
Tales of The Celestial Prince

These tales are of Aurel, a young celestial prince, and his journey full of adorable antics both memorable and loved. The many enthusiastic Gods, cultures, temples, and shrines he meets, the various threats he faces in his ventures. As ancient threats loom behind closed curtains, playing the strings of fate both worldly or otherwise, how will precious Aurel fare against them? ___________________ *MUST READ* Novel Status: Paused At The Moment General Status: Revision In Process Revision Details: I've spent years of my life on this novel, and through doing so I gained quite a bit of experience, however, now I desire to perfect and improve my art or rather my novel I've dedicated a handful of years on. While I've been fortunate enough to gain a handful of feedback, all of which I truly appreciate and ask that anyone who wishes it provides the same. Be it criticism, constructive feedback, or simply plot holes I may have missed, I wish to take it all in strides. As for The Novel itself, I will never abandon it. It's beyond precious to me so in my next revision I will keep many of the same characters, and try my very best to improve and rewrite scenes and explanations the best I can. For those who actually read this, thank you and I aspire to entertain you all alongside myself for as long as allowed. ___________________ Daily Chapters: Two chapters [One during slowdown] Chapter Publishing Times: 12:00 AM EST [00:00 EST] Author Status: Alive P.S: The New Cover Art is Rory! ___________________ Have any questions? Join my official discord below! Discord: https://discord.gg/2vEWGManyS ___________________ For all intents and purposes, this novel does 'not' feature real names, individuals, events, or politics, it is a work of fantasy and is intended as such. This work contains borderline mature content, hints, and otherwise, and is often greatly influenced by anime and other forms of literature. To be 'completely' honest it's hard to assume what others believe to be borderline mature content or not so do with this information as you may! The beginning is much as to be expected while later chapters are indeed quite interesting as I try my very best to add unique names, concepts, and systems. ___________________ COPYRIGHT 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Wakeless · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
334 Chs

After Action III A Kind Drusilla

Resulting in that keeping both Aldra's and Kethyllia's minds off of it for a moment while the other mommies were still worried, it was their baby prince's birthday week and they didn't wish to take away from his happiness.

All the while back with the young prince he had soon stumbled upon Drusilla in the hallway. Albeit ran into her, before then tearily hugging her having realized it was Drusilla surprising her before then quickly being cut off.

"Master Drusilla? I've missed you so much! I'm so sorry for being a bully disciple! Gods and the balance are bullies so I couldn't visit big sister until I recovered. But now no one wants to tell me what happened or what happened to my legion, not even my besties! And It hurts big sister.."

"Ayla's potion helped my bloodline aspects but now I'm sad and I'm scared! Am I a bad boy? Did I upset sisters? I want to know that my legion is safe and that no one's hiding so much from me.."

The young prince gently cried, to put it simply when he saw Drusilla he couldn't help but return to the character he was on the first day of his birthday, meaning much clearer sentences and obvious lack of stutters.

Causing Drusilla after a curious pause to absorb all of that information to then playfully lean down.

"First things first my dearest disciple, breathe. Now let's conquer this list together, starting from the bottom? Let's see, from what I can assume you may or may not have consumed a 'questionable' potion that despite healing your what matters, still left you in a hormonal mess"

"That's one I suppose? While if I could truly make an educated guess, I assume they wish to make your life easier by resolving those unknown matters while you recover, as to relieve you of unnecessary stress. While as for those besties of your's and that of your legion, they would no doubt carry the same sentiment if not even more so"

"And it's natural to be scared and confused, my dearest disciple, experiencing these things all at once is only reasonable. While as for the gods and the balance, I agree they are indeed brats most instances however they still have a purpose no matter how ridiculous this may truly sound. What are your thoughts, your majesty?"

Drusilla explained, before then ultimately pointing out Bradley so he could jump in, surprising the now reassured young prince and causing Bradley to warmly nod.

