
Tales of Random Enchanting

After a failed and stupid experiment with some geometrical shapes that looked suspiciously like some magic circle, and thanks to the dying determination of a summoner, Max was brought to the depths of a dungeon in another world. Magic, monsters, humans, gods and demons.....death and life, all intertwined by destiny in it's intricate web of occurrences to be a pain in his ass.

SilentTreatment · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs



The summoning process was finally over as the smell of ozone and charred flesh filled the place, but that was the least of it as a human wearing nothing besides black shorts, a white tank top, and a pair of worn sneakers appeared.

"Uhhhh...." voiced the young man as he got of from his seated position, but that was a mistake as the motion sickness coupled with the horrible stench of the place made him vomit his lunch, a pepperoni pizza. This lasted for about ten seconds as the man regained his senses, only to be horrified at the sight before him.

" .....

A dim place filled with the bodies of people, and something else that looked inhuman. Blood soaked the floor along with his sneakers. It seemed he wasn't home az the strange clothes the bodies were wearing, or armor to be exact, one that seemed to come from medevial times. It was hard to wrap up his head around this, but a low grunting made him jump in fear. His heart beat the fastest it had ever beaten and his hair's stood on end as he saw the humanoid thing cut in two move. It's eyes still blinked with hatred as it looked at Max's feet.

"The fuck is this shit?!" muttered Max in a trembling voice he hadn't yet noticed. The thing in front of him was supposed to be dead as it's wounds were beyond fatal for anything, but the thing still lived. 


As the thing gave a sound from it's bloody mouth, the only thing Max could think was the same when he saw a cockroach, killing it. So, after surveying the place around him for a while he saw that the dead bodies had weapons near them, two swords, a shield ,a hammer , a small glaive, and a dagger besides a pile of clothes on the floor. Max could somewhat understand the origin of the swords and shield, but the dagger and robe made him scratch his head.

'Did someone remove their clothes here.... but for what purpose. It doesn't make any sense.' thought Max as he noticed the thing once again staring at him.' This thing.....

With his resolve now steeled Max took the glaive from the severed half of the monster and readied himself, but  after some contemplating he decided to take the safe route. From the time he used to smash watermelons in the summer as a kid he knew that some of its blood would splatter on his body, and he really didn't want to get infected with anything the thing had. So with a little hesitation he wore the robe which he found on the floor before getting ready once again.



The glaive fell on the things head , and with a crack that funnily sounded like splitting a watermelon, the glaive penetrated halfway the creatures head, blood splattering as predicted, The creature twitched for a couple of second's and then finally stopped moving.

"Is it over?" thought Max as he saw the now unmoving thing, but an illusion broke that train of thought.

You have slain the avatar of Gluttony and Rage

+ 1000 XP 

You have slain the embodiment of two sins 

+250 XP 

You have slain the avatar of two high demons. Obtaining Demons Mark.

Demons Mark: The mark will forever be engraved into your flesh and soul alerting demons and their followers of your relative location.

You have slain the avatar of two demons. Obtaining the title Demon Slayer.

Demon Slayer: You know the usual weakness of demons and can differentiate them easily. You know much about demon anatomy.

Four blue windows filled with black text filled his vision and when he read them he panicked. He either was hallucinating or tripping balls, or this was real. He couldn't disregard the possibility of going crazy all of a sudden, but as he didn't have any history of mental illness in his family, he didn't much believe that. Being on drugs that could make him this high was even less possible, and he didn't even want to think about the last option.

"Heh...hehehehehe, I'm fucked, totally fucked!"


About fifteen minutes passed as Max contemplated and thought about this situation, and discovered something else on the process.'Status' thought Max with a sinking feeling in his stomach, and the same information as before appeared. He once again read it as if to maybe convince himself he had made a mistake, but reality was not to his liking today.

Name: Maximilian Clark( Summoned Creature)

Level: 2

HP: 68/70

MP: 45/50

Class: N/A

Physique: 6

Vitality: 7

Soul: 3

Skills: 0

Inborn Talent: Enchanting Touch (A)

Titles: Demon Slayer; Demons Mark

"Sigh....so this is how it's going to be?" thought Max as he saw what could only be his status and understood the situation. He had somewhat been transported into a different universe after his ritual. He didn't think that drawing some geometrical shapes on the floor and mumbling stupid shit would have been so dangerous, or he never would have done it.

It was hard to wrap his head around it, but the adrenaline still coursing in his veins made him sane enough to function. He only hoped he wasn't really crazy and was smiling like an idiot in an insane asylum.

"Whatever...." said Max as he headed towards the door that had appeared on the wall. It looked like an ordinary wooden door but it didn't have a handle,and only when he approached it dit one appear. It was a magical sight that Max experimented with and found out the handle appeared only when his hand was about 15 cm away from it, and only when he had the intention to leave. This made him once again marvel at the sight, but he composed himself.

He took the dagger and sword, put them crudely in his newfound belt, and with a lukewarm prayer to whichever god would take pity on him to make him not die, he opened the door.

 With a click the handle pulled down, and Max quickly got out of the place. "Ughhh..." the new space he had arrived was to bright as it made him squint his eyes. It took a couple of second's for him to regain his full vision , but when he did, he was met with sparse dying trees, rocky terrain , and two heavily armored people holding large spears.

"Idan!" spoke one of them towards Max, and was meat with the usual. "Huhh...

"Idan!" once again repeated the man, but this time Max didn't say anything, and they immediately because angry and started to shout unknown words towards Max as they pointed spears towards him. When he saw this he immediately got on the ground and raised his hands still not saying a word. This situation continued for some time as Max could hear them shout to him as they were getting closer, but surprisingly he wasn't detained by them or killed, but someone pulled him up from the neck of his robe. What he saw wasn't an armored face, but the enchanting visage of a blonde beauty. He had lived for about 20 years , but he could count the times he had seen such a beauty with the fingers of his hand, and still have two or three left. Her short and slight curly hair, her deep greenish eyes and her small nose made him awed in a strange way that he didn't really like.