen you must give something"

"Yes brother"

Seeing Yun Gou spoke others started chiming in as well.

"Fellows you are misunderstanding me the reason why I pulled you along was to firm your dao hearts. You see when those beasts started chasing us a lot of you must have thought that we are gonna die but you did not lose and kept on running despite not being aware of any way to save yourselves you did not give in to your fate and as a result lady goddess smiled at us saving us. Now because of this, we have learned about perseverance. Now For giving out this lesson shouldn't you give me some kind of compensation."

Long Chen cupped his fists and said all of this in one breath and put on an earnest expression.

Yun Gou who had done many evil deeds also felt his eyebrows with, this was a new level of shamelessness.

The people around Long Chen also had black lines on their forehead and felt like vomiting seeing this earnest expression.

People were also a bit confused they thought he was arrogant, domineering, and prideful, now he seemed like a shameless scoundrel.

Long Chen felt acting like a scoundrel is incredibly liberating.

'Letting go of your ego feels so nice'

While Long Chen and the others were bantering some of them noticed abnormalities around them.

"There looks like a special fruit inside the lava"

"That's the heart of magma oh my god such a treasure really appeared"

All the experts have their eyes blazing with greed.

They started running towards the lava pool in hopes of snatching the treasure.

Very Soon only Poison and Long Chen were remaining on the ground and everyone else was in the lava.

They were giving everything they had just to resist the lava but the temperature kept on rising as they got closer to the heart.


Very Soon 3 screams sounded simultaneous.

Everybody noticed that small golem-like creatures were attacking down from under the magma.

Seeing people attacked so easily Long Chen sneered.

These people were really retards, any treasure of heaven and earth has some sort of defense mechanism in many forms.