
Tales of The Celestial Prince

These tales are of Aurel, a young celestial prince, and his journey full of adorable antics both memorable and loved. The many enthusiastic Gods, cultures, temples, and shrines he meets, the various threats he faces in his ventures. As ancient threats loom behind closed curtains, playing the strings of fate both worldly or otherwise, how will precious Aurel fare against them? ___________________ *MUST READ* Novel Status: Paused At The Moment General Status: Revision In Process Revision Details: I've spent years of my life on this novel, and through doing so I gained quite a bit of experience, however, now I desire to perfect and improve my art or rather my novel I've dedicated a handful of years on. While I've been fortunate enough to gain a handful of feedback, all of which I truly appreciate and ask that anyone who wishes it provides the same. Be it criticism, constructive feedback, or simply plot holes I may have missed, I wish to take it all in strides. As for The Novel itself, I will never abandon it. It's beyond precious to me so in my next revision I will keep many of the same characters, and try my very best to improve and rewrite scenes and explanations the best I can. For those who actually read this, thank you and I aspire to entertain you all alongside myself for as long as allowed. ___________________ Daily Chapters: Two chapters [One during slowdown] Chapter Publishing Times: 12:00 AM EST [00:00 EST] Author Status: Alive P.S: The New Cover Art is Rory! ___________________ Have any questions? Join my official discord below! Discord: https://discord.gg/2vEWGManyS ___________________ For all intents and purposes, this novel does 'not' feature real names, individuals, events, or politics, it is a work of fantasy and is intended as such. This work contains borderline mature content, hints, and otherwise, and is often greatly influenced by anime and other forms of literature. To be 'completely' honest it's hard to assume what others believe to be borderline mature content or not so do with this information as you may! The beginning is much as to be expected while later chapters are indeed quite interesting as I try my very best to add unique names, concepts, and systems. ___________________ COPYRIGHT 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Wakeless · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
334 Chs

Continuation IV Balance Backlash II

Causing her to gently feel his forehead while as everyone's focus was now on the young prince especially Laurel's after Aldra had wrapped her arms around her long-wished-for twin!

And after an hour had finally passed Laurel had whispered everything she knew into Aldra's ear.

Along with the fact that he had been acting strangely after returning from a survival course of some kind?

The young prince did tell Laurel quite a bit but not in full detail! To put it simply it was simply the traumas he had experienced that no child should have truly experienced.

And what was worse much like his connection to both Iva, and Stella she also had one as well! But only the emotional aspect and since they were practically twins? However, that was it as far as she had known!

And whenever someone brings up Training, Survival, Priestess, or Temple his emotions are quite intense and overwhelming, to say the least.

As if these keywords terrified him? Unfortunately he never truly confronted these thoughts and refused to speak to anyone else about them.

Outside of Amber and even then he simply didn't say much and after informing Aldra of this through whispers to then hesitantly bury her head into her cheat.

While Aldra after hearing this immediately came to the realization that her sweetest baby prince had symptoms of PTSD and simply attempted to hide it which he had done surprisingly well the majority of the time until he simply couldn't bear it..

Causing Aldra to then gently become teary and informing Bradley, Marjorie, Selphie, Silas, and even Noel since despite appearances was still her little sister and someone mature enough to understand such things surprising everyone.

Causing Selphie having suspected it for a time to then adorably become teary.

"I-I couldn't say no to my precious celestial teddy bear.. s-so when he asked to go through a similar survival training as both his mommy and big sister Noel.. I couldn't refuse! If I had known those bullies would have pulled this I would've sealed it sooner!"

"He wanted to experience it without cheating or my help.. so much so because neither of you relied on it either? But it was my fault! He's still a baby and I should've told him no!"

Selphie tearily confessed causing everyone to then gently shake their heads having realized he might have suffered worse if he had chosen someone else besides Selphie.

Along with the fact his adorable antics would have found a way into such things and might not have told anyone if it wasn't for him knowing Selphie had known?

Meaning this was in fact the safest choice causing Aldra to then gently shake her head once more.

"I'd imagine no one can truly blame you knowing how convincing our sweetest Aurel truly is? So you needn't worry, as for his symptoms I believe such things should be the immediate focus after his recovery?"

"As for the other matters? Laurel is no doubt my daughter and my sweet prince's twin.

I'd imagine Rory and the others would no doubt be quite excited to hear such a thing?"

Aldra gently reassured before then looking to both the unconscious young prince and Laurel before then gently smiling causing Bradley, Marjorie, Noel, and Selphie to then gently nod however soon enough the hour had completely passed.

