
Tales of Ragnarök

Inspired by Record of Ragnarok, what if the Land of Fairy Tales held a tournament for the fate of its mortals?

DaoistAiRx1i · Fantasi
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3 Chs

Tales of Ragnarok Chapter 2-Good or Evil

As the match was going on a God sat in the VIP Box alone. As he watched he drank something red from a wine glass.

It was the current Chairman of the Gods, Dracula!

Dracula-"Ah, so Sandman is actually going to use his Divine Weapon? A rare sight indeed." As he talked to himself someone else walked into the room.

Monster-"I've been waiting for centuries to see his Divine Weapon and it's just an Umbrella?"

Dracula-"Ah, I was wondering when you would make your appearance my friend! Take a closer look, that Umbrella is a truly fine weapon!" As he said this the Horseman had gotten of the ground and forced Sandman to jump back with a burst of flames. He shot several more balls of fire at the God, who responded by taking a fencing stance and grinning with a cocky smile. He ran forward and using the pointed end of his Umbrella he started rhythmically cutting through the volley of fire! He closed the distance before putting Headless on the backfoot with multiple rapid stabs, with the Horseman barely dodging without time to retaliate. Sandman suddenly kicked his foe straight in the knee. This caused him to lose his footing, which Sandman quickly took advantage of, going for a stab to the heart.

Sandman-"Rest. It ends here!"

Headless Horseman-"Not yet." The Horseman used Chained to Hell once more, using the remaining flames to form orange chains. This time Sandman easily cut through the attack and swiftly went back to attacking. The time Sandman took to destroy the chains barely allowed Headless the time to make a blade of flames on his right hand. He used it to fend off Sandman's stabs and slashes, but it was clear the Horseman was on the back foot.

Rumplestiltskin-"What a turnabout! By just summoning an umbrella Sandman turns around the entire fight!" While the mortals were shouting for the Headless Horseman to keep fighting they were losing hope. The Gods were shouting taunts saying things like "See that! Your puny champion can't hope to match a God!" "You can't beat our strongest dreamer!"

Sandman-"Aw, you all are too kind! Though wasn't there another name I was called what was it?" Then Sandman grinned toward the godly spectators with a smile that was somehow cocky and charming while still pushing his foe into a corner.

Sandman-"Ah I rember! It was the Dreamiest Dreamer, right ladies?" His fangirls could be heard screaming about how cool Sandman is. It was clear that Sandman was

Monster-"It's definitely not the strongest weapon but with his skill it's formidable. Why didn't he use it from the start? His foe is a human but this still is a death match."

Dracula-"Well, that's just the way he is. That man is incapable of taking things seriously. Some would tell you it's part of his charm."

Monster-"Why did he even agree to be here?" Upon being asked this question Dracula briefly thought back to when he told Sandman about Ragnarok.

Sandman-"I'll be fighting. Those creatures need to be crushed!" This was said in a tone Sandman had never used before or since.

Dracula-"Honestly, I'm still wondering that myself." On the other side of the arena, there was a much more dire conversation going on.

Dorthy-"This is looking real bad..."

Oz-"Don't worry, he's not fighting alone remember? The one he's fighting with is great at bringing about change!"

Sandman continued his relentless assault on the Headless Horseman. He had gotten glancing wounds, leaving several shallow cuts on the Horseman. His horse was still knocked out from Sandman's Dream Departure.

Sandman-"Is this all you can handle? What happened to the legendary Nightmare? You should just give in. No matter how you struggle Divine Justice can't be escaped from!"

Horseman-"Can't? So rigid. You should be more willing to change your views." As he said this the Jack-o-Lantern started to change. It changed from a burning orange pumpkin to one made of bones.

This caused the Horseman to have a weapon in his hands. Sandman was sent flying by the weapon before he could see what it was. As he was getting up the weapon was flung down at his head, despite being sent away from his foe the weapon still had the range to reach him. As he rolled out the way he was able to get up, but the attacks were too fast for him to properly block, forcing him to run around the arena to dodge. As he did he started cursing himself.

Sandman-'Damn it! I got so caught up in showboating I didn't think about why he was able to hurt me! The pumpkin is a Divine Weapon... where did he get it? I'm guessing it amplifies skills he already has based on what it looks like. Wait-" Sandman was broken out of his thoughts by noticing what the Horseman's new weapon was. It was a human spine repurposed into a whip.

Rumplestiltskin-"T-Talk about disturbing! The Horseman takes back the advantage with a human spine!"

Monster-"Damn why didn't I think of that? I've just been ripping them out and breaking them!"

Dracula-"Why would you even want one? It would probably break from the force you swung it at." In contrast to his fellow Gods Sandman was enraged.

Sandman-"You-you ripped out someone's spine just so you could have a new weapon?! That's the problem with humans, you all do horrible things to each other for awful reasons!"

Horseman-"Your words ring hollow. You are fighting so you and your fellow Gods can start a genocide" As he said this he swung the whip straight into Sandman's chest, knocking the God even further backwards.

Dorthey-"That's what I'm talking about! Even though Sandman's probably faster, with that reach it doesn't matter! He's got this in the bag!... Actually no. Let me guess, that God has-"

Oz-"another trick up his sleeve? Yes. Still, it shouldn't be much to worry about. He should be ready for any situation. For he has the spirit of Change and Destruction on his side!"

Before the Tournament

After agreeing to fight for the sake of humanity Oz had brought the Headless Horseman to a secret place, where the spirits of the 22 Major Arcana resided.

Oz-"Now, if you were to fight a God as you are you wouldn't be able to do any damage. Fortunately, I have a way for you to fight and damage a God. 22 spirits born from humanity's connected unconscious agreed to help us fight. If you are able to connect with one of these spirits your souls will entwine. You'll get a Divine Weapon that can hurt a God." The Horseman simply nodded(despite having no head). The spirits looked over him until one came to speak to him.

???-"You seem like you'd be a fit for Death but I've got a good feeling about you. Quick question, what are you?" The Horseman thought about this before giving his answer.

Horseman-"Earlier in my current exstince I would have told you I am death incarnate. That would be wrong. I'm a simple man who cheated death." The woman started laughing.

???-"Ok that settles it, I'll be you your partner. I'm Madeline, the 16th spirt! I'm the representation of the Tower arcana! Change and upheavel, that's what I'm all about! Let's make those Gods face a disaster so terrible they change how highly they think of themselves!" They shook hands and there spirts entwined, forming a Divine Weapon. It allowed the Horseman to have one of his powers or weapons at a time be able to harm a God. It's name?

Hallow Arms!

Back to the Fight

Sandman had figured out that the Jack-o-Lantern was what allowed the Horseman to harm him, so he tried to destroy it. Everytime he did he was forced back by the spinal whip. Eventually he dodged it and ran forward, getting close enough where the long range whip was impractical, or so he thought. The whip started to move like a snake, it was supernatural. It tried to wrap around Sandman, but he was able to keep it at bay with his umbrella. The Horseman then had the whip wrap around the umbrella before sending it flying out of the arena. He then swung the whip square at Sandman's chest, and it seemed the God had no way to defend himself. At the last second his umbrella simply reappeared in his hand. He opened it and blocked the force of the blow.

Sandman-"The dream of a world untainted by human violence, a world where humanity's cycles of violence and hatred end, that's what I fight for! For once I'm fighting for my own dream!"

Horseman-"Your "dream" is but a nightmare for humanity. In that case, I'll turn your dream into your own nightmare!"