"I couldn't have said it better myself, Ambassador Drusillas. Please forgive me my most precious Aurel, I take complete responsibility for hiding such things so please don't be upset with the others. We all feared the implications of such stress affecting your bloodline aspects even further"

"While we were also unaware of the after effects of such a potion, however that's still no excuse. As a father I should have always kept an eye on such things, I'm truly sorry for not seeing it earlier"

"While I'm afraid I can no longer hide such things, the others believed waiting was for the best however pain is still pain no matter how anyone else sees it. Your garrison that had previously protected that unknown temple in The Forbidden Forest had lost their lives"

"Aurea had discovered such a scene and couldn't forgive herself while wishing to hide it from you until you completely recovered, as did the others and myself. We feared the trauma from that of your survival training may have reopened your wounds. I'm truly sorry my most precious prince"

Bradley guiltily apologize, surprising the young prince and even Drusilla albeit slightly while she didn't truly show it, causing the young prince after realizing daddy was right to hesitantly nod all the while causing Jade to guiltily nod as well.

"I'm so sorry bestie! I shouldn't have agreed to it, but I worried for my bestie. I know my bestie still blames himself for what happened in that temple! But that's no excuse! I'll never hide anything from my bestie again! Even if Aurea asks me! You're my bestie!"

Jade worriedly apologized, causing the young prince to then hesitantly nod once more before then sending a mental message to both of his Sentinel Mages.

Not to confuse them with mage sentinels who sense magic and disturbances rather the godly sentinel equivalent of a mage revealing that of two secret bodyguards that he had told no one about.

Not even Jade or Selphie while his seven or so invisible guards hadn't known either resulting in a surprise of a lifetime.

They wore Heavy Ornate Starlight Silver Armors that sparkled as if fairies while their robes were that of the same.

While covered in waves of forgotten Divine Artisan Runes, Inscriptions, Magewreaths and silver anti magic crystals that blended in with the armor itself.

Both were male wore fully enclosed helmets that resembled that of ancient elven royal guards and temple guards of Selphine while wielding two mage sentinel spears of the same classification.

All of which was covered in a strange fusion of insignias representing the sentinels of the Holy Prince and that of The First Prince of The Elves.

While for all intents and purposes they were dragons, as displayed by their tails and wings that matched that of their armor.

Both of whom were also within The Heavenly Realm, while to put it simply the heavenly realm was that of the mysterious realm beyond that of The Sacred Realm that Godlings were born in.

Unfortunately such a realm couldn't compare to the gods.

While no one ever speaks of such a realm, perhaps for it to remain a secret within later generations? Unfortunately for them Lady Frostmas wasn't going to take any chances as she neared that of a status of a demigod.

While her case was an exception, only those of the first dragons hadn't had the limiter.

While aspects of any kind were also within the heavenly realm, however due to later generations the heavenly realm was wrongly considered semi-demigod status.

Which in itself wasn't true but no one ever bothered to truly correct them.

Causing both Bradley and Drusilla having known of such a realm primarily because both Kassandra and Klarine.

And even Avery had already achieved such a feat to curiously pause while the young prince worriedly looked to both before then adorably shushing both Bradley and Drusilla.

To put it simply Jade had informed Aurea resulting in the secret being out and resulting in Aurea no longer blocking her connection.

Resulting in the memories quickly being sent back and forth as they had done before to put it simply Aurea missed it!

She hated hiding it! And chances were she wouldn't repeat such a thing again. Causing the young prince who now knew everything to adorably look to both his Sential Mages.

"Ark, Nexus, please 'detain' both infiltrators and conspirators. If anyone attempts to prevent you from following your duties, cripple them. Capture and detain any or all Blight Spirits of unknown origins and those of whom who aren't already in custody"

"Investigate any or all affiliations with that of Overlord Aumara, Malik, and that of The Celestial Creed. While your second objective is to connect the dots and spies within the ranks of The Royal Guard, Temple Guards, and Celestial Hand"

"The same will apply to that of the big three, while also investigating The Kingdom of Mina. Ensure that my magic incarnations have an escape in the scenario they may be blocked from doing so"

"They can keep what they stole but those incarnations are mine. You have three days, Master Frostma told me you could do it in one. And please be safe big brothers"

The young prince softly conveyed. Causing both Ark and Nexus to formally bow before then once again hiding their essence and disappearing causing the young prince to then adorably sigh.