Resulting in the young prince's pain finally ceasing and his magic illnesses to then immediately disperse leaving only Overactive Mana and Mana Exhaustion as if reparations for the added suffering.

Which ordinarily wouldn't have been allowed unless he had become a Legendary Realm? Plus in addition to this he had such progress sealed meaning it shouldn't have acted as if it wasn't meaning the balance itself had been corrupted?!

The balance wasn't in fact a being but a sentient force that simply works like an automatic system and rarely had to be sentient but with such corruption and the targeting of a single individual favored by so many gods, it simply couldn't allow such a thing!

Out of all of existence, nothing like this had happened unless conveyed by Lady Fate which she hadn't in fact done let alone the severity of such an act.

For a mere moment, the balance was used as a weapon, something that should have been impossible!

Meaning the suspicion was that Lady Fate had taken the loopholes to disguise such things so it wouldn't wake up its sentience until it was too late?

Resulting in the balance itself both removing such loopholes and suspending her or barring whoever had unnecessary access, permissions, and rights until a proper punishment was handed out.

Be it repercussions directly aimed at Lady Fate herself.

The entity responsible, and the removal of many fates be it death or otherwise to stabilize such balance because what had been done was simply far too damaging and the repercussions of meddling in such a way were simply unforgivable.

The Balance was just that, it wasn't a god, a person, or anything even known? It was the balance first and last and it carried no bias, hate, or any real emotion really resulting in it being the fairest and something above that of Lady Fate.

Meaning even she wasn't immune at least that was only if she hadn't played a part?

Resulting in the balance now being made known of such actions and to stabilize the balance over time, and if needed to offer unknown reparations and prevent Lady Fate or anyone else for that matter from interfering with the fate of such a child.

Despite seeming outlandish was simply a security measure since the balance itself knew what Lady Fate wouldn't and to ensure the permanent balance remained the balance did so.

However it saw fit perhaps better than even a god since there wasn't any favoritism and it was quite all-knowing in many aspects, things gods were fully capable of after a certain point but never truly used.

Resulting in it allowing the young prince to finally wake up albeit barely since after all despite no longer being forced to suffer such a way still had residuals and damage from such things meaning the remnants of such suffering still remained.

Even if it was barely noticeable than before in the addition to blood loss.. he vomited so much blood that it filled a bucket to the brim! Of course, that wouldn't be good!

Before then immediately feeling a cold liquid going down his throat, Holly had been feeding him several specialized potions coupled with that of advanced healing spells resulting in such pains easing even more.

And the potions to then steadily return his strength.

Albeit he was still incredibly sleepy and could barely open his eyes while finally reverting into his normal form causing him to then try his best to open his eyes before then looking to everyone before then finally realizing he had been holding mommy Marjorie's tail.

"I-I'm sorry mommy Marjorie.. mommy's tail is the softest.. big sister Audree's tail is soft too? Elisabet and Audree are so cute.. Aurel loves tails? And Aurel loves Aubrey? Aubrey is the prettiest Wood Elf!"

"Elyris has a tail too? Brown Tailed Inari are so cute! So is Lady Frostma and Bona? Bona is scary but.. Aurel likes scary? Aurel blames bully daddy! And Lady Laphine is cute too but she cut off Aurel's arm.. but Aurel forgives her?"

"And Vulpes is a good big brother? Lady Vina is a good big sister too? But Aurel is still a bully.. Aurel failed and didn't think about the story. So many pretty priestesses didn't need to die.. "

The young prince weakly rambled before then simply continuing where he had left off without a moment's notice as if on a mission.

"But Aurel learned about the story so Aurel can be better and not be a bully and hurt victims.. The Vares Family were really the worst bullies.. Aurel will let Lady Vina have bully.. but not Vares Family.."

"I don't like The Vestial Empire.. worst than bully Dark Elves but they don't have big sister Amelia so Aurel doesn't care about Vestial bullies? Or stupid Lightning Eagles.."

"And Aurel doesn't like Wood Elves for helping Dark Elves bully Void Elves.. but they have big sister Audree? Aurel won't let bullies have their way.. so Aurel wants to reveal history? No more hiding truth.. no sparing bullies at the cost of the innocent.."

The young prince weakly rambled further which in truth was simply him being surprisingly delirious.

He was simply that sleepy! And he was also surprisingly happy carefully holding onto Marjorie's tail having loved his Feless Mommy so much!

Surprising everyone by his thoughts which in truth was most likely said out loud because to put it simply thinking at the moment was far more painful.

Meaning being in such a sleepy yet delirious state and randomly mumbling his thoughts was the best thing he could do to stay awake and prevent such pain.

Causing Silas to then helplessly smile and Selphie to then helplessly pout.

