
Tales of Passions, Destinies and Darkness Universe Lovecraft Desires

Tsuki was there to manipulate everyone, Gods, demons, and bring clans of werewolves, magical beings, peace between clans of vampires, creatures from the multiverse, in which he tried to prevent the future from happening, everything to discover a headquarters in his company, robbery attempts, alliances with hidden beings. In the midst of his missions, in which Tsuki ends up getting involved with old cults, heroes and villains, with the fact that he tries to change the future, he brings new beginnings to the city, trying to save the world, change the events of the future. Modifying events, engaging with new allies, between bringing business and new developments to the Delphos company, plus countless businesses he could use to bring growth to the town of Lovecraft County. Meanwhile, he becomes involved in a plan to change the future, with new alliances between ancient demons, in a growing relationship with an ancient enemy in a love quartet, between his former enemies, in a peace agreement with ancient beings that can destroy your land. , in a new beginning, he is trying and succeeding to create a way to change the future, to do business. Those who live in the middle of companies, businesses, parties and the city as far as the power of the supernatural growing in the town of Lovecraft County at that time, we have the wolf lords and the vampire lords at that time. All this happens between mysteries, relationships, stories of lives and daily life, between those who show their lives, their plots, between conspiracies, dreams and desires. Amidst the business of each entrepreneur, people who get involved with werewolves, that's when each of them got a precise answer on how to deal with their lovers, soul mates and the countless problems that arose with the city she had to manage.

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- He has a group of kiss-asses, who want to continue winning, but the city has nothing more to offer, they discovered gold, but there was no one to venture into the underground caves, among the coal to be mined, because the caves are unstable. - A lady said.

- For many years, there were landslides there in the caves, Williams was the voice of reason, he warned under the instability of the region, that there may be gas underground, sulphur can contaminate the soil and kill by the substances. - She said.

- Nobody listened... - He said.

- Young, selfish, and greedy people. - She said.

They were nice, if he didn't mention that their friends were gossips, or that the woman had trained a lot of people.

- Do you have a place to stay? - She questioned him. – I take care of an old inn; we don't have many visitors. - She said.

- No, I have a place to stay, in a house in the mountains on the east side. - He said.

- That's right, that's strange, it's been a long time since anyone has gone up the trail. - She said.

- Don't worry, I have to go up before it gets darker. - He said.

She had practically let him take free groceries with him, in a weird, nice lady...

- It's all right. - She said.

- Anything comes back here. - She said...

So he went along the trails, up the mountain, among the snow, where he heard the howling, which was closer, a cabin, as he walked, when he saw a pack of dogs among a shed, in the middle of the snow, a barn, it looked well maintained unlike the rest of the city.

He walked for more than 1 hour, until he reached his teacher's property, it was long enough to make him hungrier.

There in the distance when he turned a trail, he saw a child with little more than 10 years old, running through the snow, he saw her with white clothes among the snow hiding among the trees and bushes...

- Hey wait... - He said, seeing a child running alone, he ran towards him, when he turned right, he received a snowball on his face, with a happy laugh...

- Little pest. – He ran towards you., – Come back here…, but once, when she hid, throwing another snowball towards you, skidding, and falling in a snowdrift.

- Stew. - She said.

When he saw that from the entrance, he saw her hiding among dogs, laughing and crouching down.

- Hey wait. - He said, when more dogs came towards him, jumping on top of him, licking and smelling him.

More than twenty dogs received him, among them, there were puppies, there in the distance coming running jumping on him to his complete astonishment, it was a black dog it was a Doberman, far from a long tail...

- Happy ... – Tsuki said.

- Do you know, Happy? - She asked smiling, climbing on top of the dog, who sniffed and howled...

- Do you know, Emily? – He questioned her.

- Mom... - He said. - Come with me, she's waiting for you. - She said.

- Wait girl. - Before he ran after her, other dogs came to jump on top of him, when he ran ahead of him into the hut.

- So, where's your head of household, boy? – He was bigger since he left, he was just a puppy when Tsuki last saw him.

- Shall we go after the girl? - He invited the dog to accompany him into that hut,

The dogs retreated, they looked sad, Happy got up pulling him by the blouse with low ears, each one of them accompanied by some sad yelps and howls.

Farther away was a shed, among several small huts, with cupboards and a garage with a car tucked away in the back, in several small warehouses.

When he followed the dogs with his pack leader, Happy led the way trotting into the spacious cabin, the girl ran down the hall, hiding and going ahead, when he tried to catch her, but she for a child was fast, it was so, even if a little cramped, it looked more like a museum with lots of pictures.

It didn't look that well cared for, as if it hadn't been seen in a long time, nor had visitors, it was hot, with several dogs walking around the house, with dust on all the furniture around them, calling for Emily.

- Aunt Emily... - He called, when he was in the living room, he saw between the dim light of candles, almost thinking that something had happened to her..., when he heard a call from a farther echo in the back of the room. Hall.

He heard laughter and sniffles, the girls hid in another room, running away from him, in which the man tripped over a rag doll on the floor, when he would chase her, he heard the call of his teacher.

- Honey, I'm here in the library. – She said, like an echo. – Follow the corridor. - She said.

- You heard what your head of household said. - The man said, when the dog stretched its ears, bristled its hair, following with him, between howls.

- I'm coming, aunt. - He said.

At that hour, the library, when the rest of the house was as dusty as the rest, books and old notebooks on shelves, the place was lit by candles and torches.

So, at first looking around, he didn't see her, when he turned his face when he saw the moon through the dim light, showing the lady with opaque red hair almost losing its color, with a bun and thick glasses, a scarf, and a long dress, she was still thin.

The opaque pale lady was sitting at the back, in front of the table, with some books on the table, spread out and a thick notebook, in front of her on the table, it seemed that it was a mirror effect, of illusion, but she it was a little dull and pale..., the dog approached her, a little hesitantly, until he put his head on her knees, where she petted and petted him. – Good dog, Happy. – She said, receiving a groan and a howl.

- How long has it been, dear. - She said, without getting up.

- Who is the child? – He questioned her.

- Miracle, my youngest daughter. - She said.

- Ney, come and pick it up at the end of the week. - She said.

- Did you have a daughter, aunt? – He questioned her.

- She was the menopausal accident. - She said. - I'm too old to take care of a mischievous child. - She said. "He needs to go live with her brother on the other side of the mountain. - She said.

- Forgive a lady, for not getting up. - She said. – Lately, age has been taking its toll. - She said.

- All right, that's the effect of age. - He said, approaching her, leaving his backpack near the door, when he entered, going to sit in the armchair in front of the table in front of him. – Where is Uncle Williams? – He questioned her.

- As always hunting in the mountains, collecting firewood, and bringing supplies from the other side of the mountain. - She said. - He comes back later, at dawn. - She said.