
Tales of The Dragon Sovereign

"Is this the life that I can be proud of ?" This was the last thought Long Chen, The Imperial Dragon Prince, The supreme elder of the ice dragon clan in the immortal realm. Long Chen who had turned from a young ambitious warrior to a cold, detached, neglectful old monster, was betrayed, was abandoned by the people who were once his comrades. Long Chen whose familiar bonds had withered due to the river of time was choked with emotion. Just When he thought that he had reached the end of his road, a mysterious entity interfered with his fate, making him transmigrate as a 16 yeard old debaucherous young master in the mortal realm. With the birth of his new ambition to control his fate and of those around him Long Chen leads to a new conquest. As the honor of the dragon crumbles the insidiousness of a demon is born inside of him. The Dragon Prince is dead, born is the Dragon Sovereign. Watch as he sets off to conquers the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. ... This is my first novel but I guarantee you that both the quality and grammar of this novel are as good as a translated novel. Join me on discord https://discord.gg/2PaRCYmU ... What you should expect +Ambitious MC +Fast Pace +Fast cultivation in the beginning +Clanbuilding +Many Companions of MC who stick with him +Ruthless MC +Slow gradual romance +Harem +MC networking with people for common interests. What you should not expect in this novel -Long Separation -Useless Companions -Cockroach villains -1D villains -Loner MC Do you like what you see and wanna read more? Support me. Patreon-https://www.patreon.com/lilhawk Paypal-singhav.2001@gmail.com Every donation helps Please share your thoughts on the reviews and chapter comments. P.S Chapter length- 1500-2500 words Release schedule -3-5 chapters/week I don't own the cover

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48 Chs

Dealing with the Huang Clan

Southern Phoenix City, Ling Clan

The atmosphere in the Ling clan was suffocating, there was a lingering air of death around it.

The Ling Clan Head who usually looked stern seemed to look a lot smaller, there were traces of white in his hair.

The Ling clan leader seemed to have aged 30 years in the last 7 days.

He asked in a heavy voice.

"How are the city lord estate and Bei clan responding to our requests"

"Patriarch they are giving us no face at all, in fact looking at them even a fool can tell they are taking pleasure in our misfortune"

The Clan head slammed the nearby desk in anger, even though the result was not surprising at all.

"F*** them all, these petty bastards are abandoning their responsibility"


The Huang clan people had already investigated everything from the lackeys, as well from the city populace so they attacked without waiting or speaking any more nonsense.

In half an hour the Ling clan had turned into an area of death.

No signs of life could be found from it.

Suddenly an old man approached them, it was grandpa Nie.

"Greeting lords " Saying that he passed them a piece of paper.

"I am from the city lord estate, these are the locations where Ling clan had hidden its backup offsprings and people. They mostly included women and children, but also the talented geniuses of the clan"

Huang Fan turned to look at the elders behind him, without needing to say anything they fiercely went towards to finish the hidden Ling courtyard.

"Lord's, now that you are here why don't you stay at our estate before you take your leave"

"Alright We the Huang clan will remember this favor"

Huang Fan was aware of Long Aotian matters but he did not take it to heart.

Also, he was quite curious about Long Chen he has heard a lot about him in the city, and also through his spies.

The news about him defeating Huang Peng had shocked even the imperial city.

Although normally he would be hostile towards someone who used his son as a stepping stone. Long Chen was an incredible genius, befriending him would only bring along some benefits.

Especially now that he has lost such an important card in the form of his son.

The Huang Clan people were received very warmly, but there was no flattery involved, Long Aotian personally welcomed them.

That night Long Aotian arranged a banquet for everyone.

Huang Fan was deeply impressed by Long Chen's bearing who radiated a noble bearing about him. Long Chen spoke to him calmly, even most youths at the imperial city were not capable of that. His talents aside just this were enough to leave an impression on him.

Throughout the banquet, no one brought Huang Peng up as if they had a tactic agreement about that.

After a pleasant conversation, they left the next morning.

"Son even I feel like bowing down to you in admiration, I feel like we can convert him into ally"

"Yes he is a sharp guy with a broad mind, we can certainly do businesses with him"

"Father, I have to ask you a question, do you have ambition for the throne?"

Long Aotian got stumped when he heard that question.

Taking a breath he looked straight at his son.

"Yes as any man I would love to get the throne, but I have desires which are far more important."

"Then it's settled since this sham of a dynasty schemed against you, then there is no need for it to exist any longer"

Long Chen spoke with unbridled arrogance and conviction.

If this statement was heard by someone else they would think it's an idiot, who doesn't know the immensity of heaven and earth.

Long Chen picked up an alcohol jar and went to the back of his courtyard gazing at the moon.

All of it reflecting in the lake beside his courtyard.

Long Chen relaxed all his worries and just browsed through everything that happened.

Long Chen suddenly started staring at his hands.

The power struggle for the throne may cost him his life, but he will go through it.

Even if he perishes, he will have no regrets, he will give it all and this is just the starting point of his grand ambitions.

He could keep a lower profile, and come into the picture after he has cultivated to a certain level but he disliked this route.

For one it will make him miss all the fun adventures, but it will also make it very hard for him to build any influence and pull people to his side.

Without influence, he can't accumulate people on his side.

Also, a sudden change in strength that is too drastic, will make people unite against him, driven by greed.

So he firmly believes his route is the best one, not just for the outcome but also for his preference.

Although Long Chen has thick skin, he is still a little embarrassed to admit that he is absolutely loving all the glory and fame he is receiving.

'Feeling my vanity stroked is certainly a wondrous feeling.

Feelings huh they are pretty.

Whether I reign supreme eternally or turn into dust I will certainly leave my legacy.

Dancing with Deities, playing with the Gods, and drinking with Angels.

Skysdawn continent is just the first part.

"Patriarch what do you think of this kid"

"He is definitely exceptionally talented and has a great chance of reaching soul transformation"

The elders were shocked at how highly their patriarch valued Long Chen.

You have to know that stepping into Soul Transformation for incredibly difficult. The number of people stuck at the top of the essence gathering was a lot.

"Hmph but he is too damn arrogant, how can he talk to you like you are his equal"

Chimed the other expert.

Some elders nodded in agreement, but the clan head kept the faint smile on his face not replying.

Soon 2 more days passed and it was the day before the opening of the nether realm.

Long Chen broke through the 7th realm of qi condensation.

Considering the fact there was no more spirit spring, and Long Chen had been focusing on stabilizing his foundation, it was only natural that his cultivation speed was somewhat slower.

Although if other people knew of Long Chen's thoughts, they would beat him to death cause Long Chen's cultivation speed could be called historical in the continent of Skydawn, to say the least.

Long Chen received a personal invitation to meet with someone today.

In the afternoon he took off alone discreetly, without alerting anyone, only the people closest to him knew where he was going.

His destination was the four seasons restaurant, which is the biggest restaurant in Southern Phoenix City.

It has an essence gathering realm cultivator at its helm, so thugs don't dare to make trouble here.

At the entrance, Long Chen could see the 10 storey building.

It had multicolored tiles on different floors depicting the change in seasons.

At the entrance, there was an inconspicuous man standing, who seems to be waiting for someone.

Long Chen just stood in front of the man, who was totally mute, and he upon identifying Long Chen ushered him to the top floor.

Long Chen entered the top floor, which was the most luxurious and expensive floor of the entire restaurant.

"Young Master please get inside, the boss is waiting for you, and don't worry nobody is in there except him. We are engaging the imperial city's spies nobody can privy to your meeting"

Long Chen nodded and proceeded into the room.

'This guy sure knows a lot, probably the boss's right-hand man'

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