"I'm sorry daddy, Master Drusilla. It's a secret and commanding them is hard! Master Frostma told Aurel with time the knowledge and what she taught me would cement itself? But I'm still a baby! Advanced and forgotten knowledge is scary! Master Frostma isn't from this era so It's confusing!"

"I still don't understand or know how to use this knowledge, Master Frostma compared it to skipping basics and starting at advanced section, I don't know what that means!"

"Every time I imagine Master Frostma I have to speak like this, and Master Frostma told me to be patient and learn the basics. Master Frostma is the smartest and a perfect teacher but she's scary!"

The young prince softly rambled, having simply wished to explain it all at once without wanting to talk about his scary secret guards Master Frostma gave him.

Causing Drusilla to smile in amusement while Bradley proudly nodded.

Before then helplessly sending mental messages to the highlords and that of Kethyllia and other Queens attending and vaguely explaining it all just in case other bystanders are crippled for interfering.

Of course, chances are outside of some unknowing recruits one simply wouldn't, if one of the young prince's guardians appeared it could easily be guessed as to why.

The Heavenly Realm wasn't a joke after all while their insignias and starlight silver armors, weaponry, dragon tail, and intimidating wings showcased just that.

Causing Bradley to warmly caress the young prince's face.

"If that's truly the case, I believe Master Drusilla would no doubt have a few tricks up her sleeve, my most precious prince? If anything else, Drusilla is indeed qualified if not even more so if not for her unwillingness to teach others"

"When my father took me after an.. unfortunate incident, to visit his mother in The Draconian Empire, she gave me many tips and greatly improved my magic. I truly miss her, if you were to ever visit The Draconian Empire chances are she'd be waiting. She still sends letters on occasion?"

"However, from what I learned in those days, a wise Imperial Princess of The Draconian Empire and The Daughter of The First Empress of The Draconian Empire is someone who is unrestrained both in their limits and their wisdom"

"From what I hear many including her sisters had asked to become her disciples before then ultimately being rejected"

Bradley warmly explained, surprising the young prince having wanted to meet daddy's father's mommy!

All the while causing Drusilla to instinctively sigh having also been in contact with his father's mother, or rather simply her older sister, albeit only by a decade?

She was the one who rejected becoming an ambassador and instead recommended her, resulting in Drusilla being forced to read her letters as well having been an Ambassador for what felt like hundreds of years.

For all intents and purposes it was common for rulers of The Continent of The Gods to wait hundreds if not thousands of years until having children. Queen Kethyllia had done the same after all.

While she still couldn't understand why Bradley simply called her sister his father's mother.

Her name was Morgan and she was an Elder Imperial Princess of The Draconian Empire and that scandal involving Virum's 'father' while Morgan had ultimately ignored her child's existence for the longest time was huge.

Thankfully it sorted itself out while Virum's father after giving up the throne got what he deserved or rather simply torn apart and probably eaten by a Serpentess if Morgan had her way, which was probably the case.

She had lots of friends, many of whom were Serpentesses so that wasn't ruled out.

Causing Drusilla after having remembered that mess to ultimately recollect her thoughts.

"Flattery means very little when you no longer require it. And I wouldn't want any of my sisters to become my disciples, they're all bratty. While my dearest elder sister or rather your favorite 'mommy' Morgan as you like to call her would no doubt shed a tear after she hears you calling her your father's mother?"

"She has already lived for several millennia, and you being a Celestial King or Emperor means very little outside of her being proud of her sweet baby prince"

"She was The Queen of The Blackreach for a two millenniums after all before then giving it up to Gora, there's a reason why both you and Gora's Fiance were allowed to do as you wish"

"Including our favorite isolationist little 'sister' Nuri, you should really send my little sister a letter, she wish to make you aware of that eventful night-"

Drusilla explained, before then finally being cut off causing Bradley to then freeze before then warmly kissing the young prince's cheek and reassuring him via mental message.

Before then abruptly making his exit having seemingly realized he was fighting a losing battle as of late?

Greatly confusing the young prince while both Jade and Celes laughed their hearts out, all the Drusilla victoriously nodded.