"Lady Laphine was my Priestess.. she was a head priestess assigned to a certain project rather than that of a temple. I can't say more.. only that my celestial teddy bear completed the secret project and took control of its outcome and everything involved?"

"If the truth is ever revealed I'll ensure that it'll be made known that it was me who had instructed him to do so and shield my celestial teddy bear!"

Selphie adorably proclaimed surprising everyone after hearing something about a project while as Silas having known of it and had surprisingly just now received a message from Lady Liphane to then playfully nod.

Before then taking several steps back revealing that of Vinia.

Surprising Selphie and causing Vinia to then look to everyone before then noticing Aldra and Bradley before then gently bowing.

"Lady Selphine, Celestial King Bradley Vale, Celestial Queen of The Elves Aldra Elfin Vale, High Queen Marjorie Feless Vale, Crown Princess Noel Elfin, Grand Priestess of Celestia Holly Vale, and Lord.. Silvanus.. I pay you all greetings"

"I am Queen Ravinia Senex Queen of The Holy Senex, now sister to The Queen of Senex and Servant of The First Holy Prince of The Temple of Selphine, I apologize for my untimely arrival, however, I'm afraid such matters are sensitive and unable to be truly spoken at the moment?"

"Lady Selphine, Celestia, Aurora, and Liphine had already discussed such a matter; however until he's fully awake and reveals such things I must ask that such a topic isn't brought up unless revealed by Lady Selphine?"

Vinia gently explained.

"And I do hope this isn't inappropriate, however, Queens Aldra, Marjorie, and Celestial King Bradley.. I must thank you for raising such a gentle and understanding child, for all intents and purposes he's.. I'd imagine what one would call a good boy without the use of sarcasm?"

Vinia gently added having in truth wished to display something other than she did for the young prince for obvious reasons.

Those were his parents and both Lady Selphine and Lord Silvanus were present.

So, of course, she'd abuse her utmost niceties and display her utter best behavior to display her intentions and ensure she was in fact 'his' servant and no one else's even if it was through sheer subtly?

Surprising everyone once more causing both Marjorie and Aldra to proudly nod while Bradley couldn't help but proudly smile that his precious baby prince had so many companions! And some were Queens no less?!

Causing Noel to then adorably pout wanting to know more while Selphie adorably did so since she wanted to bring Vinia at a later time and surprise her baby holy prince.

All the while for Silas, Vinia's appearance had immediately confirmed what that project was!

Of course he had already known this but to finally see it.. he was simply happy beyond words! Sad that he couldn't pop up and suppress that priestess in the efforts of showing off, but that didn't matter!

Causing him to then playfully become teary before then patting Bradley's shoulder with a playfully proud expression.

"To think our precious Aurel would already have a Queen as his companion! I'm so proud of him!"

"Even Lady Liphane asked to send her apologies! So precious! Thinking of precious! Lady Ravinia what are your thoughts on our precious prince? Thoughts on marriage?!"

Silas playfully teased causing Bradley to then helplessly smile.

And Vinia to then gently frown but not only Vinia but Selphie, Aldra, Marjorie, Noel, along with both Jade and Mora before then looking to each other and simply laughing their hearts out!

All the while moments later Vinia couldn't help but gently shake her head.

"Celestial Prince Aurelius Elfin Vale.. is indeed a good boy? He's quite agreeable, generous, and even kind. Even if he's only but a child he's both a talented negotiator and has a surprisingly brilliant mind for a child his age?"

"To put it simply, without his assistance and title of The First Holy Prince of The Elves I would've died in a mere ten years' time? Even less for poor Vailan? From what I've learned her cacoon was in fact kicked around during her birth"

"Which is truly unfortunate so if any of you ever have the honor of meeting poor Lady Vailan please be patient, for all intents and purposes she's an idiot! Thankfully her immortal lifespan has returned so she needn't worry about dying in a mere ten weeks, while as for myself.."

Vinia gently explained before then helplessly pausing and continuing where she left off.

"My birth was a mistake and fate hoped to extinguish my flame while slowly decaying both my mana and body and forcing me to that of a mere Low-Level Legendary Mage and perhaps something even more insignificant over time?"

"For all intents and purposes, he had saved me from such a fate and earned both my companionship and even more?"

"As for the talks of marriage.. I am not interested in 'children', if that wasn't the case I'd still have to focus on my own self-interest. And unlike other queens of the many greater races, I don't have ten millennia to sort out my interest.."

Vinia gently explained further surprising everyone albeit not the children aspect because everyone knew that was simply a joke and no would other than Noel who was exempted from it, but only in 'some' ways would ever do such a thing.