
Chapter 34

"So I can probably break it" Soaryn said with a look of certainty. With that he pulled back his fist and slammed it into the door, There was a metallic clang but the door didnt budge, he tried again again but no matter how hard he tried it didnt work.

"Great now what" Aerd sighed as he slid down the wall he was leaning against.

"Im not sure" Soaryn said cradling his hand that was not swelling do to the pain it was in. Sitting

Meanwhile back in the royal palace Ulelinn, Raethien, Zaenia, Gwendolyn were sitting in Ulelinn and Gwendolyn's chambers. As they were talking about what happened to Aerd, Soaryn, and Mr. Meowkins. The four of them heard a clanging from under the floor. Then suddenly the clanging stopped and there was an awkward silence.

Ten minutes later Then as Ulelinn said his brother's name a sword jumped out of the floor between his legs and almost cutting open his nose. As the sword sank the rest of the people watched as the normally calm Ulelinn start sweating and getting pale. After that the sword came back up a few feet away from them. It slowly sawed through the Wooden floor in the shape of a circle. Once the circle collapsed Soaryn peeked his head out and was met with Ulelinn's boot. As Soaryn saw the boot coming towards him he ducked down out of the way and just as Aerd peered his head through the hole. When the boot collided with Aerd's face he was thrown back down into the hole. When Ulelinn realized who he had just hit. He help pulled lift Aerd out of the floor while Satyros who was still in human form hopped out of the hole and was followed by Soaryn pulling himself out of the hole he had just made. When Gwendoline saw Satyros come out of the hole she yelled for the guards. Soon Satyros was in chains and surrounded by spears.

"Hey stop that is our shapeshifter", Soaryn yelled at the guards.

The guards stopped and looked to the group for confirmation. Aerd vouched for Satyros and with that the guards stopped and released Satyros. After being released she returned to his panther form.

After that misunderstanding had been cleared up the group finally saw the shape Aerd was in.